Psychology Assignment

Psychology Assignment Words: 1500

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If you wish to seek access to your personal information or inquire about the handling of your personal information, please contact the University Privacy Officer Racism related to stress Introduction Diversity and diverse assimilation perspective are important in a world of variable demographic patterns . With the diversity, people will have difference between each other and it will bring the nature of social relationships. From the range of diversities, it appears that the issue of discrimination towards a certain group is raised in the society.

Racism is a way to show the dominant power that established from specific racial group and commonly based on the historical problem from a group. In addition, it is also one of the parts of the social Judgment. Racist behavior happened when one group thinks that they are more superior compared with the other group and has the ability to do harmful action to the minorities. Furthermore, they often use a particular or specific views and paradigms to Judge another group with inferior or unequal treatments. Since the racism has become one of serious matters in the society, many studies have been done based on the racist behavior.

There are many studies that have shown the racist behavior are happened in most of all the country in the world (I. E, United States, Australia, Africa, I-J, and Japan)5,6,9. Racism mostly occurred from the communication and appearance of a person or a specific groups,8. For instance, when a person or a group see a specific target that comes from different ethnic (I. E, Asian people look at African or ‘Black People), they tend to make some Jokes or words that show racist behavior. Moreover, people are ring to attach an image for specific groups or person, so that it becomes a stereotype. One of the most common stereotypes that happened in US and Asia is ‘black people are always linked to negative behaviors, such as stealing and murdering. Evidence has shown that in 1959, Cuba put up some exclusion for ‘black population to go to many public places, such as hotel, beaches, and restaurant. From that fact, it shows that racial Judgment happened for very long time Racism has serious impact in the young people, especially for them who still go to schusses. They will feel that they are not accepted in the society and made them do to have self-confidence.

Moreover, many of young generation those have to suffer the harm of racism nowadays. However, racial Judgment is also occur within people with the variety of age, from young to old. Many researchers have studied and comprehend the nature of racism and its outcomes,13. Stress is one of the significant results when a person or a group suffer racist behavior 1 1 . Moreover, there are many academic research that has proven if racism is related to stress The theory of stress has a relevancy to racist behavior because it is dealing with the contact between people and their environments 5.

There are some psychological stress reaction that happened because racism, such as anxiety, fear, and hopelessness’s. Although most of the racism and stress research are focused with the African Americans,1 5, some scholars have been elaborated the impact of social Judgment and race-related stress on Asian, Latin Americans, and Native Americans 5. Furthermore, it is clear that most of all the racism victims are linked to the stress behavior. Additionally, racism can be categorized as one of the stresses in the society’s,17.

Method The research will be conducted by giving the questionnaire to the participants, which re people in Melbourne. There will be 1500 people (N=1 500) in overall, divided into 750 in the age between 18-39 years, and 750 over the age of 40 years. For this study, ‘say no to racism’ Keynesian will be given as incentives in contributing the questionnaire. The sample will be contained of all races without choosing any particular race. In the questionnaire, there will be the AIRS (Index of Race-Related Stress) scale, AIRS – B (Index of Race-Related Brief Version) 18,19, anti-social scale, and the demographic details (I. . Gender and age). AIRS is a study that established on casual interview with African Americans from arioso upbringings (male and female), review on the literature, and the researchers personal experience (a male African American)18. AIRS genuinely has 74 items that listed with a 5-point scale indicator 18. However, to shorten this questionnaire, 8 items will be placed on the paper. When the sample has been suffer a racist behavior, they will make an indication by answering the following scale of response: 1 = no reaction, 2 = irritation, 3 = anger, 4 = hostility, 5 = rage.

One of the examples of the statement will be When you walk into the store, some securities or employees were following you at the back. In addition, if a person never been in the situation that mentioned in the statement, individual suggested to leave it blank 8. The AIRS-B arises because a study believed that racism is a unique cause of stresses. Basically, the questions are about simple events that resulting racism in daily life. It consists of 22 items, but in this questionnaire there will be only 6 items that will be pointed out.

The scale is a 5-point, with the range from O to 4 (O = never happened, 4 = this happened and I was extremely sad)19. There are three subspaces that will be given (Individual, Cultural, and Institutional Racism). Score will be assessed by the total of the three subspaces. Sample who scored high at the AIRS-B can be considered having a stress from racist behavior. Ann-social scale is a tool to measure how racism can causing stress and the victim can become an Anti-Social person. There will be 5 questions that can be answered using 3-points scale (1 : Not True, 2: Maybe, 3: True).

One of the questions that going to be listed in the questionnaire is ‘I have been crying and depressed because of some racist behavior’. High score will conclude that the person does not want to get any social interactions when stressed because of racism. This study will be conducted from July 2013 – December 2013. Because of the sample is random (50% male and 50% female), the time frame of this research is not too long. The questionnaire will be spread into 5 different suburbs, which are Melbourne CB, Footraces, Sunshine, Springtail, and Frankfort.

The participants mainly going to be selected in the stores or main market that located in each suburb. They will be acknowledged that filling the questionnaire is voluntarily and they can reject it if they think it is not appropriate. Each questionnaire is to be put in envelope and a small tall will be provided to ensure that the participants are fully facilitated when filling the questions. Every person is given 10 minutes to finish the questionnaire. References List 1 . Turnery B, Paradise Y. Organizational Assessment: An Overlooked Approach To Managing Diversity And Addressing Racism In The Workplace.

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Psychology Assignment. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from