Leadership and Assignment

Leadership and Assignment Words: 2985

This course provides the concepts and skills for the ethical leadership of people in organizations. It also introduces the basic behavioral skills needed for self- management and for promoting productive relationships with others in organizations. Prerequisite None. Credit Units/Hours Upon successful completion of this course, you will earn 3 semester hours of college credit. This course represents the equivalent of learning outcomes normally achieved through 45 hours of student classroom study or through distance learning instruction.

Course Learning Objectives Upon completion of the course, students should have the: 0 Ability to describe, compare and contrast the theoretical bases of major contemporary intervention approaches for groups and organizations. 0 Skills in conducting organizational interventions, preventions, and change processes within an organization. 0 Increased self-knowledge and personal growth as a result of educational and professional preparation in graduate school. 0 Skills in organizational systems analyses, interventions, development and evaluation processes.

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However, new technology has also been beneficial for Lists Systems’ competitors. The competition has grown significantly in number and in the quality of services and products that they provide. The increase in technology has also led to an increase in customer demands and expectations. Customers want services and products faster and cheaper and will go to a competitor without hesitation if their needs are not met. The advancements in technology have also created new threats to the industry in terms of security and theft of products. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 1 .

Also, conduct literature reviews on ten student AT Locutions Ana use to support your case study answers: 1 . How has Lists Systems felt the impact of power shifting from the Seller to the Buyer? 2. What external environmental factors are affecting Lists Systems? Chapter 2 – Cognitive Dissonance Jackie Heartbeat was hired at Door Car Factory for her strong belief in recycling. Not only did she have all the technical skills required for the Job, but she had a personal passion for the well-being of the environment. Her boss, Charlie Damon, was excited by her interest in re-using goods and overall concern for the well-being of the environment.

These were not strong values for him personally, and he hoped that Jackie would bring a certain level of awareness to other employees, including him. Jackie came to work at Door Car Factory tit high hopes. She had been looking for a large organization where she could develop her long-term career goals, and she was encouraged by Doors interest in becoming a better “green” employer. She educated herself on the output of the factory and figured out four main ways to reduce harmful elements they were currently releasing into the atmosphere.

Jackass’s personal interest in recycling dated back to her grade school days when she tracked what happened to all the paper put in the trash pail in each classroom. After learning it ended up in the landfill along with all the other rubbish, Jackie implemented a school-wide recycle program. To this day, all “extra” paper or waste is put in a separate trash MGM 500 Organizational Behavior and Leadership – Syllabus Page 4 of 17 pail which is sent to a recycling factory and used to make reusable consumer goods. Jackie is proud of this point. Jackie throws herself into her work at Door Car Factory.

Charlie is impressed with both her outstanding performance and how well she gets along with everyone. As Jackass’s one year anniversary with Door Car Factory approaches, she uncovers information showing several factory shipments of waste material being sold to another company. Quick research showed that this other many does not “properly’ dispose of these types of waste products. Jackie immediately approached her boss, Charlie, with the data and was taken aback when he shared with her the extra costs that ended up being involved with several of her “greener” approaches.

Disheartened, Jackie asked, “Is anything we committed to almost a year ago still in place? ” Charlie’s nonchalant response about the paper recycling program working in the outer offices was not enough of a reassurance for Jackie. That night at home, she contemplates her future with Door. She feels torn between her commitment to the company and her personal values of recycling. She wonders, if they have not been open about the actual, behind the scene steps with the recycling program, are there other business aspects that they are not being “open” about?

Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 2. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers: 1. Discuss Jackass’s dilemma in terms of cognitive dissonance. 2. How could this new information on Doors actual recycling program affect Jackass’s perception of the company she works for? What impact could this have on her overall performance? Are her personal values around recycling strong enough to determine who she works for? 3. Do you think Jackie should ignore the company’s choice to recycle or not and Just keep doing her Job?

Is she willing to walk away from a good paying JODI Walt n Detent TTS- Are tenure toner employers won are Kelly to owe more open to recycling programs, and should she pursue opportunities with those companies? Please post both case studies in Assignment Drop Box as one MS Word document. Note: See template provided for case study papers. MGM 500 Organizational Behavior and Leadership – Syllabus Page 5 of 17 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Learning Objectives After completing this Lesson, students should be able to: 0 State three key ideas from the Hawthorne Studies. 0 Explain McGregor Theory X and Theory Y. Explain Humans’ elements of a social system and how they are interrelated. 0 Discuss Argils’ Immaturity-Maturity Theory. 0 Explain Herrings Motivation-Hygiene Theory. 0 Explain the relationship between Herrings Theory and Mascots Theory. 0 Define leadership. 0 Describe and explain the Vision into Performance Model and the challenges leaders face moving through the model. Describe and explain the ACHIEVE model of performance. Describe the historical schools of organizational theory such as the scientific management movement and the human relations movement. 0 Discuss the trait approach to leadership.

Diagram and explain the Ohio State leadership model. 0 Diagram and explain the Michigan leadership model. 0 Describe Likelier leadership theory. 0 Discuss and diagram the leadership grid. 0 Discuss the question: Is there a best style of leadership? Lesson 2 Reading Assignment 0 Read Chapter 3: Motivating Environment 0 Read Chapter 4: Leadership: Trait and Attitudinal Approaches Lesson 2 Activity Discussion Questions. Please post in Discussion Forum: 1 . Are the motivation theories discussed in this chapter exclusive to the United States or are they more widespread?

What are the popular motivational theories in different countries? Are they the theories discussed in chapter 3 or are there other theories of motivation? How do these other theories, if any, compare to the traditional motivation theories? 2. Are there traits that have been identified with successful leaders? Do research in popular business periodicals and identify traits that seem to be associated with managerial success. Are these traits applicable in all situations? Can a person’s future success be redirected by knowing that person’s traits? Why or why not?

Lesson 2 Assignment Case Study Chapters 3 and 4 Chapter 3 – Lists Systems: The Employees’ Impact on the System One of the key reasons for Lists Systems’ early success and growth was the education and commitment of the employees. Employees worked hard to achieve the clear goals set by management. They were asked for their opinions regarding the direction in which Lists Systems was heading. Employees were engaged and felt empowered to make decisions regarding how and when the work got done. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 3.

Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers: 1 . What theories and/or studies could be applied here to better understand what is motivating employees at Lists Systems? Chapter 4 – Lists Systems: The Challenge of a Growing Organization 0 Lists Systems’ VISION statement is: “To be recognized as a leader in supplying quality graphic design products and services to our customers and to be respected by our clients and staff. ” 0 Lists Systems’ MISSION statement Is. Ђ “We strive to develop superior grapnel eagles products Ana services Tort our users through state-of-the-art technology, innovation, teamwork, and leadership. ” Following their early success and growth, Lists hired a number of new managers and employees. In response to the expansion of staff, Lists reorganized by adding layers of supervisors and managers between executive management and line staff; however, growth occurred so rapidly that proper training was not provided to the MGM 500 Organizational Behavior and Leadership – Syllabus Page 6 of 17 new employees.

Management was less concerned with the employees’ opinions and was more focused on production and profit. Instead of enlisting employees’ opinions, ore directive orders were given. The change and increased complexity associated with adding new layers to the hierarchy resulted in the organization’s goals and objectives becoming unclear. Employees began to complain about the new bureaucratic processes and the slow pace of decision making. While the organization has been growing in size, productivity has slowed and quality has decreased.

The turnover rate is higher than it has ever been, and the amount of sick days that people take has doubled over the past few years. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 4. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers: 1. Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 1: Key Players (Stakeholders) and Business Ideas (Purpose). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Establishing, Refining, or Monitoring? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. . Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 2: Entity (Culture) and Strategy (Mission). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Defining, Shaping, or Publicizing? Using the horses discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. 3. Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 3: Departments (Units) and Key Results (Success Factors). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Involving, Facilitating, or Communicating? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. . Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 4: Teams (Groups) and Goals (Objectives). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Focusing, Unifying, or Connecting? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response. . Using the above scenario, consider Organizational Level 5: Individuals (People) and Tasks Bobs). Which Leadership Challenge response is most appropriate: Enabling, Engaging, or Empowering? Using the theories discussed in Chapters 1-4, explain why you chose that response.

Please post both case studies in Assignment Drop Box as one MS Word document. Note: See template provided for case study papers. MGM 500 Organizational Behavior and Leadership – Syllabus Page 7 of 17 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Learning Objectives After completing this Lesson, students should be able to: 0 Describe situational approaches to leadership. 0 Diagram and explain the Attainable-Schmidt Continuum of Leader Behavior. 0 Discuss Fiddler’s Leadership contingency Model. U Diddles ten House-Emmanuel Path-canon I I energy. U Diddles ten Broom-Wetted Contingency Model. Discuss the Hershey-Blanchard Tatterdemalions Leader Effectiveness Model. 0 Discuss the utility and purpose of the Lead Self and Lead Other Instruments. 0 Describe consistency as it relates to leadership. 0 Discuss and explain the differences between attitude and behavior. 0 Describe the difference between leadership successfulness and leadership effectiveness. 0 Describe Bass’ successful leadership continuum. 0 Discuss what determines organizational effectiveness. 0 Discuss the integration of goals and effectiveness. 0 Discuss Management by Objectives.

Lesson 3 Reading Assignment 0 Read Chapter 5: Leader Behavior: Situational Approaches 0 Read Chapter 6: Determining Effectiveness Lesson 3 Activity Discussion Questions. Please post in Discussion Forum: 1. Why study situational approaches to leadership? 2. What is meant by the term “degree of integration of goals” and how can we achieve true integration? Lesson 3 Assignment Case Study Chapters 5 and 6 Chapter 5 – Situational Approaches – Consistency and Leadership Eileen Inland works for a small company that employs twelve people ho all work in the same office.

She is responsible for various duties ranging from answering phones and entering orders into the system to tracking inventory and updating client files. She performs many of these duties as a back-up for other colleagues. Over the years she has worked herself into a position as “the go to person” for her boss, Jack Barns. Eileen has made quite an effort to gain Jacks confidence. She handles the sales staff commissions and employee benefits, and makes most of the purchasing decisions for the office. She is often found sitting in Jacks office, doing her daily work and chatting with Jack about both work and arsenal issues.

The rest of the staff resent Linen’s connection to Jack, the boss. Many of them feel that she gets preferential treatment. Eileen does work hard, but she also has a way of setting her own hours. She is often overheard complaining about how tired she is after having to stay late at night to fix some filing error. Jack is often the one to inform other employees that he has sent Eileen home to get some rest. He often makes comments such as, “She worked so hard last night, and she won’t be any good today. I told her to go home and sleep. Be back tomorrow and start fresh.

Eileen also makes herself out to be a hero by spending time comparison shopping for things that the office needs. She then presents the information to Jack so he can see how much money she saved the company. Jack often consults with Eileen first when a major decision affecting the entire office needs to be made. Her co-workers are rarely granted this knowledge and only see Jack consulting with Eileen. Several co-workers have talked amongst themselves wondering what Eileen says that keeps Jack asking for her input. They do not think she is more knowledgeable about the clients or company than any of them.

From Jacks respective, Eileen is invaluable to the team. She always has necessary data to consider, is quick to point out benefits or potential hardships to clients, and almost always presents a solution. He wishes more employees approached their work the same way Eileen does. In fact, he often wonders why there sometimes seems to be hostility directed toward Eileen. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 5. Also, conduct literature reviews on the subject of discussion and use to support your case study answers: 1.

How could Jacks perception AT Linen’s performance attest Nils leader Detonators when Interacting 00 Organizational Behavior and Leadership – Syllabus Page 8 of 17 2. With her? How could her co-worker’s perception of Jacks leader behaviors toward Eileen affect their own performance? Chapter 6 – Came Macho and Lists Systems’ Digital Information Services Team A recent incident involving hacking and data theft prompted the implementation of a new data security system at Lists Systems. A “Black Box” system will be installed on every PC in the company and will not only affect the way data moves but also who has access to sensitive files.

Nearly everyone at Lists Systems will be doing things very fervently once the Black Boxes are in place. Came Macho has worked with Lists Systems for eight years. She is involved in a variety of projects related to “traffic” – the receipt and delivery of clients’ Jobs. Her work also involves the training and support of the technical staff at Lists Systems. Came has expressed interest in spearheading the implementation of the new “Black Box” data security system. Because she has effectively managed traffic flow at Lists for years, she is excited about the opportunity to move into this critical and visible new position.

Her responsibilities would be similar to those that she has had in the past, but the implementation of this new system will dramatically affect nearly every aspect of List’s service. The technology is different from what she has used in the past, and the project’s scope is much larger. Came has an excellent track record of implementing new hardware and software. She is looking forward to leading this project and the new business opportunities it will help create. However, with this radical change in traffic flow, Came will have to deal with challenges arising from “people issues. Many technical staff members think that this change is unnecessary. Staff artists worry that it will hinder the creative process. Came feels confident that she knows how to handle the scheduling and transition aspects of the new security system, but is worried about dealing with employees resisting the change. She is also concerned about losing key creative staff to other agencies where they won’t have to put up with all this “Black Box technology. ” As we look at effective influence, we find that people have different needs depending on the “task at hand” – leadership should be task-specific.

Additionally, effective leadership depends on a number of other influence variables ranging anywhere from identifying desired outcomes to considering the needs of the follower. Answer the following questions by applying the concepts learned in Chapter 6. Also, conduct answers: 1. What are the causal variables in this situation? 2. What are the intervening variables in this situation? 3. What are the outputs or potential output variables in this situation? 4. What is “the task at hand? ” 5. If you were Cam’, where would you want help? 6.

If you were Cam’s boss, where would you focus your time? Please post both case studies in Assignment Drop Box as one MS Word document. Note: See template provided for case study papers. Organizational Bendable Ana Learners – Syllabus Page Y AT Lesson 4 Lesson 4 Learning Objectives After completing this Lesson, students should be able to: 0 Diagram and explain the basic concept of the Situational Leadership@ Model. 0 Define task and relationship behaviors.

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