Outline for Spanish Assignment

Outline for Spanish Assignment Words: 1189

ou THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA UPSTATE LANGUAGES, LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION SSPN W101 SYLLABUS ** FALL 2010 Instructor: Lizzie Grace Urizar Office: HPAC 227 Phone: 864/503-5669 Meeting time: Online Office hours: MW 11:00-1:00; MW 5:00-5:50 E-mail: lurizar@uscupstate. edu Textbooks: ? Arriba! Comunicacion y cultura, 5th edition, Zayas-Bazan, Bacon, Nibert; Myspanishlab. com. Online resources MySpanishLab Access Kit 0-13-159045-6 can be purchased at bookstore or online at www. myspanishlab. com.

If purchased on-line all you need is a credit card number and your access number is given to you immediately. You also have the option of purchasing the entire package at the bookstore. This will give you a hard copy text and a three flap grammar rule card along with your MySpanishLab code. Once you have the access code, go to http://myspanishlab. com/first-time-students. html to register. There is also a tutorial available here that you may watch if you are having difficulty with registering. Upon creating a profile, you will be asked for a code to get directly into our class.

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The code for your class is the following: CRSCDFB-238072 Course objectives: ? Bienvenidos! -Welcome to Spanish 101! In this course students will continue to develop skills in the four areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing in concert with an examination of the Hispanic culture. Communication–face to face, in writing, or through reading–is at the heart of second language study. Upon completion of this course students should be able to • Engage in simple conversations in Spanish. • Demonstrate basic reading and writing skills in Spanish. Demonstrate knowledge of the distinctive features of the Hispanic cultures associated with the Spanish language. Finally, to encourage the development of foreign language proficiency, this course is standards-driven, based on the National and South Carolina Academic Achievement Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Absences: Introduction and Attendance Policy Students must log into the course at least once a week. Failure to do so may result in the student being dropped from the course. Many financial aid sources require students to submit signed attendance sheets either weekly or monthly.

Instructors use course management tracking tools to establish that a student has met the attendance requirement. Class preparation:  Because language learning is essentially communication practice, the class period is devoted to speaking the language rather than to speaking about the language. Unfortunately this is an on-line class and therefore class preparation is handled differently than a traditional course. It will contain a method in which to assess the oral aspect of the material handled through MySpanishLab. Therefore, the student is responsible for logging on.

Language acquisition is a skill one must practice daily. It requires a lot of risk taking on the part of the learner. This course is student-centered and students will be given many opportunities to use the language. Failure to keep up with the daily assignments and to participate in class or on-line will result in the student falling behind very quickly and receiving a low grade for the course. Special needs:  There are all types of learning styles and some of us have special needs that require accommodations in order to be successful in some courses.

In keeping with University policy, any student with a disability who requests academic accommodations should contact Disability Services at 503-5195 to arrange a confidential appointment with the Disability Services Coordinator. Students are encouraged to seek an appointment as early in the semester as possible, as accommodations are not provided retroactively. Letters of accommodation must be signed and printed on letterhead from the Disability Services office. It is the student’s responsibility to provide these letters to professors in a timely manner so that accommodations may be put in place.

Language laboratory:  The Language laboratory on campus can accommodate your MySpanishLab activities required to complete the course. These activities will re-enforce the material you have covered in on-line. Please check your syllabus/calendar for the specific due dates for the completion of these activities. Late work will not be accepted! Reading:  Most of the reading will come from the textbook. There are passages in your text on Comparaciones/Nuestro Mundo. You are expected to read all cultural notes and any additional material assigned.

You will also view cultural videos in which you will be expected to submit regular quizzes. Writing: There will be a writing sections required this semester. These must be completed in the MySpanishLab. These activities are indicated by a small pencil icon following the activity. Oral presentations:  You are encouraged to speak Spanish as much as you can outside of class. Daily oral participation is essential to complete this course successfully. You will prepare several oral presentations this semester. These presentations should completely cover the topic chosen by your instructor per chapter.

Due dates will appear on the calendar along with all other activities. There are no make-ups for these presentations. If you are absent or fail to log-in on the day of the assigned presentation, you will receive a zero for that presentation. (If you know that you have an athletic competition or other arranged events on the assigned day of the presentation, you must complete your material in advance. We will be using a program called Voice Thread. I will send out an e-mail when it gets closer to the due date of the presentation with specific instructions and requirements for the presentations.

Tests/quizzes:  There will be four tests and a final exam this semester. Once the test/exam is given it will not be re-opened. Check your Calendar for the specific dates. Expect a culture quiz on the content of specific material read and viewed. There are no makeup tests, quizzes or final exam. Classroom behavior: Review pages 125-127 of the Student Handbook 2007-2008 beginning with section II Student Conduct for the Classroom and concluding with section III The Code of Academic Integrity.

Grades:  The grading for Spanish 101 standardized as follows: Video Cultural Quizzes    10%                 Tests                            40% Final exam                   10% Oral Presentations        15% Writing Activities        10% Myspanishlab Activities 15%

Do not get confused with your student progress on Myspanishlab (this progress reports only an average of material completed and it does not break the categories apart per USCU curriculum standard listed and broken down by percentages. ) If you have any questions in regards to this please contact your instructor. Weekly Schedule VIEW CALENDAR ON MYSPANISHLAB FOR POSTED MATERIAL. DO NOT FORGET that the course runs through December 3, 2010. If you should not see any assignments posted on the MYSPANISHLAB calendar do not assume that there are no assignments due.

Please scroll forward to the following month to view the highlighted dates for new assignments. Communication: You may email me at any time, come by my office during office hours, or call me. I will communicate your assignments to you through MySpanishLab only. There will be nothing put up on BlackBoard for you to check. I will, however, use BlackBoard to send out class e-mails. Please be sure that your correct e-mail address is listed on BlackBoard so that you are able to receive important emails regarding class information.

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Outline for Spanish Assignment. (2020, Nov 17). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/outline-for-spanish-6704/