Individuals with Different Learning Styles and Personality Types Assignment

Individuals with Different Learning Styles and Personality Types Assignment Words: 788

Individuals with Different Learning Styles and Personality Types: Presenting Dynamic Tactics for Cooperation and Communication in a Group Melissa Milligan Learning Styles Another particular learning style is Logical-Mathematical. An individual with this learning type would be great at solving group problems. If group conflict where to occur the Logical-Mathematical would look at arguments where truth of conclusion would be guaranteed and follow up with reason’s supporting the truth.

They are great at communicating connections and relationships and would be able to explain material sequentially for a group (Bishop, 2007, p. 4-5). A learner of this type would love to be designated to take on the task of creating charts and graphs for group assignments. Last but not least, the third learning style I am going to discuss is Interpersonal. Cooperation, communication and working in a group environment is this learners finest qualities hence helping, understanding and cooperative learning is how they understand information best.

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Communication is best made both verbally and non-verbally for them (Bishop, 2007, p. 5). The Interpersonal is great at relating to others that is one ability that would be great to have them as a group member, not only that but they view perspectives from other’s opinions helping the group to maintain good relations (Bishop, 2007, p. 5). Just like learning styles, personality traits are equally important when it comes to a group environment and being understanding of each member’s personality will help a group better understand not only oneself but others in the group as well. Personality significantly influences team behavior” (Robbins, Pulling in the Same Direction, p. 40). Having your personality assessed will help you and group members to understand how one reacts to people, events, information, thoughts and feelings (Bishop, 2007, p. 8). Based on the personality spectrum having a good idea of what personality type you and your other group members are will help not only you, but each group member evaluate how act in response to situations and respond to people. (Bishop, 2007, p. ). If your personality type is an Organizer your orientation to detail and thorough efficiency to follow through on tasks would be very helpful in aiding a group to stay on task and get things done on time and in a timely manner. You might be considered the group coordinator because an Organizer loves a well-structured learning environment and in a group would be very helpful in keeping information neat and orderly. Other group members would depend on your reliability and responsibility (Bishop, 2007, p. ). One group communication strategy that would help you out would to “have group tasks defined in clear concrete terms so you know what is expected of you” (Bishop, 2007, p. 9). As an organizer, communicating and requesting feedback from other group members is what would work best for your personality type and help get the group motivated to give each other constructive criticism when needed that can really aide in how successful groups work together to achieve great results.

When having a Giver personality one of your highest qualities in group cooperation would be to please the other group members by trying to make a difference in the lives of other group members, making you have successful close relationships (Bishop, 2007, p. 9). Giver’s seek to find tasks to help other people which would greatly improve the success in group relationships. Because you would help to find ways for individuals in the group to be honest and clearly express their thoughts and feelings conflict management in a group would be easy for you to handle.

Not to mention, the characteristic to cultivate the highest potential of yourself and others would make each group member as an individual work to their highest potential, making overall group morale high and willing to work cooperatively with one another. “To learn successfully you need to maximize your strengths and compensate for your weaknesses” (Bishop, 2007, p. 1). Being aware of each group member’s strengths and weaknesses will help each other compensate to improve on weaknesses of learning or certain traits that may bring them down as a student.

When you understand how you learn, you can make more active and effective strategies and pursue learning goals to achieve success. Strategies work different for every learning style and personality traits successful collaboration and communication depends on individuals in the group knowing each person in the group’s specific styles and traits so they can better understand how to work cooperatively with one another.

Understanding the diverse learning styles and personality traits will help “assign tasks effectively, learn more comprehensively, communicate more successfully, and appreciate different perspectives” (Bishop, 2007, p. 13). Robbins, S. Pulling in the same direction. (2008, March). Director, 61 (8), 40. Seckel, S. (2007, Spring). Characteristics and responsibilities of successful e-learners. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 21 (2), 22.

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