Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes Assignment

Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes Assignment Words: 783

The process of selecting classes can be frustrating and overwhelming for students. Before choosing classes to attend, students must first consider an online or traditional class. With the rising costs of education, more students are choosing online classes. Both online and traditional education have many differences, however, the end result is the same. People need to know the differences between online classes vs. traditional classes so they can decide what best fits their learning style.

Communication, flexibility, and self-discipline are similar to both online and traditional classes; there is no effortless choice when it comes to a student’s education. Communication is important with professors. All students have a question or two with assignments or clarification about a grade. Online classes offer many forms of communication. Students may contact professors through e-mail, instant messaging, phone, and sometimes video chat. Traditional classrooms offer a more personal level of education.

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A traditional classroom gives the students a chance to build a personal relationship with their professors. It is good for students who are visual or hands on learners to be in a traditional classroom. Students learn better communications skills, which will lead to better writing and speaking skills. All students enrolled in an online class as well as a traditional class have a financial aid advisor as well as an academic advisors to help guide students in the right direction. As a student it is important to have a social life to help balance the stress that school may bring.

Attending an online class makes it difficult to form study groups, but not impossible. Sometimes, students must participate in group projects. Socialization is up to the student, students can be as social as they want. For students who are easily distracted or fidgety, online education may be the best option. One cool thing about taking an online class is students get network with classmates from a wide range of backgrounds and locations. Students who decide to join a traditional class get a chance to build lifelong friendships with their fellow classmates.

Also if they are going to miss class and cannot get their work to the teacher on time they can have a classmate turn it in for them. Their classmates can also get their classwork for that day for they don’t fall behind. Every online class is run differently, but in most cases, it is much easier for students to schedule classes around the rest of their day when going to school online. These students benefit from a flexible schedule, which is extremely helpful if they are balancing their education with work and family life.

They can attend class anytime, anywhere they have Web access. They can also access course materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Traditional classes require that students attend class a certain number of times every week, at specific times. Students whose main priority is school will have time to attend traditional classes and get a chance to experience the ideal college experience. Some students who don’t have the time but know they learn better in a traditional class might have to change their work schedule or have to hire a babysitter.

Both classes provides an extent amount of flexibility for students to be able to work toward their degree on their own time, at their own pace. Self-discipline is certainly at the top of the list of success in online class. If a student cannot manage their own time, set priorities, and commit to a regular study schedule they will likely struggle with the class. This would not be a good class to take if a student needs structure and discipline in order to succeed. It would be better for students like that to take traditional classes.

Being in a traditional class provides a classroom structure for students who have a hard time staying on task to do their work, and also have face to face time with an instructor. For students that struggle comprehending reading a lesson, traditional classes offer students a real life instructor to assist students as they work. An online class can be a very rewarding experience for those students wanting to earn a degree in a non-traditional education environment.

By allowing students to control where and when they study, online classes are best-suited to those students who possess strong time management skills and are independent learners. Traditional classes can also be very rewarding for student’s social lives as well as educational lives. Allowing students to have real life face to face interaction giving those that need structure and discipline to succeed a chance at a degree and a successful life. Ultimately, students make the final decision as to which education program is right for them.

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Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes Assignment. (2018, Oct 18). Retrieved March 31, 2025, from