MGST course outline Assignment

MGST course outline Assignment Words: 1204

Without question, you require expertise in a chosen field such as accounting, finance, marketing, or operations management, but knowing what to do and how to do it is not the same thing as getting it done. Your supervisor will judge your performance someday, not on what you know, but rather upon the basis of what you do. Getting things done in organizations requires excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills. Indeed, only when employees develop their ‘people’ skills are they able to fully realize technical expertise in the pursuit of effectiveness and excellence.

COURSE OBJECTIVES By the end of the course, students should develop a good understanding of elf-awareness, from which they gain insight about their own behaviors and the behavior of others. Students also should develop a good understanding of skills necessary for effective interactions with others, in such areas as communications, motivation, teamwork and conflict management. IMPORTANT: This class builds upon any junior course in organizational behavior that you may have taken.

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The goal is to provide you with an opportunity to reflect carefully on a select group of B topics pertinent to working with people at work, and begin to develop associated skills in an experiential classroom environment. For this reason, we will only spend part of our time together discussing the concepts. A significant portion of the class will be reserved for experiential exercises to gain a more practical perspective on these B theories and concepts. As such, you are responsible for reading the assigned text chapters before class.

Although I will usually provide a summary of key concepts and theories in class, you are expected to have a strong command of these materials (which will be assessed through the in class quizzes). REQUIRED TEXTBOOK AND/OR MATERIALS David A Wheaten & Kim S Cameron. Developing Management Skills, 8th Edition; 201 1. In addition, Powering presentations will be posted on the Blackboard for your convenience. It is my practice to post many more slides than I actually use in class. This is to help summarize the material and prepare you for the quizzes and assignments.

Please Bring Your Book To Class! Several class exercises and self-assessments are in the textbook. CONTACTING YOUR INSTRUCTOR Students requiring assistance are encouraged to speak to the instructor during class or during office hours. If you wish to meet with the instructor, lease email the instructor to make an appointment. Students should get into the habit of making and keeping business appointments. PROPER BUSINESS USE OF EMAIL Email is commonly used by students to communicate with their instructor.

However, it does limit the effectiveness of the communications and may not be the best way for instructors to answer student questions, especially those requiring an explanation of concepts covered in this course or some personal concerns. Therefore the instructor may request a telephone call or personal meeting. INTERNET & ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICES Any surfing of the Internet during lectures that is not directly related to and approved for class discussion is distracting and strictly prohibited. Additionally, the use of any electronic devices (e. G. , cellular phones) for e- mailing, text-messaging, etc. S not allowed. Please turn OFF your phone before the beginning of each lecture. Class Structure The first 30-60 minutes of class will begin with a brief lecture. The remaining time will involve participation in different activities, such as completing diagnostic questionnaires and experiential class exercises. GRADE DISTRIBUTION Three Take-home Assignments Quiz 1 Quiz 2 30% Group Project Presentation Research participation bonus credit [up to 2%] Total 100% Take-home Assignments There will be THREE take-home assignments – two individual and one group assignment.

Assignment 1 (10%) is a self-awareness exercise that involves 1) obtaining an outsider perspective on your personal attributes, and 2) comparing your personal attributes to those of a work colleague. Assignment 2 (15%) involves completing a group task outside of class and thereafter documenting key team member roles and team processes that occurred. Assignment 3 (10%) involves creating and executing a performance plan to motivate a colleague on a specific task of interest and reporting on the key findings thereafter. Group Project Presentation The group project presentation is a Movie Analysis Presentation (10% of the final mark).

After watching a movie, the group will analyze the material by relating it to topics covered in the course. The list of the movies and topics related to the movies are provided at the end of this outline. The goal is to enhance your skillfulness at recognizing, analyzing, and offering commendations for dealing with practical work situations using management principles and theories. Also, you will practice your oral communication skills. Students will be randomly assigned into groups of 6 (this will be the same group of 6 that works on Assignment 2).

It is up to the group to choose the movie and obtain approval by the instructor. Projects Presentation On the last day of class, your team is expected to share your movie analysis findings with your classmates. Aim for a 10 minute formal presentation and then lead a five minute informal discussion with their classmates, answering questions that arise (time permitting). The goal is to become more comfortable presenting ideas in a public forum, a vital skill in any company. You will prepare a 1-2-page summary of your analyses to share With your classmates, and also to assist me with grading your presentation.

Your team will be evaluated on presentation skills AND content (I. E. , appropriateness of the analysis, demonstrated through effective application of B theories and principles to understanding the core events of the movie). Normally members of teams will individually receive the marks awarded to the team on this assignment. However, the instructor reserves the right to conduct peer evaluations in cases where a majority of team members believe that a member is failing to perform his or her assigned duties and/or attend team meetings.

It is the responsibility of the team to bring problems of this nature to the instructor’s attention as early as possible in the course to permit corrective action (I. E. Not at, or near, the end of the course when it is too late to permit remedial action to alter the behavior of the individual). Peer evaluations are taken seriously and can and do result in individual students achieving a higher or lower (including failing) grade than other team members of the group. In class Quizzes There is no final exam in this course – instead there will be two in-class quizzes. Quiz one is worth 25% and Quiz two is worth 30%.

The goal of these quizzes is to test your knowledge and understanding of theories and principles covered in the assigned chapters in the textbook, as well as materials covered in class. As you are responsible for reading up on these materials on your own time, this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you have done so successfully. The exam questions will be in multiple- choice form, although the questions will typically require you to think critically (and not just regurgitate definitions). GRADE SCALE The Hackney School of Business endeavourers to ensure consistency of final grades across courses and sections.

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MGST course outline Assignment. (2020, Jan 11). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from