Managing Stress through effective Time Management Assignment

Managing Stress through effective Time Management Assignment Words: 940

Stress has negative effects when it becomes continuous. Such negative effects can lead to depression and heart disease. Managing stress and time is one of the most important factors in an individual’s life, especially in a student’s life. Any given student is in a particular environment which has several forces affecting his/her day to day activities like studies, work, leisure activities, exams, presentations, family, friends, etc. Based on this, his/her performance is affected dramatically. It can be positive or negative depending on which stresses is affecting him and how ell the candidate is coping or managing the stresses.

According to (Wheaten and Cameron, 2011, p. 1 17) there are four types of stresses namely, 1. Time Stresses. 2. Encounter Stresses. 3. Situational Stresses. 4. Anticipatory Stresses. There are number of examples through which we can come to know when people are under stress. People may experience headache, tense muscles, shaky hands, fatigue, insomnia, and heartburn. Stressed people may also feel nervous, fearful, confused, worried, irritable, and unable to concentrate. (Clinic Community Health Centre, 201 0, p. 10) I have faced almost all the types f stress when I used to work.

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When was working with Wiper during the year end there used to be lot work overload of insurance claims, due to which we had to extend our shifts. We had Strict and inflexible working schedules. Other reasons, like unpredictable working hours or working under time pressures, had always added stress to me in the past. But while working, my organization always took care of the employees by providing the Stress Management Training. Situations that cause stress may not be very obvious. Moving into a newer, bigger house is a positive and exciting event but may also create unexpected stress.

As an example of Anticipatory stress, I always use to think what if I’m not able to achieve my target and quality parameters it would affect my performance at the organization, due to which I was insecure about my job. Traveling from India to Canada, having never traveled before in my life, I had many thoughts in my mind: how would reach to Naomi? Will reach my destination safely or not, and would my baggage arrive with me. Lotus added an additional stress to me as my life faced with a rapid change an example of situational stress.

When under tress, people find it difficult to maintain a healthy steadiness between work and non-work life. At the same time, they may engage in unhealthy activities, such as smoking drinking and drugs. The experience of work stress can cause an unusual and dysfunctional behavior at work and contribute to poor physical and mental health. As a student I’m also facing the similar situations when it comes to coping up with my studies. In a day the student has 24 hours to manage his/her work which unfortunately isn’t enough in this competitive world. Hence he/ she finds difficult to manage time efficiently and effectively.

Also he/she faces the problem of setting goals for themselves and proportioning their tasks, which affects the students in their studies as they tend to go off track from their studies and spend too much time on leisure activities. Due to which he/she fails to do their homework, assignments, projects, case studies, and presentations etc. On time. Delay in their works brings different stresses into play. Hence it is important to manage the time effectively and efficiently. By managing stress he/she can stay away from affecting or damaging their health or mind.

Results from the Assessments and Actions to improve your performance As eave already mentioned above, I faced different stresses in my life but still I face the problem of time management. Fail to set my goals or prioritize my own tasks, due to which I’m unable to achieve my target. One of the reasons why this is happening is because I don’t have enough control Of myself. I spent more time on leisure activities like hanging out with my friends, or playing football, cricket etc. With them. If not this, I either keep myself busy watching movies or watching TV series etc. I fail to utilize my own time effectively and efficiently.

This actually shows how concerned am towards y own work. But I know this is just an excuse for not utilizing my time effectively and efficiently. Because of which I’m not coping with my studies and I always do last minute preparation for my quizzes and exams. When I did the time management assessment, I lay in top quartile in my assessment for the time management with the score of 1 02 which is pretty low. This is exactly why I need to improve on my time management skills, so that can improve on my MBA studies. Also, my scores in the skill area of managing stress (Eliminating Stresses – 1 7, Developing Resiliency – 20, Short Term

Coping -? 1 1) are below average. Hence with the help Of time management I can improve my own performance in studies and It would also help me in the future. I have come up with different techniques which would help me to manage my time effectively and efficiently. The specific actions that I am willing to take are as follows: 1 . Plan and organize yourself: Planning few weeks before the exam and organizing myself would help me to succeed in the exams and in the future. 2. Prioritize: When faced with more than one task, prioritize! Do one thing at a time. Do it well and then go to the next hind.

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Managing Stress through effective Time Management Assignment. (2022, Feb 14). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from