Leadership Assignment

Leadership Assignment Words: 452

Senior level leaders will need to demonstrate capability at vision building managing change and building work culture and role modeling. This course attempts to address these broad expectations. High self understanding is an important building block on which enduring leadership capabilities can be developed. Hence the course seeks to enable students to have a good understanding of self so that they can build their leadership capabilities on this foundation. Objectives: Shaping Leadership Potential through: a) Understanding business context and needed leadership competencies; b)

Identifying one’s own blocks to becoming an effective Leader; c) Developing capabilities to influence others, collaborating and working together ; d) Developing Self -Management skills; and e) Developing creative thinking and strategic thinking capability. F) Developing capability to envision, manage change and build the needed work culture. Evaluation: 1) Assignment 1- Leadership Interview and Paper – to be submitted (15%) 2) Assignment 2 – Reflections about your leadership capabilities based on the outdoor simulations (15%) due date for the assignment will be a day after the outbound. ) Group assignment – topic of your choice ( in the broad domain of leadership and organization building) to be studied in the industry (20%) 4) Mid-Term (20%) 5) End Term: (30%) pedagogy: Classes will be conducted using multiple methods. Class assignments, games, film and discussions are more reflective in nature and you are expected to stretch your thinking to raise questions on what are the implications for you as a person and as a leader. This will be the major gain. Note: Sessions develop and build on each other and hence missing classes is not acceptable, except in very rare cases.

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Classes will be highly interactive and In a sharing mode so please be prepared for the same. Assignments- Format Requirements -? unless otherwise indicated, all written work should be: edited for spelling, grammar, and punctuation; typed, double-spaced, have numbered pages, have 1 ” margins on all sides, and use an easily legible font (font size 12 times new roman); and, be prepared in crisp business style, while retaining the requirements for academic format (i. E. , clear and specific application of course concepts, tuition of appropriate references). Writing style and format will influence your grade.

All work should be done by you and not downloaded from the net or procured from other sources. Any indicators Of such submissions will result in a grade doc. Assignment 1: Leadership Interview: Select top level leader from the corporate sector. Interview that person to learn how they achieved their level of leadership ability and skill. Ask them some questions about what values have guided them, what obstacles they encountered, how did they overcome these obstacles, what has been their iratest leadership challenge and what they did to manage that challenge.

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Leadership Assignment. (2022, Mar 07). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/leadership-7-10610/