Math Anxiety Assignment

Math Anxiety Assignment Words: 677

Because sufferers have such n overwhelming fear of failing or being judged, they will avoid performing mathematical calculations at all costs. Therefore, a problem arises; to do better, we must practice. But, if we’re too afraid of failing to practice, we do not get any better. There are many different descriptions of what mathematics anxiety truly is, and each victim may have his or her own interpretation of how math anxiety makes them feel.

Tibias and Whiskered (1980) describe mathematics anxiety as, “the pains, helplessness, paralysis, and mental disorientation that arises among some people when they are required to solve a mathematical robber”. Tibias (1 978), who wrote Overcoming Math Anxiety, is referred to as a pioneer in the study of mathematics anxiety. Richardson and Suing (1972), made the first instrument the measures and calculates mathematic anxiety – Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS).

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He described math anxiety as the “feelings of tension and anxiety that interfere with the manipulations of numbers and the solving of ordinary life and academic situations”. These two definitions depict math anxiety as being a more psychological and physiological; others have explained mathematics anxiety o be specifically based off of emotions. Spicier (2994) said that mathematics anxiety is “an emotion that blocks a person’s reasoning ability when confronted with a mathematical situation”.

Freedman (2003) defined math anxiety as, “an emotion reaction to mathematics based on a part of unpleasant experiences which harms future learning”. Math anxiety is formed out of negative past experience. An experience where he or she were punished, and became embarrassed in front of a group of friends, siblings, or their fellow classmates when failing to correctly complete a math problem by parent or teacher. Poor grades in high school or college can create low self- esteem and make someone feel as if they cannot do any better in math.

Little to no support from a parent or another positive role model can cause a person to feel hopeless and that there isn’t a need to apply themselves to math anymore. These negative experiences can have such a lasting impression and negative impact on that students life. Such an event can leave a student believing that he or she is unable to do math. Another belief is that math anxiety can start from within our schools and colleges. Deadlines or assignments and time limits on tests can also raise a students anxiety.

Or even using math problems as a form of punishment at home or in our schools can take a toll on a student’s confidence. All of these negative experiences can add up, leaving someone without a drive to do better in math. ? What are the signs and symptoms of math anxiety? Students who have math anxiety experience an array of symptoms. There are psychological symptoms as well as physical. Some physical symptoms are; clammy hands, nausea, stomach disorders, increased heart rate, headaches, and the feeling of being gathered.

And some psychological examples are; feeling helpless, confusion, negative thoughts, disgrace, lack of confidence, sudden memory loss, panic-stricken worry, or even depression. How should math anxiety be treated? Reviewing basic mathematic principles and methods is the first step in getting better. A short course of reviewing simple math will help significantly. Parents can help, too. Helping with homework and easing off of the negative criticism. Encouraging their children to do better and praising them for doing well will boost their confidence.

Maintaining a positive attitude towards math in general will give a student a drive in wanting to apply themselves more. Teachers should be aware of their student’s unique needs in learning. Adjusting tradition teaching methods to help aid all students in learning easier. Seeing a math counselor or psychologist can help students understand their anxiety and give them the tools they need to manage and cope with the fears. It is also important to learn anxiety reduction and management techniques. Anxiety can greatly interfere with concentration, clear thinking, attention, and memory.

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