Leadership Philosophy Assignment

Leadership Philosophy Assignment Words: 729

My leadership philosophy can be summed up in two simple words; “take care”. I first developed this philosophy as a company commander for a Medical Hold Company and a Medical Company. Although the interpretation has been molded and shaped by subsequent assignments, the basic philosophy endures. First and foremost we need to take care of our customers. Sometimes our customers are our departmental co-workers who require Information generated Internally. We need to take care of them by ensuring that we provide them with the products they need in a timely manner.

Other times, our customers are the medical professionals who depend on us to provide the medical documentation they use while taking care of others. When we do this correctly we take care of others on two levels, the medical professional we support and the patient they treat. Often we have direct interaction with beneficiaries who need assistance obtaining a copy of their medical record, enrolling in the medical system, documenting a birth or retrieving valuable stored during their hospital stay. We move It to each of customers to ensure that we take care of their deeds In a timely and professional manner.

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Every customer must be taken care of as If they are the most Important customer at that moment. But “take care” does not stop with customers. We need to take care of the organization. Everyone should actively seek out training opportunities that will enable them to perform their job at a higher level. Further, we need to share best practices to ensure that our standard of service is constantly improving. By working together as a team we can ensure that the organization grows and remains relevant in an every changing environment. In order to function as a team, we need to take care of each other.

Take the time to know your co-workers and constantly be vigilant for changes in their behavior. The Army requires us to train on suicide awareness, PETS awareness and various assaults every year. We do that to ensure that we can recognize a person who requires help and we can take care of them. Ignoring a problem or avoiding taking action In order to “not embarrass” anyone Is a failure to take care of them. Only one third of our day Is spent at work, the remainder Is spent with friends and family. I want you to take care of them as well.

Although I may not know them all directly, I know they have a tremendous impact on the welfare of each of you. Make time to spend with them and ensure that you take care of their needs. The last part of “take care” is to take care of yourself. Each and every one of you Is a vital ingredient in our recipe for success. Some days we are so busy taking care of others that we forget about ourselves. Taking care of yourself may mean enrolling in a class that enhances your personal or professional goals. It may mean taking vacation time in order to recharge when your spirits are down.

Now that you have my philosophy, I want to make you aware of a few pet peeves of mine. Be on time; lateness Is disrespectful to others. Be honest; nothing Is harder to regain than lost trust. I look forward to working with each of you. If you have any concerns, my door Is always open. Together we can truly “take care”. Leadership Philosophy By radii’s co-workers who require information generated internally. We need to take care of hospital stay. We owe it to each of customers to ensure that we take care of their needs in a timely and professional manner.

Every customer must be taken care of as if they are the most important customer at that moment. Enable them to perform their Job at a higher level. Further, we need to share best action in order to “not embarrass” anyone is a failure to take care of them. Only one third of our day is spent at work, the remainder is spent with friends and The last part of “take care” is to take care of yourself. Each and every one of you is mine. Be on time; lateness is disrespectful to others.

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Leadership Philosophy Assignment. (2022, Mar 02). Retrieved February 8, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/leadership-philosophy-10458/