Mhc – Case Study Assignment

Mhc – Case Study Assignment Words: 2127

The federal and state governments were putting Increasing pressure on health care institutions to reduce costs. In addition, new medical technologies and procedures being developed were expensive to acquire and implement. MUCH recently acquired subsidiary corporations to develop or acquire new procedures and technologies. The subsidiaries were to work in partnership with the regions to implement new procedures and technologies. Identify the type of structure MUCH currently uses in its primary businesses.

Describe the fit between the structure and the competitive strategy. Describe any structural adjustments MUCH should make to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy. At the time of their strategic planning, hospitals were reimbursed on the basis of a preset, standardized price for treatment rather than the “cost-plus” method used previously. The federal and state governments were putting increasing pressure on health care institutions to reduce costs. In addition, new medical technologies and procedures being developed were expensive to acquire and implement.

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MUCH recently acquired subsidiary corporations to develop or acquire new procedures and cosmologies. The subsidiaries were to work In partnership with the regions to Implement new procedures and technologies. Identify any areas where current management Soak’s are not aligned with effective Implementation of the competitive strategy. The knowledge of how to successful compete In a new market that requires cutting costs without producing a lower quality product Is not held by each employee. This Is a good starting point for HARD to start Its education piece In rolling out this new Annihilative.

On the other hand the employees may hold the knowledge about how to achieve the goal but may lack the skill set to implement the knowledge in a beneficial manor. I Nils would De ten next Chapter 3 level AT trailing. 1 . Why do you think Rick was let go? How does reinforcement theory apply to this situation? Rick was let go because he was not able to adapt to change and did not have any backup from other managers. ART suggests that Rick needed to be concerned about the consequences of implementing a new way of doing the Job. 2.

Explain Rosier and Walter’s reaction to Rick’s computer in terms of resistance to change. How might Rick have used the concepts in this chapter to approach the imputer situation so as to gain acceptance? 3. Explain Rick’s inability to “fit in,” using social theory learning. Where did breakdowns in his processing occur? 4. If Vale hired you to develop a management training program for the senior managers at APP, how would you go about designing the program? Provide appropriate theoretical rationale to support your position.

Do you agree with Fried’s choice? Why? I would provide Vale with a needs analysis to assess what ASK are needed. From that, I would address the following issues; an understanding of context, self-awareness and diagnostic skills, and managerial personal analysis, and larcenist of the organization’s situation and how the training program relates to these things. This model suggests that the key to effective management is to understand the context in which they operate. 5. What else might Fred do before choosing a training package?

Describe your approach in some detail. 6. If training went ahead as indicated, how successful do you think it would be? Explain your answer using concepts from this chapter. Chanter 4 1. Do you agree with Fried’s choice? Why? I agree with Fred. The vendor was able to provide training and work simulations for everyone. 2. What else might Fred do before choosing a training package? Describe your He could perform a TAN, and evaluate some ASK for his people to be successful. He also needs to explain the importance of the training to the employees. 3.

If training went ahead as indicated, how successful do you think it would be? This is a reactive approach the field, and maybe a few things need to happen in order for training to be a success. TAN is a systematic method for determining what caused performance to be less than expected or required. Then follows input, and different analysis to determine if more may be needed. Chanter 1. Review the Dammar case form Chapter 1 and answer the following questions. A. In the implementation of Kamikaze, what groups of employees are likely to need training?

How should the trainees be organized? Think of this issue from a training design perspective and from a training content perspective. B. For the type of training envisioned, what are the learning objectives? Write these objectives in complete form. C. For each group of employees that will need training, what are the organizational constraints that need to be addressed in the design of the training? Which design features should be used to address these constraints? Be sure to address both the learning and the transfer of training issues.

Training should be organized in the following ways which includes TAN, developing objectives, then use the objectives to develop a design for training. Also the employees should be organized and the laborers should be ready to receive instructions. Learning objectives is a four part process which in tells the reaction, learning, transfer of training, and organizational outcome that may come from the trainee. At the end of orientation, the trainee should be able to list reasons as to why to use a team approach for continuous success. 2.

Review the Multi State Health Core. Case from Chapter 2 and answer the following questions: a. In the implementation of HARPS, what groups of employees are likely to need training? Think of this from a training design perspective and from a training content perspective. B. For the type of training you envision for what group, what are the learning objectives? Write these in complete forms. C. For each group of employees that will need training, what are the organizational constraints you will need to address in the design of your training?

What design features will you use to address in the design of you training? What design features will you use to address these constraints? Be sure to address both the learning and the transfer of training issues. The regional and divisional execs need training and the group needs to be updated on the newest technology in order for the Asks to be successful. Chanter 6 1 . What are the training objectives for the CSS program? Indicate how these objectives are tied to the ASK requirements.

Assume that all trainees have college degrees but need Asks in all other areas listed in the qualifications section. The following are training objectives for the CSS training program; personally provide and ensure that customer support staff will provide positive customer service practices throughout the work unit. Greeting departmental customers in person or by phone, listing their needs, and gathering information. The qualifications are fundamental elements in performing the Job like being able to read and write, perform basic instructions, and communicate orally as well as in writing. 2.

Based on the training objectives, provide a training agenda and indicate the time allocated and order of modules in your program. . How will you evaluate whether each person in your training program has mastered the knowledge and skill levels needed to perform as a CSS? Describe the types of questions you would ask of those supervising the CSS employees graduating from your program. Supervise, support, monitor, and assist with the continuous improvement of the work unit’s customer service functions and related operational activities. Ensure quality customer service, both in person and over the telephone.

These activities require a working knowledge of the work unit’s program policies, procedures, and regulations ND an understanding of other departments and systems that interface with the work unit’s activities. Chanter / 1 . Develop a business solution for SIT that addresses all of the challenges they face. Indicate any assumptions you are making that are not directly addressed by the case. The Science and Technology Institute (SST’) supports research faculty and staff at State University, University of _State, _State Health Sciences University and _City State University in its management of new discoveries.

This support includes the management of new discoveries having commercial applications, as well as the management of corporate research agreements leading to new discovery. Building a strong support base with the private sector within State and the Northwest. Creating an effective network between researchers to facilitate cross-disciplinary contact. Raising the viability of SIT as the one-stop resource for all transferable technology that is being developed on the campuses of State’s four largest universities.

The mission of the SIT is to bring technologies from State University, University of _State, _State Health Sciences University and _City State University into public use; hereby providing economic development assistance to state and federal agencies and companies to benefit State constituents, providing service to the technology transfer staff of each institution by assisting in identifying, protecting, developing and transferring technology to the private sector and generating income.

Stir’s unique perspective is in its ability to link researchers from various institutions to create new technologies that can then be marketed to the private sector. Straddles a 42-mender corporate research support council Ana Increase corporate membership in Stir’s Technology Development Council by 20% each year. Facilitate two new industry sponsored research agreements the first year and increase the number of agreements each year. Create new research linkages between the four campuses and develop new collaborative relationships between researchers.

Develop a cross-disciplinary research database that will link researchers throughout the state. Assists services include: New Technology Assist in identifying new invention disclosures for new discoveries and evaluation of these new discoveries to determine commercial potential. A research database will be created and maintained by SIT in order to respond quickly to requests for information from the private sector, especially when it links researchers on multiple campuses.

Companies will have a quick and accessible resource that will identify researchers that match their interest areas. SIT will also assist in the establishment of new businesses to develop emerging technologies. Research Collaborations SIT will actively seek cross-disciplinary collaboration opportunities between researchers on the four member campuses. Technology Conferences SIT will sponsor two conferences in Portland each year focusing on the areas of Biotechnology, Material Science, Computer Science, and Medical Technology.

Newsletter and Promotional Publications SIT will produce a monthly newsletter and quarterly promotional publications directed toward the private sector which will focus on current research on the four campuses and researcher profiles. This material will also highlight researchers seeking corporate support. Chanter 8 What are the potential costs to this lack of training? Why do you think the company operated in this manner? If training is not carried out often and effectively, new hires and older employees are not taught and told to perform identical tasks and assignments the same way.

Old training techniques become outdated, causing unnecessary conflicts in the workplace. When employees are not trained, the protocol and guidelines that they ought to follow are not stated clearly, creating an environment of chaos, confusion and conflict. What type of training would you recommend: JOT, classroom, or a combination? A combination of both is a more reliable source of training, providing basic information to the trainee of how to perform the Job, as well as giving him/her opportunity for trial and error before being placed out on a Job to defeat themselves.

What type of training might entail? The type of training that might entail would be the type of training tool continuously grows on already developed Skills I . Nils WI grow, as well as develop bonus skills along the way. Chapter 9 II allow ten employees Skills to 1 . How much does the re-cleaning cost Knick per year? Show all mathematical calculations. 2. If everyone is trained, how much will the training cost? How much will training cost if only the group with the most errors is trained? Show costs in a spreadsheet and all mathematical calculations. 3.

If everyone is trained, what is the cost saving for the first year? If only the group with the highest re-cleaning requirements is trained, what is the cost savings for the first year? Show all mathematical calculations. Chanter 1 1 . Would a TAN be needed in this situation? Why or why not? If yes, who would you want to talk to? 2. Based on the case as presented above, what Asks need to be trained? 3. Why has commission insisted on training for the whole company when the problem is clearly only Mr.. Peptic’s? Elaborate. 4. For the training to be effective, what other things do you think need attention?

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