Microsoft Word and Direct Text Citations Assignment

Microsoft Word and Direct Text Citations Assignment Words: 509

Write one paragraph for each of the following three topics. The entire assignment consists of three paragraphs and should fit in less than one page 1. Why is Cheapens (Inferno 14) so important in understanding the psychology of the sinners in hell? 2. Identify the political and religious issues Dante faces in Inferno 19. 3. Define the allegorical representation Of Lucifer (inferno 34) Submit no later than Friday, October 1 7, 12-noon Make sure you do not go off topic. Be direct and concise, and follow the directions below. Directions for assignments and exams.

Assignments consist of three topics, each topic to be developed in a concise paragraph. When you write your assignments and exams, make sure that what you write is based exclusively on the material covered in class, and make specific references (direct text citations for the exams) to the readings covered in class. Do not write information that is not relevant to the topics. Be direct and concise. Before you submit your assignments get rid of anything that does not belong to the topic. Understand the topics before you write, and check it after to make sure you do not go off topic.

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If you notice that you are writing a summary of a plot, you are off topic. If you receive a low grade for your assignments or exams, you were too vague, or failed to limit your answer to the given topics. Do not repeat the same mistake in future assignments and exams. The course grade is based on the two assignments (13% each) and the two exams (36% each) Exams and assignments must be submitted through Safe Assign Other Information: Assignments and exams must be completed and submitted by the due date Write your assignment in a word processor using any of the Word formats (. Doc, . Xx). If you do not have Word, convert your document to . RTF format. Your submission must be typed double spaced, font: size 11 or 12. (Do not send documents with the -data extension) You must write your name and student ID on the upper left corner of your papers. Assignments and exams will be posted five days before they are due and deleted after they are returned to students. All graded assignments and exams will be returned to you only in class. If by any chance you are absent the day they are returned, you can get them during the Assistant’s office hours for a limited time.

Always keep a copy of your assignments If you do not see your grade on Blackboard after it has being returned, contact me immediately, no later than a week from the day grades are posted. Keep a hard copy of your papers until you receive your grade. If you have any problem with your grades, you must resolve it within one week. You can’t ask me to review your grades after one week from the day grades are posted. Make sure you have a Stony Brook e-mail address on file with the university, otherwise you will not receive important communication.

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Microsoft Word and Direct Text Citations Assignment. (2022, Feb 05). Retrieved February 12, 2025, from