International Human Relations Assignment

International Human Relations Assignment Words: 2917

Unit of Study Graduate Capabilities Graduate Capability Level Description of Graduate Capability* T & L Activity and Assessment Core communication skills (Wok through 6) Expressing feelings nonverbally (Wok) Lecture and tutorial activities (Wok through 6) Group presentations Problem Solving 4 Identify and solve a broad range of employ problems, drawing on in-depth knowledge, understanding, reflection and evaluation.

Lecture and tutorial activities (Wok 1) Attitudes and managing emotions (Wok and 9) Demonstrate significant knowledge and understanding of own learning in relation to work and career choices and requirements; develop, reflect on and evaluate a broad range of sophisticated strategies for achieving own career and learning goals.

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Interpersonal effectiveness and leadership (Woke) Weekly knowledge and skill consolidation Continuous assessment in the form of online assessments and urinal reflections Group presentation Apply and evaluate a broad range of environmentally, socially and culturally responsible strategies in work, community and learning contexts Intercultural communication (Wok) Expressing feelings nonverbally (Wok) Group presentation Research report Communication 5 Communicate with others, using speech and writing, on a broad range of complex topics using specialized and appropriate language and demonstrating control over key genres/text types required.

Career Development Environmental, Social and Cultural Responsibility Page 4 of 1 5 GRADE SETS There are five grade sets, namely fail (N: 0-49%), pass (P: credit (C: 60-69%), distinction (D: 70-79%), and high distinction (HAD: 80-100%). ASSESSMENT The assessment scheme has 5 components as listed below: Assessment Weight Learning outcome e Formats ILIAC Graduate capabilities pep irritate Due 1 . Personal reflective Journals 2. Skill comprehension and reflection about theoretical concepts 3. Blackboard online assessments 4.

Research report 2, 3 and 41,3 Journal entry Short answer n/a n/a Career Development Communication Ongoing Ongoing MAC Report Career Development Environmental, Social and Cultural Responsibility Communication; Career Development; Environmental, Social and Cultural Responsibility Ongoing Week 9 5. Group tutorial 10% activity, design paper and workshop* Oral/Design paper n/a ongoing In tutorials . *A group will conduct a workshop at the tutorial each week based upon the allocated weekly tutorial topic. A summary of assessment tasks follows.

Please go to Blackboard (Web) for: 1 . 2. 3. Full assessment/assignment details; Criterion referenced assessment guide (assessment rubric) for each assignment as required; and Assignment Declaration cover sheet, with Assessment Criteria completed and a separate cover sheet loaded for each assignment. Page 5 of 1 5 ASSESSMENT TASKS Assessment 1 – Personal reflective Journals – 20% Learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 At the end of each lecture, a reflective Journal exercise will be presented based on the theoretical concepts covered in the lecture.

The reflective journals require students to put the theory into practice – in order to demonstrate mastery of a range of generic interpersonal skills, which are necessary for building and maintaining effective working and interpersonal relationships. Students will be required to complete five reflective Journal exercises during the semester. The first journal will be completed after the lecture in Week 1 on the topic of Goal setting.

The journal will be used to provide early feedback to you and to identify any additional learning support that might be required. This Journal is due for submission in the Week 2 tutorial and will be unguarded. You will then be required to submit four journals worth 5 marks each. The Journals should be handed in the week after the exercise is presented in class so that your tutor can provide you with feedback. You should then address their tutor’s comments and re-submit their Journals at the end of the semester for final assessment.

More information is given on page 12. Assessment 2 – Skill comprehension and reflection about theoretical concepts – 15% Learning outcome 1 and 3 Each week, student’s knowledge of the material for the current week will be assessed by completion of a class comprehension worksheet. The worksheet covers a short assessment of the lecture (questions provided in the lecture) to be submitted at the following weeks tutorial. A total of five lecture assessments must be submitted for students to be eligible for this grade.

Assessment 3 – Blackboard online assessments – 35% – Learning outcome 1 A total of ten tests will be presented over the course of the semester in Blackboard – this nears that from week 3 onwards there will be one test each week. Tests will only be available for the week they are scheduled. Students must complete at least seven of these tests. If more tests are attempted, only the best seven results will be used to determine the students’ assessment. Please note: at least 50% of the questions on these tests will come directly from the textbook.

Since the answers for these questions are in your textbook, incorrect responses will attract a – 1 penalty. Make sure you are well prepared before beginning the test because you will be allowed only one chance. Assessment 4 – Research report – 20% – Learning outcome 2 and 3 The focus for this assignment is you, the student, and the purpose of the assignment is to allow you the opportunity to enhance your interpersonal skills and strengthen your capacity for realistic selfsameness. The topic topic is negotiation. More International Is given on page 13.

Nine Limit Is words, Ana students snouts indicate at the end of their assignment the actual word count. At least five peer- reviewed references MUST be consulted in order to pass this component. Note: Peer- reviewed references DO NOT include information on websites (please Page 6 of 15 discuss with your tutor if you are unsure what this nears). A full reference list should be included at the back of your report and all references within the report should be correctly cited (using Harvard system). Students must also submit their assignment to Turning, and attach a hardcopy of their Turning similarity report, before submitting to their tutor.

Assessment 5 – Group workshop – 10% – Learning outcome 1 and 2 (a) The design paper (1000 words Max) will provide a summary of the content of the presentation and give details of the objectives and methods of delivery used for the presentation. It will also include a “log”, which documents how often the group met, for how long, who attended each meeting and what decisions were taken at each meeting. All group members will also be required to attach a brief (half page) discussion describing how effectively the group members worked together, what problems were encountered and the strategies used to overcome hose.

Each individual should also document ways in which he or she could have enabled the group to become more effective. (b) In the class presentation a small group (4-5 members approximately) will take complete responsibility for leading a class presentation of approximately 50 minutes on a topic in Human Relations. It is essential that this presentation is applied rather than theoretical, involves other class members and is enjoyable. Students will be expected to achieve a high standard, in terms of their oral presentation skills. This nears that students who read their notes ill normally obtain a “fail” for this component of the subject.

All group members are expected to contribute to the group presentation and if this does not occur, the remaining group members would be expected, after consultation with their tutor, to require nonperforming individuals to leave their group. If this occurs individuals who are no longer a member of a presentation group need to discuss alternative presentation arrangements with their tutor or lecturer. Page 7 of 15 REQUIRED READING Johnson, D. W. , 2014, Reaching Out: Interpersonal Effectiveness and self-Actualization, 1 lath den, Pearson Education, USA. RECOMMENDED READING Adler, R. B. , Rosenstein, L. B. And Town, M. 2007 Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication, 10th den, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Dresser, H. , 2010 International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases: International Version, 7th den, Pearson Higher Education, USA. De Vito, J. , 1991, Human Communication: The Basic Course, 5th den, Harper and Row, New York. Nelson-Jones, R. , 1996, Human Relationship Skills, 3rd den, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Sydney. Whiten, W. And Lloyd, M, 1994, Psychology Applied to Modern Life, 4th den, Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove. Other reference material to be advised by lecturer.

Page 8 AT 1 TEACHING SCHEDULE 1. LECTURE SCHEDULE week TOPIC (Lecture & Lecture & Tutorial Activities Blackboard) 1 Introduction, & the Allocation of presentation topics and times. Importance of Exercise: Self-Disclosure Questionnaire Building Positive Exercise: First Impressions Self-concept *Setting Career Goals Journal 1 Required Homework Read Chapters 1 , 2 & 3 (text) Optional: Online tutorial – Self Esteem NOTE: For Bus. International Hospitality Management students and Bus. International Tourism Management students, you are required to register online, for BOBBY Co-operative Education.

Read Chapter 4 (text) Online tutorial; Communication Skills Reach Chapter 4 (text Reach Chapter 7 (text) Online tutorial; Listening Skills 2 Becoming An Effective Communicator Developing Your Listening Skills 3 4 Expressing Your Feelings Verbally Intercultural Communication 6 Expressing Your Feelings Non Exercises: Understanding your communication style Exercise: Giving effective criticism to employees (Workbook) Video: Basic interviewing skills *Effective Criticism Journal 2 Video: You’re not listening Exercise: Learning to paraphrase Test 1 Chapters ND part of Chi 4 from text Lectures 1 and 2 Online tutorial on self-esteem and communication. Paraphrasing Journal 3 Presentation 1 (Verbal Communication Exercise l, You,Them Language Exercise 2, Peter and Barbara Test 2 Chi 7 from text and part of Chi 4 Lecture 3 Online tutorial on listening *l and You Journal Presentation 2 (Intercultural Communication) Video: What makes you say that? Cultural diversity at work (part 2) Exercise: Comparing cultural identities Test 3 Chi 5 from text Lecture 4 *Culture Journal 5 Presentation 3 (Expressing Feelings Non-verbally) Exercises:

Interpreting non-verbal cues Page 9 of 15 Read Chapter 5 (text) There is no online tutorial for this topic. Read chanter Provo awe online on Wedded online tutorial: cultural Delivered Read Chapter 6 (text) Online tutorial: Non Verbally 7 Improving Your Conflict Management Skills 8 Managing Your Emotions: The Influence of Personality 9 Attitudes and Values Shaping Behavior 10 Achieving Interpersonal Effectiveness and Leadership Video: What the window cleaner saw Test 4 Chapter from Web (Internal. Com. ) Lecture 5 Online tutorial on intercultural com. Non-verbal Journal 6 Exercise: Lost on he Moon Exercise: Discussion Questions Test 5 Chapter 6 from text Lecture 6 Online Tutorial on non-verbal communication *Conflict Management Journal 7 Presentation 4 (Managing Emotions) Exercise: Self-Monitoring Questionnaire Exercise: Optimism and Pessimism Video: Salesman – Explanatory Style Test 6 Chapter 8 from text Lecture 7 Online tutorial on conflict management *Optimism and Pessimism Journal 8 Research Report to be submitted in tutorials Exercise: What do you Value? Exercise: Machiavellian Exercise: Alligator River Story Test 7 Chapter 9 from text Lecture 8

Required reading ‘Passion’s slaves’ Online tutorial on managing emotions *Red and White Hat Journal 9 Mid-Semester Break; 23rd- 27th September Exercise: Leadership Fishbowl Test 8 Required Reading: Six Thinking Hats Online tutorial on Attitudes Influencing Behavior *Reinforcing Strengths Journal 10 Presentation 5 (Relationship Development and Deterioration) Exercise: Multiple Intelligence Test 9 Required Reading: Achieving Interpersonal Effectiveness (week 10 workbook) Online tutorial on Interpersonal Skills *Goal Review Journal 11 Final Journal portfolio to be submitted during final tutorial Page 10 of 15

Verbal Communication Read Chapter 8 (text) Online tutorial: Conflict Management Read chanter Y Ext Required rearing: ‘Passion’s slaves’ Wee work module on managing emotions. Online tutorial: Emotions Required Reading: Six Thinking Hats (week workbook) Online tutorial: Attitudes 11 Problem Solving Required Reading: Achieving Interpersonal Effectiveness (week 10 workbook) Online tutorial: Interpersonal Skills Required Reading: Relationship Development and Deterioration (Week 12 workbook) Online tutorial: Relationships Two hour tutorial: Your tutor will give you 12 The Employee Counseling

Interview Workshop and Journal Submission Test 10 Required Reading: Relationship Development and Deterioration (Week 12 workbook) Online tutorial on Relationships information regarding times for this in week 1 1 . Page 11 of 15 ASSESSMENT TASKS – Additional notes Assessment 1 – Reflective Journals In their reflective Journals students will be expected to apply the skills and theoretical concepts introduced in lectures and to demonstrate mastery of the interpersonal skills required to develop and maintain effective interpersonal relationships.

Students may only complete reflective Journals for lectures they attend. Any students, whose Journals are unsatisfactory, because they did not attend the lecture or failed to demonstrate the required level of understanding or mastery, will receive an “unsatisfactory’ grade and may not be allowed to resubmit this Journal. These journals are intended to provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of generic interpersonal skills. In order to do this, students need to describe and critically evaluate theoretical concepts as well as what occurred when they tried to apply this knowledge.

They will need to explain what aspects of the task they mound easy or difficult and provide reasons. The reasons for difficulty could relate to the theory, their understanding of the theory or their ability to implement the theory. Students should also discuss strategies for developing more advance interpersonal skills. It is essential, in order to maximize their opportunities to learn, that students follow the instructions for Journal entries carefully and complete all components of the task. There will be eleven homework exercises and these will form the bases for the reflective Journals.

Students need to select and complete five of these, but when seldom students snouts try to complete ten asterisked C) Journals. Renville journals should be handed in the week after the exercise was conducted in lectures. Tutors will mark and return the Journals the following week with one of three possible comments; SATISFACTORY, RE-SUBMIT, UNSATISFACTORY. “satisfactory journals are to be kept until the end of semester for re-submission. “Re-submit” journals will need to be re-written or altered according to the tutor’s instructions and re-submitted in the next tutorial. Unsatisfactory’ Journals should be discarded and a replacement Journal should be selected. In Week 12, all Journals submitted during the semester need to be re-submitted to your tutor including any others that have not yet been submitted but make up the five required. A final grade will then be assigned. This grade will be based upon the timeliness of submission, the extent to which students followed instructions and demonstrated mastery of effective interpersonal skills and a capacity to reflect upon their behavior and show an understanding of ways more advanced interpersonal skills could be developed.

Topics for Reflective Journals Weekly : Goal Setting* Week: Giving effective criticism Week 3: Active listening: Learning how to paraphrase. Week: Improving communication skills: Using I (not You) statements Week 5: Understanding your cultural identity and appreciating cultural differences Week 6: How effective are your non-verbal communication skills?

Week 7: Improving your conflict management skills Week 8: Pessimism and Optimism Week 9: Using white hat thinking and red hat thinking Week 10: Reinforcing leadership skills Week 1 1: Reviewing your goals: To what extent were they week 12: FINAL JOURNAL SUBMISSION page 12 of 15 Research Report Students need to select two of the topics discussed during the object and use the knowledge they have acquired in class and from reading other relevant textbooks to analyses the issues/problems in a key interpersonal relationship. In this assignment students should demonstrate that they are familiar with relevant theory and have read extensively.

They also need to show that they are able to apply this theory to a specific interpersonal issue or problem and use it to explain what has occurred and provide practical solutions. Students should also try to implement some solutions and indicate, in their assignment, how successful these were. A good assignment will also critically evaluate the theory in terms of its relevance for the issues in the interpersonal relationship. The word limit for this assignment is 2000 words. A reference list must be included and references should be correctly cited.

An example of a suitable topic is “My relationship with my father looked at from the perspective of improving conflict management and listening skills”. It is suggested that students check with their tutor whether the topic they have chosen is suitable, before they start work on it. Structure of the Report 1 . Abstract/executive summary (200 words) Summary of the report. 2. Introduction (approve. 150 words) This section will briefly describe the problem and identify the theoretical topics that you will use in order to enhance your understanding of the problem and to provide you with some solutions. 3.

Discussion (approve. 1500 words) This may have many sections. It will contain 3 elements: description of the communication dynamics of the focus relations, ascription AT relevant tannery, a sentinels AT tannery Walt relations. Evaluate relevant theory relating to the first topic selected Apply this theory to the current problem and demonstrate how this theory enhances their understanding of his problem. Discuss and critically evaluate relevant theory relating to the second topic selected. Apply this theory to the current problem and demonstrate how this theory can be used to understand this problem.

Mention any relevant issues, which might hinder or facilitate the solution of the current problem. Provide some potentially practical theoretical solutions and explain why these are likely to be successful and your reasons for dismissing other solutions. 4. Conclusions (approve. 300 words) In this section of the report students should summaries the success or otherwise of their implemented solutions. In this section students will answer the following questions: To what extent did the solutions implemented resolve the problem? WSDL alternative solutions have worked better?

Has this exercise taught you anything about your interpersonal strengths and weaknesses? Explain why. 5. Reference List Full details of all references cited within the report should be provided in this section of the report and ordered alphabetically. Note: students who wish to pass this assignment must have a minimum of five peer-reviewed references. All references listed here must have been cited in the text of the report. Page 13 of 15 Guidelines for Group Presentations and Presentation of Design Papers These guidelines provide the basic requirements for class presentation design papers – please ensure all areas are covered in your paper.

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International Human Relations Assignment. (2022, Mar 17). Retrieved October 23, 2024, from