Mba Capstone Assignment

Mba Capstone Assignment Words: 418

Write a rough draft, and then edit and polish this draft. Your report should not exceed 1000 words, excluding appendices. Tables, figures, and other material that exceed the word count, can be consigned to the appendices. Your report should be printed in double-spaced with 1 inch margins, and have the page number clearly marked at the bottom of the page. It should contain a separate title page indicating the group project name and the members of your group in alphabetical order. You must indicate the number of words in the top right-hand of the second page.

You must conclude with a complete bibliography of he articles that you consulted (not included in word count). For the case written report: * Answer ALL of the case questions listed under the case description in the syllabus – the ideal answer will integrate case relevant details with the course material (Note: all answers carry equal weight) B. IN-CLASS GROUP PRESENTATION (10%) The in-class presentations are to determine the groups’ ability to lead a class discussion on the case question(s) assigned (this presentation will be on cases other than your written case).

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The presentation should be in Powering format and should be emailed to the instructor before the assigned session begins. You will have 30 minutes to do your presentation, followed by a question and answer (Q) session (a hard copy of your presentation slides should also be handed to the course instructor at the start of the session). The grade will be based on how well your group communicates the key concepts and ties them to the case details. Furthermore, the Q. For the presentation: * Answer ONLY the case question(s) your group was assigned Groups insufficiently prepared for their presentation will be penalized against this 20%.

This is to ensure that the class does not have to carry groups unwilling to put sufficient effort into their preparation. If a team decides to exclude a team member, the team’s decision is final and the individual will have to submit an individual assignment for this part of his or her grade. – C. AND D. EXAMS (40%) The mid-term and final exams will be based on multiple choice questions. Exam content will include session slides, chapter readings, cases, video cases and all in class discussions.

You are responsible for making sure you have access to the necessary class discussion materials by asking a team member present, if you are absent from a session.

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Mba Capstone Assignment. (2018, Nov 18). Retrieved March 4, 2025, from