Leadership, education and diversity Assignment

Leadership, education and diversity Assignment Words: 2324

The ever changing demographics undoubtedly have both current and future Impacts on education system. The Increased diversity can Impact the society either positively or negatively thus knowledge and capacity should be developed for education leadership that is one of the most diversified sectors of the society. It is encountered in various fronts and categories revolving around: organization, individual and program levels. In multicultural settings, mechanisms exist to ensure social Justice without any form of discrimination.

In the contemporary world, leadership is viewed s an Interactive social process despite Its complexity. The dynamic leadership approaches require Informed and Inclusive mechanisms to ensure success of the system. Leadership plays a critical role either in practice, theory or research thus it is expected that it influences the lives of a diverse group of people. In a given context like a learning institution or organization, leadership models ought to reflect that the members are both leaders and followers in spite of being distinct (Bishop, 2005).

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Educators regardless of their racial and cultural associations need to be equipped tit competencies and pedagogies to effectively manage the dynamic population of students. Native teachers have their own cultural affiliations which coupled with unique personal stories, form a basis in creating a general mix of a school’s diversity. Teachers can best establish an inclusive and comfortable learning environment if their leaders use engagement strategies that are nonjudgmental. It should be acknowledged that racial, cultural, and economic differences exist and have an impact on the education system.

Brown (2004) explains that the transformation learning, adult learning and critical social theories are significant In Increasing installation and action plans In preparing transformation leaders. The theories are closely interrelated with the three the three pedagogical strategies of critical reflection, rational discourse, and policy praxis. LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION AND DIVERSITY 3 The other strategy is to establish the need for both personal and professional progress. Brainstorming sessions and retreats by educators and leaders create a climate of constructive discussions and builds mutual trust necessary for solving the crisis.

There is sensitivity and respect for diversity coupled with team building capacity in teamwork. Educating all leaders on the essence of integrating a diverse composition of the organization Is necessary for achieving the goals and objectives. From a critical perspective, the insights to be discussed will present effective approaches to address challenges encountered in preparing education leaders dedicated to ensuring social Justice and equity. Factors that form the basis for delimitation such as race, gender, sexual-orientation and dillydally require social justice educational leadership.

Leaders should embrace accountability in their systems and encourage all to create a diverse and inclusive work environment. Citizens in a particular country should recognize the diversity in all aspects of cultural, political, economic, and social life. Embracing diversity normally poses a the population. Multiculturalism goes beyond ethnicity. Despite the efforts to assimilate culture and heritage, there have been intact community Ethan-cultural institutions, structures, and characteristics.

We all have different sub-cultures thus multiple identities. Demographic variation implies that social beings tend to associate themselves with certain ethnic group or identity. However, other people may not exclusively give emphasis to their ethnic background. Similarly, others are not minding to identify themselves with gender, social class or sexual orientation. Multi-ethnic identities have become common due to intermarriages and migration. It is important to motivate learners to explore and define their own identities (McDonald, 2009).

LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION AND DIVERSITY 4 However, as far as am concerned, issues to deal with cultural incompetence of leaders posed a great challenge both in social life and performance in a multicultural environment. This creates a bias and discrimination by leaders towards their objects. In addition, it seems inappropriate dominant social group members derive comfort, social, economic and political satisfaction at the expense of the less fortunate in the society. The low-status groups endure suffering ranging from poverty, disease to ignorance.

Although the extent of hierarchical organization may vary over a period across societies and within the same society, such approaches still find a way in the modern society. Discrimination of the different nature in institutions is very rampant especially in hiring, promoting staff or delivering court Judgments. Poor leadership is known to perpetrate favoritism such as in distribution of resources. It is worth mentioning that I have had to encounter the chauvinistic society given my social and gender identity.

Despite the civilization and the aspects of having earned a decent education, there are still some prejudice in terms of group segregation and gender roles. It is expected that even in a diversified society, women are obliged to provide care to children and cook for their families. Another unclear issue is the influence of race and ethnicity of teachers on the learners. Patterns of discrimination ND prejudice may be difficult to identify by leaders in a systemic manner as well as their impact on institutions and society in general.

Transformation school leaders identify and deal with contextual issues thus ensuring a Just learning environment for building a holistic individual. This implies that the challenge in the system that deprives the marginalia learners of the right to be heard is overcome. Students are viewed as subjects and not objects in the pedagogical approach. LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION AND DIVERSITY 5 Educators have been urged to acknowledge the great diversity among the student population to avoid normalization and oppression of those of a different race, gender, social class or sexual orientation (Kashmir, 2000).

Ann-oppressive education involves selectivity’s and dealing with the crisis critically. In retrospect, by promoting multicultural education, diversity is enhanced thus the stakeholders should be inclusive to foster social integration. Democratically multiracial societies or nations should foster coexistence because unity and diversity have cross-linkages. Planning curriculum for schools in a multicultural nation should be inclusive of both advocates for cooperation, mutual respect, the dignity of persons and social rights. Linguistic diversity is another aspect that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, leadership needs to promote affirmative action for languages to correct the past inequity in schools and society. Educational policies that entail an inclusive curricula should be formulated and implemented. This will serve as a reflection of diversity and equity in the allocation of resources. Schools play a role as agents of colonization in the society thus conceptual approaches to put up with cultural diversity. In addition, issues to do tit staffing should be handled in a manner to ensure that there is heterogeneity.

Kashmir (2000) observes anti-oppressive education can be conceptualized by considering these approaches: nature of oppression, pedagogies, curricula and policies. It is prudent that the education system should embrace assassination of learners on human rights and how the codes take effect in multicultural societies. Learners should be aware of social Justice even in their learning environment so that they can relate effectively to the outside world. There should be a guide and strategies to encourage respect, concern and care for self, colleagues, LEADERSHIP,

EDUCATION AND DIVERSITY 6 organisms and the environment. The curriculum can be reorganized to enhance its effectiveness, but also emphasis needs to be given to traditional education systems. The issue of equity when integrated with leadership development programs is capable of supporting an interactive learning process and consequently promotes equity in school practice. Eventually, personality will have a significant effect on life- span development. Educators should be aware of the current generation of learners who may not perform concrete-operational and formal-operational assignments.

Education plays a critical role in building the intellectual capacity of an individual. Numerous scholars have given great and in depth analysis of the education systems in all corners of the world. Substantive changes in preparation and professional development programs need to be adopted to ensure an accountable and socially equitable learning process both in the present and future (Brown, 2004). In view of the theory of androgyny as documented by Malcolm Knowles presents concepts that shaped and builds the learner (Merriam et al. 2007). A learner takes control of the learning process and uses disoriented approaches of life. However, the learning process and approaches have its shortcomings: the multi-cultural and multivalent learning environment pose a challenge especially for immigrants. There are expectations from instructors in the way learners behave, relate to fellow learners and also the assumption of certain responsibilities. At times, instructors may use negative criticism in public oblivious of the embarrassment thus lowering the morale to learn.

Self-Directed Learning approach requires a determination to take charge of one’s own learning process owing to the motivation and desire to achieve academic and career goals. In addition, I should improve the family life, health, and enhance my intellectual capacity among others. It effective because it is aligned with daily routines, there enthusiasm about the LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION AND DIVERSITY 7 process, there is interaction with others and also the process is reflective and action oriented. Unfortunately, the process can be ineffective and cumbersome due to: relationship.

Education serves as an eye opener and equalizing factor for mankind regardless of their backgrounds or affiliations. In my view, education without interest or passion is futile, because that is a factor for one to succeed in life. In my view, only interest cannot suffice as aptitude, determination and hard work is necessary. The effectiveness of any learning process depends on the level of understanding of how students learn best from the teacher. In view of my self-identification, the life in a multicultural and multiracial society provided me with an opportunity to acknowledge my background.

My ethnic origin being Arabian, I had a desire to identify a certain group that constitutes my racial and ethnic background. Furthermore, I have gained a good understanding of how individuals of mixed irritate attempt to identify themselves and counteract with oppressive systems in the society. A woman’s contemporary position in the Saudi society has an impact on the development process considering that religious perspectives have been a limiting factor. The symbol of cultural identity and integrity has been the veil and headscarf.

Nevertheless, most women have devised unique strategies to counteract gender inequality to ensure social Justice in all spheres of life besides education. It is worth differentiating the Islamic cultural practices and their normative teachings. Instead of Irving as an agent of social change, the role of women in education has been to bolster conservation in the conservative society. To this far, it is plausible that the Saudi Government signed a pact in 2001 with the United Nations to discourage all forms of discrimination against women.

Pigged presented a developmental stage theory whereby an adult uses a complex and internalized set of behaviors to interact with the environment. It is worth mentioning that his theory popularly known as 8 Cognitive Developmental theory, clearly reflect the adult development in the society or school set up. The entry into adulthood occurs after a full understanding and evaluation of how an individual is like. Perceptions change can be attributed to a considerable change of culture.

It is apparent that a change in both concepts and personality will have a bearing on the expected changes in one’s career. The development in personality can be attributed to genes, childhood experiences, environment and gene-environment correlations (Salesman & Rider, 2011). The needs and norms of different cultures tend to respond to their environment in a fundamentally human manner considering its set of beliefs, language and values. Communities should be responsible for enhancing good citizenship virtues through mutual respect and recognition.

In a democratic society, social integration should be fostered regardless of cultural or ethnic barriers. Martin (2011) observes that teachers and administrators should combine efforts to bring about positive reforms in the school’s social Justice. They should be well equipped with skills and knowledge that is sensitive to specific needs and environments of their students. The main aim of educators should be to establish capacity building and assistance to ensure responsible citizenship.

Students tend to respond to the system by creating cultural groups to meet their different interests and aspirations while in school. In addition, the interactions such as sports within a multicultural, multivalent, multiracial and multicasts helps discourage Teacher education institutions ought to have the capacity to effectively build professionals who are sensitive about ethnic, racial and cultural diversity that exists in schools and communities.

The leadership should adopt appropriate initiatives and approaches that focus on transforming the education system as agents of change. Yester and elite institutions can be developed to cater for certain vulnerable races, genders, ethnicities and economic statuses thus minimizing any form of discrimination. Social Justice can be better enhanced through combined efforts of education leadership to carry a radical transformation of structures in the system. This will require integrated and continuous approaches that are informative and efficient.

The fundamental transformation of existing structures and apparatuses implies that strategies, curricula, research methodologies and programs have to be articulated sugarless of the barriers that exist. The stakeholders, particularly education leaders, need to highlight the perennial challenges in the sector by monitoring trends both in school and the community. The use of media as a medium of teaching provides environments that relate theoretical and practical aspects of learning among students, school, community and society as a whole.

Media platforms such as internet and video provide a pedagogical avenue for enhanced conceptualization of the curriculum. Both philosophical and legal policies that promote diversity should be developed. The leadership should focus on creating an environment that is supportive to issues of diversity including debates. Leaders should encourage the selection of women and the less privileged in learning institutions and offering incentives for their promotion and retention. Community awareness on the importance of diversity in creating cohesiveness should be created.

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