Memory Assignment

Memory Assignment Words: 988

I will use this Information to assess my own study habits and make them more effective. Encoding Information In short-term memory Is stored according to the way It sounds, the way It looks, or Its meaning. Verbal Information Is encoded by sound, even If It Is written rather than heard. Visual encoding In short-term memory is greater than encoding by sound. To help with studying, a student should look at the material they are trying to learn and read it out loud or study out loud.

A student who is studying should look at a diagram of what they are trying to learn, either by raring a map, drawing pictures, or a diagram to help better understand the material. To maintain all of this information, the student should use rote rehearsal or maintenance rehearsal by repeating the information over and over again. The student can either do this silently or aloud. This can only help with studying if the student re-reads the Information over and over until It can be easily remembered. This method Is only effective for a short period of time.

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Encoding in long-term memory usually refers to remembering things by meaning, such as the national anthem. While studying things you want to be stored In long-term memory, students should also use rote rehearsal. This process should be used for more meaningless material. By using elaborate rehearsal, students can extract the meaning of information and link it to as much material possible that is already in long-term memory. If a student wishes to store their information they’ve learned through elaborate rehearsal, they can use the special technique called mnemonics, which is things such as rhymes and jingles.

While studying, a student could take the information they are trying to learn and turn it into a silly rhyme or Jingle so that overtime they repeat the rhyme or Jingle they’ll remember the information because it is presented in them. These types of long-term memory rehearsals can make semantic memories and procedural memories. Semantic memories are fact and concepts linked to a particular time. If a student follows the rehearsals then the Information they study will be stored as a semantic memory. Procedural memories are motor skills and habits.

Once a student repeats the act of studying by deliberate reactive, they will learn the habit and it will rarely be completely lost. After reading Benedict Caress article in the New York Times MIND; Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits (Carrey, 2010), I learned that students who study in different places rather than one specific place, retain the information better. Also it has been proven that varying the types of material you are trying to learn in one sitting leaves a deeper impression on the brain.

Therefore students that study more than one concept such as reading, vocabulary, or speaking in a deferent language, will retain he information better. Next, I will talk about how attention plays a role in memory. Attention Is the process of selectively looking, listening, smelling, tasting, and feeling. Information we take In disappears from the sensory registers rapidly and the only way we can remember It for more than a second or two Is because of attention. Distraction can be a major downfall when studying. There are many types of greatest distractions when studying are both internal and external.

My internal distraction is my high level of stress; it often sets me back when studying. The major external distraction is noise, when people in my house are talking or the TV is on I loose focus easily. To increase attention, I need to be confident in my ability to remember the information I am trying to study. Self-doubt often leads to anxiety, which in turn, interferes with my ability to retrieve information from my memory. To minimize my distractions, I often go to an empty quiet room to study. To keep myself focused I pay close attention to details of information Im trying to learn.

To maintain attention you need to increase motivation. Without a strong desire to learn or remember something, you probable wont. But if you can find ways to keep yourself alert and stimulated, you will have an easier time learning and remembering things. To increase motivation to maintain attention while studying, a student should encourage their motivation by means of reinforcements and rewards. When a student gets a good grade from an assignment, the feeling of achievement is a positive reinforce that keeps up the motivation to study. A student could also reward themselves with something when they study and get a good grade.

They could reward themselves by buying something or doing something positive for themselves. The reinforcement builds the motivation which leads to the reward. Next, I will talk about the significance of the act of forgetting. The deterioration of the brain is the main biological factor in forgetting. The decay theory argues that the passage of time causes forgetting. The decay is partly responsible for forgetting in short-term memory. In order to stop the decay, a person should rehearse and study what they are trying to remember over time so it is not forgotten. Forgetting can also result from inadequate learning.

If a student does not pay attention while studying, then Hansen are they will not remember it. Forgetting also occurs because, although we attended to the matter to be recalled, we did not rehearse the material enough. In order not to forget things, they should be examined thoroughly and rehearsed. While inadequate learning accounts for many memory failures, learning itself can cause forgetting. This happens when learning one thing interferes with another. This forgetting is known as interference. In conclusion, from studying multiple learning theories, motivation, and memory Vive learned you can improve study habits.

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