Influences of Students Success Assignment

Influences of Students Success Assignment Words: 1235

Influences of Students’ Success Does the students’ behavior affect their academic success? I think that a person’s behavior or habits does affect their academic success. I will provide information that proves that behavior does have effects on a student’s success. I think the easiest way to communicate my findings is to list them briefly in point form. I’m going to take time and space to list these because other students may be interested in these details.

I will discuss the main findings and their implications below and if you want to skip these individual findings I will understand (Morgan Chityo). Procrastination is one of the biggest reasons that a student does not have good academic success. Procrastination is defined as putting a certain task off until a certain deadline arrives. Such as, if a student has to have a report or speech done by a certain date and has known for three weeks but delays in getting it done until the day before it is due.

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Doing this usually results in a bad grade for that paper, which could bring the student’s overall grade down to not passing. In my own experience with this problem, I have found it is easier to just do the work after you find out it is due rather than waiting until the last day. Such as, I had a buddy in high school that would hear about the assignment and would delay in getting it done till the day it was due. Yet, he would complain that he never had enough time to do the work required to complete the assignment.

Personality is also another reason that students’ might not have good academic success. A personality is a person attitude or persona that they show to everyone around them. An example is, the more self-disciplined and cooperative students are, the more time they spend on homework and the more emotionally stable students are the less time they spend on homework. Or, if a student is depressed because of the events that have happened in their life, they may be too distracted by those events to focus on the studies or homework they have due for their classes.

I am going to refer back to my buddy in high school again because he too was depressed. Granted, he brought it on himself by procrastinating so much, but there were other reasons for his depression as well. A student’s background also plays an important role in a student’s academic success. The student’s background could be anywhere from the time they first got into school to the time they left school to start their life. So, if a student had a bad childhood because of bad parents or too many restrictions in their life, they may not feel the need to do well in their academics.

For example, if a student’s parents beat them or always put him or her down then the student may start to think that they are not good enough or smart enough to do well in their academics. I have heard of students that do not do well in their academic courses because they have been beaten by their spouse or parents. Which in turn, they start focusing on the event that happened in their life and start to forget what they have learned so far. As well as, ignoring what they are supposed to learn in the future classes. A student’s prior achievements also may have an effect on their academic success.

A student’s achievements are their rewards or accomplishments. On this note, if a student has a lot of ribbons or participates in extracurricular activities and succeeds or surpasses expectations, they will be given praise or trophies. Upon receiving these rewards the student’s confidence will be boosted which will result in that student being able to concentrate on their studies and tests easier. Not to mention, exercise from these extracurricular activities stimulates the brain and makes the student feel better about their life.

Students that interact or participate in class a lot have a tendency to do better in their academics. Some people have found that by interacting in the classroom environment, a student’s confidence and personality is improved. As well as, the student’s brain tends to remember or recall events easier, which will help them, do better on tests and quizzes. For example, if a student participates in a lab activity or a group exercise, then the student will remember that day easier because of the hands on activity they done during that time.

The student’s ability to learn academic subjects and the teacher’s ability to motivate and encourage learning will affect academic performances. Such as, if a student likes to learn the course and the teacher is able to motivate and encourage the student enough, the student will be able and willing to pay attention and in result be able to remember the information easier. On the other hand, if the teacher is not able to keep the student’s attention or keep the students motivated, then what usually happens is the student tends to ignore what the teacher has to say and does not really learn any of the information.

When I started college last semester, I had a guy that sat next to me and I could tell that the class or teacher was just too boring for him to stay interested in what the teacher had to say. This guy was interested for about thirty to forty-five minutes of each class session, after that time was up, he either started to fall asleep or he would get on the Face book site and totally ignore what the teacher was saying. Drug abuse or alcohol abuse is another big contributing factor that has an impact on a student’s success. Drug abuse or alcohol abuse is defined as using an illegal drug or alcohol to receive a high or feeling of euphoria.

As well as, drinking too much alcohol day after day to get away or whatever the reason may be. Plus, scientists have shown that alcohol and drugs damage the brain cells, which makes a student or the user, lose some of their memories or information that has been stored to use later. “The risk for adult problem drug use was related to: underachievement in 1st grade; low 7th and 8th grade standardized math scores; both suspension from and skipping school in their childhood; not having a high school diploma, and having a diploma or GED,” says Kate E.

Fothergill. (Web) There’s really no excuse for not being prepared for class, and if you consistently go to class unprepared and unwilling to add to the class discussion, your grade could take a major hit. Such as, students not having the writing utensils or other requirements that you need to be able to complete the class. Works Cited Abercrombie, Christofer. My Personal Expeirence Christofer Abercrombie. 7 July 2010. Engler, Barbara. Personality Theories. Cengage Learning, 2008. Morgan Chityo, i.

Journal of Reseach in Special Needs (2008): 9999. Ormrod, J. E. Developing Learnersxcerpt from Educational Psychology Dev. Pearson Education Inc. , 2008. “Schools as Communities, Poverty Levels ofStudent Population and Attitudes, otives and Performance. ” American Eduactional Research Journal (1995): 627-658. Wilson-Wesley, Valerie. “Black Enterprise. ” Make American Classrooms Work. Setmeber 1984. Pychyl, Timothy A. Psychology Today. 18 January 2010. 07 July 2010. www. psychologytoday. com

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