Ptlls Lesson Plan Example Assignment

Ptlls Lesson Plan Example Assignment Words: 675

|Class |PTLLS Level 3 |Week |3 |Length |5 weeks | |Class Profile |Adult learners Level 3 | |Aims: |The aim of this session is to enable the students to demonstrate session planning skills. Core Curriculum Codes: | |Objectives: |At the end of this session, students should be able to: | | |Identify and propose solutions to challenges & barriers to learning | | |Discuss a range of learning environments | | |Discuss a range of resources to support learning | | |Identify purpose and structure of schemes of work and lesson plans | | |Explain how to write SMART aims and objectives | | |Produce a six-week scheme of work and a lesson plan for a 25 minute micro-teach | |Resources: |ICT, flip chart paper, pens, PowerPoint, scheme of work template & worked example; session plan template & worked example; model classroom | | |layouts; website access, handouts | |Anticipated |ICT problems: use whiteboard & provide details of resources available on the EMD website | |problems & |Bring own laptop | |solutions | | |Time |Content |Methodology / Interaction |V A |Assessment |Resources | | | | |K | | | |9. 30 |Welcome |Tutor to xplain objectives and check that all see relevance. Explain |V |Responses to questions|ICT | | |Register |link to last week’s session on teaching and learning approaches |A |& answers |PowerPoint | | |Link to last week’s session |Students respond to Q&A and recall last week’s session | |Quality of links with | | | |Introduce aims and objectives | | |last week’s session | | |9. 40 |Challenges & barriers to |Tutor to introduce activity.

Divide students into two groups & identify |A |Quality of suggestions|PPT | | |learning |challenges & barriers to learning |K | |Flip chart paper | | | |Record on flip chart sheets | | |& markers | | | |After 5 mins swap sheets & propose solutions. Share with other group | | | | |10. 00 |Creating different learning |Tutor to introduce activity.

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In pairs, students to experiment with a |V |Quality of outcomes & |Classroom cards x| | |environments |range of classroom layouts & discuss advantages & disadvantages. Share |A |ideas |5 | | | |ideas with whole group. |K | |Desk cards | |10. 20 |Using resources |Tutor to introduce activity. Students to think of reasons why resources |V |Range of reasons |PPT slide | | | |are used. List and compare with reasons on PowerPoint slide |A | | | |10. 30 |What to consider when using |Tutor to introduce activity.

In pairs, students to choose two different |V |Quality of responses |Flip chart paper | | |resources |types of resources and discuss advantages/disadvantages. Record on flip |A | |Markers | | | |chart sheet & feed back to whole group | | |PPT slide | |11. 00 |Coffee break | | | | | |11. 15 |Introduce scheme of work |Tutor input: explain purpose of scheme of work and how to structure. V |Accurate responses to |PPT slide | | | |Students to think about logical sequences of learning to drive. Tutor to |A |steps in learning to |Flip chart | | | |record on flip chart | |drive |Marker | | | | | | |Template on | | | | | | |website | |11. 0 |Introduce Practical Assignment |Introduce activity: students to draft out learning outcomes and content |V |Outcomes of activity |Link to PTLLS | | |1 |of their teaching programme Break down into six logically sequenced |A |Practical assignment 1|unit content & | | | |sessions. Tutor to circulate and assist where required. Access unit | | |learning outcomes| | | |content on internet where applicable | | |Link to example | | | | | | |scheme of work | |12. 15 |Lunch break | | | | | |12. 5 |Draft out scheme of work |Pencil in SoW template – working in pairs where possible. Tutor to |V |Practical assignment 1|Templates | | | |circulate & assist where necessary |Outc|Outcomes of activity |Pencils | | | | |omes| |Worked example | | | | |of | | | | | |acti| | | | | | |vity| | | | | | |A | | | |1. 30 |Lesson planning: Aims and |Tutor input: explain SMART objectives. Students to consider whether or |V | |PPT examples of | | |objectives |not example objectives are SMART. |A |Practical assignment |objectives | | | |Introduce Bloom’s taxonomy | |Outcomes of activity | | |1. 0 |Practice writing objectives |Tutor to introduce activity: students to write aim and objectives of |V |Practical assignment |Paper | | | |micro-teach session |A | |Pens | |2. 15 |Writing lesson plans |Tutor input: explain how to complete template. Link content to |V |Practical assignment |Example of | | | |objectives. Provide variety of activities; explain how formative & |A | |completed lesson | | | |summative assessment will take place. Details of resources | | |plan | |2. 30 |Practice writing lesson plans |Students to draft out plans for micro-teach.

Tutor to circulate & assist |V |Practical assignment |As above | | | |as required |A | | | |3. 10 |Summary & feedback |Tutor to give feedback and summarise session by returning to session |V |Responses to Q |Marked work | | | |objectives |A | |Flip chart | | | |Explain format for next week (5 micro-teaches) | | |Objectives | Notes on individuals / differentiation: | | | | | |Extension activities | | | | | |Vocabulary | | | |Evaluation: | | | | |

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Ptlls Lesson Plan Example Assignment. (2021, Aug 01). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from