Problem solving Assignment

Problem solving Assignment Words: 390

If your TA requests to see the backup, you need to arrange to deliver it personally during your schedule lab since it’s the only way we can confirm the date of the last update. Once you submit your file DO NOT OPEN THE BACKUP FILE! Marking Scheme In this assignment you are required to an article and then answer the following questions (in a Word Document) within the context of the framework on Problem-solving discussed in class (total 50 points): 1. [20 points] IDENTIFY THE PROBLEM: According to you, what is the problem described in this article.

Clearly in one paragraph state the problem as you understand it. D LIMITED: up to 6 points – The problem statement is poorly written. It is difficult to see how the statement you provided is related to the reading material. ADEQUATE: up to 12 points – The problem statement is written correctly. There seems to be a disconnection between the statement written and the reading material. STRONG: up to 16 points – The problem statement is written correctly. It is well connected to the reading material. EXCELLENT: up to 20 points – The problem statement is written correctly.

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It is well connected to the reading material. It is well thought and it can be used a model for other assignments. 2. [20 points] Please write one or two paragraphs indicating if you AGREE (OR DISAGREE) with the author’s arguments AND WHY. You can make an argument indicating partial agreement to some of the author’s points as well. N LIMITED: up to 6 points – The paragraphs are poorly written. It is difficult to see whether o agree, disagree or partially agree with the author’s arguments. C ADEQUATE: up to 12 points – The paragraphs are written correctly.

They are creative and can be used as a model for other assignments. Integrity: Each assignment’s answer must be your own work. That is, except for properly cited quotations, every sentence and phrase must be in your own words. All interpretations, except for those properly cited, also must be your own. If you turn in someone else’s work, use a source’s exact words without placing these words in quotation marks, or use an interpretation you found in a source without giving credit to the source, you are guilty of plagiarism and may fail this assignment.

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Problem solving Assignment. (2021, Feb 01). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from