Menard’s Yard Assignment

Menard’s Yard Assignment Words: 816

The assignment that I was given is about ethnographic observations. The topic that I chose was the Outside Yard team members at Innards. I work there In the receiving department. I am an “inside guy” so I barely go outside to help guests, but when I do, I see that the workers outside act much differently than anyone else in the store. I believe that the Merman’s Outside Yard Receivers are strange and unusual because they act differently than everybody else in the store, wear different clothes, and feel like they have their own department but they are really part of Receiving.

First of all, the Outside Yard Receivers wear deferent clothing. They can wear anything that Is from Innards. The Inside people can only wear a certain kind of clothing that they get for their departments. They are also the only ones who can wear hats. Innards does not allow anyone else to wear hats. Also, they do not do anything that the inside Receivers do. They actually have a lot harder job to do outside. I would not want to be outside. It is hot in summer and freezing in winter; inside there Is air conditioning so I like that, but they still like being outside.

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Most of he things they do is slide lumber, or cut It, or anything with lumber. It Is tiring to do this every day. I have slid lumber before. It is no fun, but when I ask them if they like it out there, they say they love it. I am still wondering and not understanding why they like it out there so much. A lot of them use pretty basic English. They swear all the time. All of them are not educated yet or they are in college like me. The ones who have finished school are usually the managers.

Some older guys Just did not ever finish school so they are stuck there working their butts off for little pay, but for he younger people, It Is a really good Job and I would recommend It to anyone. There is just so much experience that someone can get and I know that if I ever went looking for another Job I would have a better chance than someone who was working in a fast food place or something. Next, I think they are crazy sometimes, pretty often actually. They really get into their Jobs.

Like they try to do everything as fast as they can. That is good though, but sometimes It’s just too much. They make a huge mess In the warehouse and It Is sometimes hard for guests to move around or get anything because everything Is In he way, but at the end of the day they always manage to make the warehouse look perfectly clean and organized and everyone is happy. There is this guy who comes few times a week; his name is Bob. He drives a truck. He picks stuff up from Innards and delivers Otto guests so he is like a delivery man.

I am not sure if he Just works for this Innards or Just overall for all the Innards around the state or country, but every time he Is there, there are always these funny conversations that they have with the Outside Yard Receivers. Nick, one of the workers outside, is really loud when it comes to working with Bob. Nick: “Hey Bob, long time no see! ” Bob: “Shut the hell up and help me get this table off the truck. ” Nick: “I’m busy! Get someone else to help you. ” Bob: “Busy my ass. Let’s go! ” Nick: ‘You’re not my boss! This is really how every meeting with him is, usually a lot more swearing and yelling, but they Just Joke around. Everyone is really nice there. They Just swear, yell, and argue for fun really. I Just do not understand some workers. Like they are over their heads driving recklessly on the forklifts, throwing things. Some should have been fired a long time ago and I do not get why they are still there. They maybe do a good Job out there, but they are Just crazy and what are the guests going to think of them?

It is actually somehow pretty hard to get fired there. In conclusion, I believe that the Merman’s Outside Yard Receivers are strange and unusual because they act differently than everybody else in the store, wear different clothes, and feel like they have their own department but they are really part of Receiving. I think that they are good workers and will help guests in any way possible, so I recommend Innards as your choice of store for buying products for your projects that one could be working on.

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