Personal Development Assignment

Personal Development Assignment Words: 3467

LEVEL 5 HND in Business Management Title: Final Prepared by: Md Arman Hossain Khan Module Name: Managing Professional Development Date: 06/04/2010 Table of Contents Personal Portfolio3 Part A Task 17 Skills Audit:7 My personal skills self-assessment audit:7 Personal SWOT analysis:10 My personal SWOT analysis table:10 Personal development plan Or PDP12 Part A Task 213 Kolb learning cycle theory:13 Honey and Mumford learning styles:14 My own learning styles:15 References:16 Personal Portfolio | |CV | | | | | |[I believe taking challenge is a beauty of life that is why life is beautiful. I enjoy my | |life whole-heartedly. I seek refuge and forgiveness with All- Mighty ALLAH the Creator of | |everything from my sin and seek help in every walk of my life.

I praise ALLAH for giving | |me a happy wonderful life… ………AMIN] | | | | | |MD ARMAN HOSSAIN KHAN | |Update on dtd. 18. 02. 2010 | | | PERSONAL PROFILE Present Address: Contact Information: nfo@armankhan. com; mdarmankhan@gmail. com Religion:Islam Marital Status:Single Best Qualities:Good time keeper, reliable, caring and helpful personality, good persistency power, like to work organized way, can work in a team effectively as well as independently Work EXPERIENCE (Copies of documents are enclosed with portfolio) This section has updated on dtd: 18. 02. 2010 ? Pizza Hut DeliveryPosition: Kitchen Man (Chef) Phone No. : From 01 May’ 08 to till now Responsibilities: • Make table and Closing • Full fill the customer’s choice Stock replacement and tidy. • Cut table handling • Cleaning the kitchen, make table as well as shop floor etc. ? SAKA international Ltd. Position: Sr. Executive, Administration Bangladesh Responsibilities: • Follow up ongoing project • Dealing with customer companies • Communicate with principal companies • Hotel room and flight booking for the foreign delegates • Coordinate with Manager and Director on their task EducationAL QUALIFICATIONS (Certificates copies are enclosed with portfolio) This section has updated on dtd: 18. 02. 010 i) HND in Business Management U. K ii) NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, DHAKAB. S. S Hons. in Economics Bangladesh PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/ OTHER QUALIFICATIONS (Certificates copies are enclosed with portfolio) This section has updated on dtd: 18. 02. 2010 ? BIIAB Level 2National Certificate for Door Supervisors Unit 1:Roles and ResponsibilitiesDate achieved: 20 November 2008 Unit 2:Conflict Management Computer Skills ? Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel and Internet ? Digital photo editing by Adobe Photoshop 8 & CS HOBBIES AND INTERESTS

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Photography, travelling, reading, listening music. ? I got a Nikon D40 SLR camera. Photography is my hobby and whenever I travel any new place I love to take photos of that area. Different culture, art, natural beauty even human attracts me much. Sometime I like to capture them in different way to show the different attractive face of them. It is really a pleasant way to remember the memories. ? I travelled in India and Nepal in year 2004. In England I travelled London, Greenwich, Shefield, Sutton Coldfield and few place of Birmingham. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT/ ACTIVITIES

I am a developer and admin of a facebook oriented student community group named Ex-Students of B. N. School, Dhaka. My main aim to collect all the ex-students under one umbrella. We can then contribute all together in our national crisis like flood, epidemic etc. Even we can help each other to get the best in our critical job market. We can share our values and ideas to improve our selves as well as our social structure. We will not only be facebook oriented community group. For our better communication and development we are going to create our own web site.

It is under developing and that is www. bnschooldhaka. org REFERENCES On request Part ATask 1 Skills Audit: Skills audit is a process to identify personal strengths, weaknesses and areas for development within a range of skills areas. It is important only not for academic or higher education but also for personal development and employability. My personal skills self-assessment audit: In the skills area I place tick in the column that suits with my ability and in the final column, I decide the priority for me in the development of this skill. SKILLS AREA |I CAN DO |OK, BUT I NEED |I CAN NOT |PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT OF THIS| | |THIS WELL |MORE PRACTICE |DO THIS |SKILL | | |(1) |(2) |(3) |1 = very important | | | | | |2 = quite important | | | | | |3 = not important | |Communication skills: (Speaking, Reading, writing) | |i) I am confident speaking in front of a group of people | | | |1 | |ii) I can prepare, plan and deliver a presentation | | | |2 | |iii) I can use visual aids to support a presentation | | | |3 | |iv) I work well as a member of a group or team | | | |1 | |v) I am able to listen to and appreciate the views of others | | | |1 | |vi) I understand the difference between an essay and report | | | |2 | |vii) I can produce a written plan to answer an assignment question | | | |1 | |viii) I am confident I can express my ideas clearly in written form | | |1 | |ix) I am confident that I can write substantial reports and essays as well | | | |1 | |as shorter pieces such as formal letters | | | | | |x) I always check that my work is presented according to my department’s | | | |1 | |requirements | | | | | |xi) I feel confident about my reading, especially for study | | | |1 | |xii) I can find information from a wide variety of sources (books, journals,| | | |2 | |CD-ROMS, Internet) | | | | | |xiii) I am able to use different reading strategies (skim, scan, read | | | |1 | |in-depth) | | | | | |Total ticks = |5 |8 |0 | | |Teamwork and Networking Skills: | |i) I listen, give and receive feedback and respond perceptively to others | | | |1 | |ii) I make sure that I understand the goals the team is trying to achieve | | | |1 | |iii) I agree my own responsibilities in working towards the team’s goals | | | |1 | |iv) I am sensitive to the roles of other team members | | | |1 | |v) I am happy to lead the team if the opportunity presents itself | | | |2 | |vi) I am able to collaborate effectively within a team | | | |1 | vii) I am able to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome through compromise | | | |1 | |Total ticks = |5 |2 |0 | | |Personal effectiveness: | |i) I can organise my tasks in order to meet deadlines | | | |1 | |ii) I reflect on my progress towards my targets | | | |1 | |iii) I know my own strengths and weaknesses when it comes to planning and | | | |2 | |meeting targets | | | | | |iv) I have a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge | | | |2 | |v) I have future targets in mind regarding my career and education | | | |1 | |vi) I recognise my own boundaries and draw upon/ use sources of support as | | | |2 | |appropriate | | | | | |Total ticks = |4 |2 |0 | | |Personal development plan or Career management: | |i) I am a good judge of what my strengths and areas for development are | | | |1 | |ii) I can present my skills, personal attributes and experiences through | | | |1 | |effective CVs, applications and interviews | | | | | |iii) I am able to identify opportunities for learning outside my course, | | | |1 | |e. g. clubs, societies, employment | | | | |iv) I am able to plan for my personal development | | | |1 | |Total ticks = |2 |2 |0 | | |Numeracy: | |i) I am confident about making simple calculations | | | |2 | |ii) I can competently use a variety of numerical techniques (e. g. | | |2 | |percentages, fractions, decimals, ratio) | | | | | |iii) I can construct graphs, charts and diagrams when I need to convey | | | |2 | |information this way | | | | | |iv) I am confident in my ability to handle statistical data as part of my | | | |1 | |course | | | | | |Total ticks = |2 |2 |0 | | |Stress Management or Problem solving: | |i) I can use strategies to help me cope with my stress | | | |1 | |ii) I am aware of my personal symptoms of stress | | | |1 | |iii) When faced with a task I can break it down into manageable parts | | | |1 | |iv) I enjoy the challenge of solving problems | | | |2 | |v) When I am given a new task, I always ‘brainstorm’ ideas (involving the | | | |1 | team if part of a team) | | | | | |vi) I consider alternative solutions depending on the problem in question | | | |1 | |Total ticks = |2 |2 |2 | | |Research skills and techniques: | |i) I can demonstrate original, independent and critical thinking, and the | | | |1 | |ability to develop theoretical concepts | | | | | |ii) I have a knowledge of recent advances within my field and in related | | | |1 | |areas | | | | | |iii) I am able to summarise, document, report and reflect on my progress | | | |1 | |iv) I have a broad understanding of the context, at the national and | | | |1 | |international level, in which research takes place | | | | | |v) I am aware of issues relating to the rights of other researchers, of | | | |2 | |research subjects, and of others who may be affected by the research | | | | | |vi) I can justify the principles and experimental techniques used in my own | | | |1 | |research | | | | | |vii) I can identify and access appropriate bibliographical resources, | | | |1 | |archives, and other sources of relevant information | | | | | |Total ticks = |1 |4 |2 | | |Grand Total ticks from all skills areas = |21 |22 |4 | | Calculation of skills audit from above skill audit table:

From the seven areas of skills, I tried to answer as honest as I can. There are three steps to assess one’s ability. On the columns of (1), (2) and (3) uphold the answer as tick mark against the question in every area of skills. If the ticks are most on the column of (1), it means he is confident in the particular field of skill(s). If the most ticks are in column (2), it means he has lack of confident and he needs more exercise to develop his skills on that area. If most ticks are in column (3), it means he is really very weak in that field. He needs to do more hard work to develop his confident level and skills. My skills audit valuation from the table:

On the above self-assessment test, I found that among the seven skills few of them I am on the confident level. For example, Team work and networking skills and Personal effectiveness. In that field, I am quite confident. Next to it, I found I have lack of confident in the field of Communications skills and Research skills and techniques. I am really weak on these two skills area. I need to do more hard work on these grounds. I am average in Personal development plan or career management, Numeracy as well as Stress management or problem solving. If I could put more concentration on those fields I could do better and can work with these in a confident level.

In the summery of the personal skills audit, I understand I am an average skilled person. I got 21 ticks on confident level, 22 ticks on lack of confident or average level out of 47. Therefore, it is clear that I have to do more hard work after getting the information from my skills audit. This skill audit table is not 100% scientific so it can only help one’s to understand his confident level or skills level. After knowing the weak points one can practice more to develop his skills on those weak fields. Personal SWOT analysis: A personal SWOT analysis is a powerful technique to develop and understand one’s career and achieve goals by identifying and planning for his strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

It can help to take advantage of his skills, talents as well as abilities to take career to the next level. It will give him a foundation from where he can move forward with his goal to support his career change and for him to take action. My personal SWOT analysis table: In the below table there are four quadrants for four different areas. There are few questions for each area. I tried to answer every section to find out my Strengths and Weaknesses, which will give me a wide range of understanding about my ability and what I have to do to overcome my weakness or develop the skills. By this technique I can review my opportunities and can be minimized the threats as well. I  |Strengths |Weaknesses | |N  | | | |T  |i) What skills and capabilities do you have? |i) What are the gaps in your capabilities and what skills do you | |E  |ii) In what areas do you outclass? |need to develop? | |R  |iii) What qualifications or experience make you unique? |ii) In what areas could you improve? | |N  |iv) What would other people consider to be your strengths? |iii) What would other people consider to be your weaknesses? | |A  | |iv) What personal difficulties do you need to overcome to reach | |L | |your goal? | | | | |E  |Opportunities |Threats | |X  | | | |T  |i) What opportunities are available to you? |i) What obstacles are you facing? | |E  |ii) What external influences can help you to achieve success? |ii) What external influences may hamper your success? | |R  |iii) Who could support you to help you achieve your goal? |iii) Who or what could get in the way of you achieving your goal? |N  | | | |A  | | | |L | | | Table-1 My answers from the table: Below are my abilities and weaknesses that I have got from this SWOT analysis. Now it is easy to work on it to develop my skills and career. Strengths: i) Good knowledge of photo editing by Adobe Photoshop, computer literacy, web designing ii) Web designing is my hobby and I am quite good in it iii) Computer literacy makes me unique iii) Time management, persistency, and quick pickup of any subject Weaknesses: ) I have lack of English vocabulary so I face problem to any conversation as well as make any argument or bargaining with anyone. For this, I have to develop my speaking and understanding ability in English ii) I can improve my speaking abilities by reading books, speaking with others; make argument with knowledge and logic. The most important part is to enrich vocabulary as well as study. I have to improve more in IT sector. I need to develop my programming language such as VB script, PHp, JAVA etc. iii) I have lack of knowledge in programming language and I cannot make any strong argument about any subject. Most of the people take advantages of these weaknesses. iv) I need to develop my confident by acquiring knowledge in IT Opportunities: ) Friends working in IT sector, can give me advice which way I can improve my IT skills. I can get some professional course that will help me to reach my goal. ii) Basically my friends are very enthusiastic and a big influence for me as external source. They can motivate me to get my aim iii) First, my family is a great support for me to hit my goal. After that, my teachers are supportive. They guide me in a manner that I have less chance to get wrong decision. Second, my best friends are always ready to help me in any subject specially career building. Threats: i) I have not a good job and the job now I am doing it actually killing most of my time.

So I cannot put more attention to study which is making difficulty in my career. ii) Dearth of money is a big problem for me. It is main obstacle in my career. iii) When money is a big problem, there opportunities laugh at me from a mile distance. Therefore, it is a fact that only this reason sometime it cannot possible to smoothness my study. Personal development plan Or PDP (Based on personal skills audit) A personal development plan (PDP) can be useful in helping us realise career aspirations. The PDP can also help us to identify learning needs and goals for the Short term, Medium term and Long term. Short term and Medium term development plan: Skills need to develop over the |Target date to achieve |Necessary Resources available |Are target dates realistic? |Comment | |course of HND | | |If yes, put a tick | | | | | | | | |Communication skill and English |31/03/2011 |Course material, English | |Have to practice over the| |vocabulary | |literature, movie, music etc. |year | |Programming language and web |31/12/2010 |Professional course | |Need to practice more | |developing | | | | | |Stress management |31/12/2010 |Not available |Not sure |Need guide/ help | |Research technique |30/06/2011 |Course material, seek help from | |Have to practice over the| | | |teachers | |course | PDP for build-up my job career: a. I want to work in SIA industry. I will look for a good job in this sector from April (2010) b.

I must get enrolled into First Aid course middle of the month of June (2010) c. I have to take part in various travel and program all over the year for better photography d. I have to develop my personal web site or digital portfolio i. e. www. armankhan. com regularly e. After completing HND I must try to secure a job in management level within any good company f. After HND I must try to get enrolled into a good university for bachelor degree final year g. My main aim is to be an I. T Manager, so, I will try my best to do my Masters in I. T Management related subject Part ATask 2 Kolb learning cycle theory: Kolb’s learning theory sets out four separate learning styles, which are based on four-stage learning cycle.

It compromises both a way to understand individual people’s different learning styles, and also an clarification of a cycle of experiential learning style which applies to us all. [pic] Diagram- 1 (The Kolb learning cycle – updated May 2006) Kolb’s model works on two levels – a four-stage cycle: 1. Concrete Experience – (CE) 2. Reflective Observation – (RO) 3. Abstract Conceptualization – (AC) 4. Active Experimentation – (AE) and a four-type definition of learning styles, (each representing the combination of two preferred styles), for which Kolb used the terms: 1. Diverging (CE/RO) 2. Assimilating (AC/RO) 3. Converging (AC/AE) 4. Accommodating (CE/AE) Kolb explains that different people naturally prefer a certain single different learning style. Various factors influence a person’s preferred style.

Kolb defined three stages of a person’s development and are as follows: i) Acquisition – birth to adolescence – development of basic abilities and ‘cognitive structures’ ii) Specialization – schooling, early work and personal experiences of adulthood – the development of a particular ‘specialized learning style’ shaped by ‘social, educational, and organizational socialization’ iii) Integration – mid-career through to later life – expression of non-dominant learning style in work and personal life. Honey and Mumford learning styles: Peter Honey and Alan Mumford developed their learning styles system as a variation on the Kolb model in the 1970’s. The Honey & Mumford learning styles are combinations of the learning cycle stages.

The typical demonstration of these learning styles and stages would be respectively at north, east, south and west on a circle or four-stage cyclical flow diagram. [pic] Diagram- 2 (Honey & Mumford learning style – 1982) 1. ‘Having an Experience’ (stage 1), and Activists (style 1): ‘here and now’, gregarious, seek challenge and immediate experience, open-minded, bored with implementation. 2. ‘Reviewing the Experience’ (stage 2) and Reflectors (style 2): ‘stand back’, gather data, ponder and analyse, delay reaching conclusions, listen before speaking, thoughtful. 3. ‘Concluding from the Experience’ (stage 3) and Theorists (style 3): think things through in logical steps, assimilate disparate facts into coherent theories, rationally objective, reject subjectivity and flippancy. 4. Planning the next steps’ (stage 4) and Pragmatists (style 4): seek and try out new ideas, practical, down-to-earth, enjoy problem solving and decision-making quickly, bored with long discussions. There is arguably a strong similarity between the Honey and Mumford styles/ stages and the corresponding Kolb learning styles: • Activist = Accommodating • Reflector = Diverging • Theorist = Assimilating • Pragmatist = Converging My own learning styles: By nature people are individually have mixture learning styles. After going through the Kolb and Honey & Mumford learning styles I tried to assess myself and tried to find out my own learning style. I found I have the same mixture learning style more or less. It seems that I am an Activists. I love to jump in a very new job in new lace to gather new experience. I am enthusiastic and fun loving person. I act first and consider how that was bad or good later. Sometime I collect and analyze data before going for any new task. I often observe and come for a conclusion to end the task. It is kind of Reflectors attitude. I have some Theorists attributes too. I feel good if I find any logical way to sum up any job. It makes me perfect when I could able to use graphical presentation, model, theories based on some assumption. Nevertheless, I have a very much exact characteristics as Pragmatists. I am very keen to put ideas, theories and techniques into practice and I search for new ideas and experiment.

I try to act quickly and confidently on ideas, get straight to the point and I am very impatient with endless discussion. I do not like to waste time. From all these assessment I found my learning styles though looks like mixture with mentioned four section but I am very much Pragmatists in learning style. References: 1. http://www. curriculum. org/tcf/teachers/projects/portfolio. shtmlvisited on dated 18. 02. 2010 at 13:12 2. http://www. vitae. ac. uk/researchers/1603/Skills-audit. htmlvisited on dated 24. 02. 2010 at 13:31 3. http://intranet. chssc. salford. ac. uk/open/pdp/skills%20audit. doc visited on dated 26. 02. 2010 at 00:45 4. http://www. surrey. ac. uk/Skills/pack/audit. docvisited on dated 26. 02. 2010 at 01:25 5. http://www. lster. ac. uk/progressfiles/docs/PDP%20Transferable%20Skills%20Audit. doc visited on dated 26. 02. 2010 at 02:30 6. http://www. ehow. com/how_4722139_personal-swot-analysis. htmlvisited on dated 28. 02. 2010 at 00:35 7. http://ezinearticles. com/? Personal-SWOT-Analysis-For-Career-Change&id=493552visited on dated 28. 02. 2010 at 01:20 8. http://www. ldu. leeds. ac. uk/ldu/sddu_multimedia/kolb/static_version. phpvisited on dated 01. 03. 2010 at 00:45 9. http://www. businessballs. com/kolblearningstyles. htmvisited on dated 05. 03. 2010 at 00:25 10. http://www. learningandteaching. info/learning/experience. htm visited on dated 05. 03. 2010 at 01:15

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