Kay hat Assignment

Kay hat Assignment Words: 691

Cells to Display Text from By February 2015, 80% of students in grades 3-5 will have increased their ELLA scaled score (AS) reading proficiency by Modifying Sign in sheet and minutes Select the cell you would like to modify. Next, click on “Home” tab. A minimum of 5% or one-half grade level equivalent (GE), as measured by the STAR benchmark assessments. The first intervention meetings and Plus, STAR Then, under “Format,” select “Outfit Row Height. The full text for two benchmark assessments will have been administered and analyzed, and intervention programs will have been the selected benchmark results, cell should then be visible. Assessed for effectiveness. By April 201 5, 80% of students will demonstrate a proficient rating using the state developed writing rubric to assess student performance. 80% of teachers will have implemented a rigorous writing program for students to cite to and respond to text during reading of literary and informational texts, with alignment to the CSS, as evidenced by lesson plans, walkout’s and observations.

Lesson plans, RACE walkout’s, observations, student writing samples, Writing Assessment for grades 3,4, and 5 By June 201 5, 80% of students in grades 3-5 will increase their ELLA scaled score (AS) reading proficiency by a minimum STAR assessment data, analysis report, of 10% or one grade level equivalent (GE), as measured by the STAR benchmark assessment, given three times during formal feedback on walkout’s and the school year. The Mid-year Writing Assessment will show that 80% of students received proficiency scores on the observations state-developed rubric for writing proficiency. 0% of teachers will have implemented effective strategies for close reading of text, differentiated instruction, and writing. Primary Turnaround Action Step Principle Addressed Group students based on previous year’s assessment data. 3 – Effective Instruction Screening tools will be used to identify skill deficiencies/strengths in word recognition, phonics, vocabulary development, comprehension, and fluency. Provide ongoing PDP and coaching on close reading and ODL strategies during PL grade level meetings.

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Select teachers from each grade level to serve as team “captains” (non-stipend extinction) who will receive PDP and then turnkey 1 – School Leadership it. Team captains will turnkey close reading PDP with their colleagues at PL meetings. PL meeting agendas and minutes will be collected indicating that this has occurred. A close reading lesson plan will be created for each marking period and on each grade level for usage by the team. A copy will 3 – Effective Instruction be submitted along with PL minutes. PDP on Lucy Calking’ Unit of Study will be scheduled for the staff.

Purchase of Grade Components to support the writing program. 4 – Curriculum, Assessment & Intervention System Grade 3, 4 and 5 teachers will collaborate within PL teams to 2 – School Climate & Culture identify and coordinate common writing assignments. Results of the common student writing assignments will be reviewed collaboratively at PL meetings at grade level teams led by Team Leaders. A mid-Year writing assessment will be 4 – Curriculum, Assessment & developed/identified to administer at each grade level. A reading interventionist will be hired to work with students who are 2 or more years below reading level.

Instructional pacing will be adjusted based upon student academic needs. – Enabling the Effective Use of Data 16 17 18 19 20 Modifying Cells to Display Text Cathy Miller 9/1/2014 A before and after school program for students performing 2 or more years below grade level will be offered if budgetary feasible. Additional, staffing for ASS instruction to address the needs of the lowest performing students in math and ELLA. Staff will identify and utilize parent materials that are intended for the parents of ELL students found within the STAR program and 8 – Family Engagement website.

Teachers will print out progress STAR individual student progress reports and urns these to parents during conferences. 8 – Family Engagement Conduct walkout’s and observations to witness the use of the 1 – School Leadership close reading strategies. Meet with individual teachers to provide feedback on implementation of strategies. Special education students will have individualized learning plans for literacy, aligned to their Peps, and weekly progress monitoring will be conducted by teachers to provide useful feedback to be shared with the principal, RACE office, and district leadership team.

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Kay hat Assignment. (2021, Jan 08). Retrieved March 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/kay-hat-7047/