Mobile Security and Why it’s important Assignment

Mobile Security and Why it’s important Assignment Words: 1289

Commonplace so developers had to build in security from the start…. Storing surnames and passwords in plain text on the device is a rookie mistake. ” (Prince, 2010) Rooting and Jail breaking is a process where users tamper with a device allowing them to bypass any restrictions that were put on the phone to prevent the end user from having access. After rooting or Jail breaking a device the user obtains superset access rights. These rights allow for full control and customization which also makes the device more susceptible to attack. (Hang, Wright & Samurai’s, 2014) Security And Why It’s Difficult

Although security is an important factor in development it is sometimes hard to get developers to focus on security. Competitive pressure to deliver more functionality at a lower cost is one force that works against improving security. Grabbing market share as soon as possible also slow developers urge to improve security. (Halibut, Voss, Miller, 2011, p. 10) Many Application Developers are most concerned in an app being secure enough to not bring their system down. Therefore, fixing the security of APS is somewhat challenging. Recent reports show that up to 80% of APS fail to employ with security standards.

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Using data fertilization will keep devices that are lost or stolen from leaking valuable data. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ Office of Science and Technology are preparing to begin its own development of mobile APS for use by employees that would be more secure than APS available to the public. (Curran, 2012) Security, What Can Be Done Mobile application security should not simply focus on data and applications. Mobile platforms are used in various new settings and impact users in ways that could never apply to a PC.

An attacker could compromise systems connected to mobile devices through vulnerabilities identified at any point (Line, Hang, Wright, Samurai’s, 2014, p. 22) Some researchers focus on analysis, detection and evaluation of malicious applications while others focus on designs meant to improve data security. Controlling permission usage or isolating the execution environment is two examples of such. (Hang, Wright & Samurai’s, 2014) Fortunately, the UN-trusted entry points to an application are limited to the particular platform features you choose to use and are secured in a consistent way.

Android applications do not have a simple main function that always gets called when they start. Instead, their initial entry points are based on registering Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers or Content Providers with the system (Burns, 2008, p. 5) Developers should assume that an attacker will install the device on their phone and then be able to inspect the application. By Jail breaking their phone it allows the attacker to retrieve the actual code making it easy for them to plan their attack. (Prince, 2010) Information leakage must be curtailed during the architecture phase and managed with strict controls in plowmen. Rouse, 2009, p 44) Developers need not only consider how to keep users data safe but to deal with power usage and memory consumption. You cannot allow mallard to access your applications special permissions. (Burns, 2008) In conclusion, Security for mobile devices is something users and developers need to take more seriously. Developers must understand that making sure an application is great is top priority but security for those applications can be Just as important. Should there be more strict submission rules for security to force developers to make security a priority?

Mobile Application Developers Face Security Challenges. Retrieved August 28, 2014. Rouse, March 23, 2009, Securing Mobile Applications Illuminating Mobile Threats, HTTPS://www. Spas. Org/index. PH? Title=The_future_of_mobile:_developing_secure_mobile_applications=57231 Appendix A: Critical Thinking Six Steps Used to Draft Your Paper Compose your reflections below. Attitude towards this assignment. I was overwhelmed at first but I took a breath and just followed the suggested path in the instructions for the assignment. Step 2. Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions.

I followed the assignment instructions and highlighted them on my printed out sheet as I completed each necessary step. Step 3. Break the problems into workable parts. I broke this into easily tackled parts by following each step of the instructions. I would worry about each section at a time and tried to keep my mind off the length of the entire paper and Just worked on each section as necessary and then move onto the next. Good strategy. Step 4. Do not guess or Jump to conclusions. I printed out the material for Unit 5 Assignment and highlighted as each step was completed.

I used the grading criteria to hopefully achieve a distinguished grade. Step 5. Employ meaningful self-dialogue throughout the process, including written or drawn prompts as well as spoken words. I printed out my previous “draft” from Unit 4 and further organized the information, expanding on this information also. I highlighted all referenced material to make sure I did not use the information in more than one section. I also made a lot of notes on the Unit 5 assignment instructions making sure not to forget all that I needed to do. I have a copy of this assignment open as well as to not forget the instructions.

Great strategies! Step 6. Briefly describe what it felt like to go through the process. I enjoy going through the critical thinking process. It really helps me slow down and do things one at a time. Highlighting each step as I complete it and using the grading charts have really helped me in this course to not only know what is expected of me to get a distinguished grade but also so that I do not leave out vital information or miss important steps. 0 Appendix B: Critical Thinking Six Steps Used to Revise Your Paper (Unit 6) Step 1. Demonstrate a positive attitude toward solving a problem.

I tried to keep a positive attitude throughout this research paper. I became a little frustrated after reading my peer reviews. I wasn’t sure that some of the suggestions I received were good. I calmed down and Just decided to ask. Step 2. Focus on the accuracy of the assumptions and conclusions. I was unsure about some of the suggestions that were given to me by my peers because of instructions that were given to us. I make sure to read all instructions and know that I’m doing what I’m supposed to but I didn’t want to completely throw my peers suggestions out so I wanted to make sure and asked.

Step 3. Break the problems into workable parts. I broke this assignment into workable sections by picking one thing to focus on then going to the next. For example I started by reading everyone’s feedback. I then broke it up and went through my paper first, fixing any spelling mistakes. Next I fixed any citation mistakes that needed corrected. I went over my paper several times working I did not guess or Jump to conclusions. I read all instructions more than once to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to. When I was unsure of a peer’s suggestions I asked. Step 5.

Employ meaningful self-dialogue throughout the process, including written or drawn prompts as well as spoken words. I printed out all feedback and wrote myself notes accordingly. I highlighted all adjustments/notes as I completed them to make sure I didn’t forget anything. Step 6. Briefly describe what it felt like to go through the process. I thoroughly enjoy using the critical thinking process. It helps me to ensure Vie done what is expected of me to get a good grade and understand exactly what I’m doing. Instructions when you are finished finalizing your paper for Unit 6, assignment 1 :

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Mobile Security and Why it's important Assignment. (2020, Dec 28). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from