Impact of Internet Assignment

Impact of Internet Assignment Words: 2980
[pic] |Library Sciences Site | | | |Paula Laurita | | |BellaOnline’s Library Sciences Editor | [pic] Education Lite – The Impact of the Internet on Education What impact does the Internet have on education? Does it enhance it or detract from it? Do we turn education over to corporations who have the dollar clout to sponsor elaborate Web pages masquerading as educational sites?

Max Frankel in his 1996 article, Media Mongrels wrote: Psychologists have taught advertisers that young children are especially trusting of computer characters who address them by name and engage them in one-to-one conversation. The industry’s research shows also that when children go on line they enter a “flow state” of total absorption in a challenging activity. Erica Gruen, of Saatchi & Saatchi Interactive, is quoted as certain that “there is nothing like it for advertisers to build relationships with kids. ” Another concern about education and the Internet links home and school–homework help.

This type of help is more than accessing an online encyclopedia and looking up a subject. It is making use of sites that are designed specifically to aid with homework. Some online services provide specific areas to assist with assignments, including the ability to send questions or homework problems via e-mail to experts in a subject area and receive responses in as little as three hours. Questions of honesty and integrity immediately come to mind. Would the latch-key middle school student simply plug into one of these services and wait for answers to homework problems?

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A prime example of this situation is the plagiarism scandal in the Piper, Kansas, High School. Many parents stated that their young-adult students didn’t know that it was wrong to copy information from the Internet. This scandal has highlighted some of the problems with attitudes toward information. Many view the Internet as a copyright free zone. A larger concern arises. How do students, whose families cannot afford Internet access from home, compete academically with those whose families can afford cable or DSL Internet service? It can be argued that any “good” school or library must have access to the Internet.

Educators and librarians have unique interests in regard to the Information Superhighway. Some believe that students should be given a Ferrari and a map and allowed to zoom on to new horizons. Others are concerned that the rush to jump on the Internet Superhighway will lead to traffic jams in education. In her book Education on the Internet, Jill H. Ellsworth proclaims of the Internet: It is a powerful releaser of emotion, motivation, and engagement for students… Contacts around the world, in far away places, make any project more dynamic, and more interesting…

Both teachers and students can be invigorated by the freshness and immediacy of the Net. This is the view of many educators, parents, and politicians. The Internet is a good resource, but until there are books and other needed resources the Internet is a frill. Recently the Washington state library was threatened with closure. It was not seen as an educational necessity in a cash strapped state. One politician argued with the state’s head librarian that anything he needed could be found on the Internet. The librarian asked him to show her an example.

He immediately pulled up his favorite website–The Washington State Library webpage! The rush to use the Internet in schools has created some concern. One is common to information provided by industries. Commercialism! How much of the information presented is merely a commercial for a product or corporation? Max Frankel in Media Mongrels decries: Dozens of familiar companies aim to lure even preschool kids with puzzles and prizes and “personal messages” from the Nabisco Thing, the Colgate Tooth Wizard and my old friends, the Kellogg triumvirate of Snap! Crackle! and Pop!

While computer technology, and the Net are wonderful tools they are just that–tools. Shakespeare could write, Verdi could compose, and Rubens could paint without access to the Internet. Their creativity was not stifled. Creative teachers also can do without the Internet. Access to up-to-date information from around the world may assist in a lesson. Computer technology allows us to do many tasks faster and with greater ease and accuracy. Once the Internet becomes an end in itself it ceases to be a tool. In his article Surfing the Net for “Education Lite,” Barrett L. Mosbacker expresses concerns when the Net takes on a messianic quality”: If we encourage students to become addicted to instantaneous bits of information, free of context and logical coherence, they will be ill-equipped for the rational dialog and analysis required for citizens in a civil and literate culture. Modern technology cannot substitute for a thorough reading of the great classics in literature, philosophy, and political history. Being technologically advanced and sophisticated is not the same thing as being literate and civilized. The quality of information on the Internet should not be taken at face value.

Information is not “true” simply because it is on the Net. Educators can utilize the Internet to teach how to evaluate information, judge what is credible and what is false. Just as with the home, in school the Superhighway can take children to many wonderful places. There are also many pot holes that can cause injury. It is our responsibility to give guidance on how to safely surf the Net. For more information on copyright see Education and Copyright. http://www. bellaonline. com/articles/art3019. asp Impacts of Internet Usage on Students’ Academic Performance (CGPA)

Awais, Bilal, M Usman, M Waqas, Sehrish LUMS, LSE, NCA, PU, UET Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of internet usage on student’s academic performance so that universities will take effective measures and invest in IT and encouraged students to use internet. Design/methodology/approach – Exploratory studies method is adopted for the entire research. Our research project is concerned with Field Study. Data were collected from six universities students from which five are top ranked specified university and one is general university with a questionnaire methodology.

Correlation and regression techniques were used to find out the strength and direction of the relationship. Findings – Internet is one of the beneficial tools in this era of IT world not only for business but for academic point of view and enhances the skills and capabilities of students which assist them in studies and in professional life. Student with high CGPA use more internet for their studies and gain more knowledge and information across the world. Research limitations/implications – The self-report criteria are a limitation.

Future research should employ more objective measures of internet use. Also, antecedents of internet use might be explored in other developing economies. We have chosen limited universities and disciplines from a single city Lahore. Practical implications – To encourage internet usage intentions, it appears worthwhile to create in potential users a sense that the technology is useful, easy to use, and that others have expectations regarding its usage. H. M. Usman isenthusiastic to brings about new knowledge and learns new skills Introduction

Throughout the world, Marketer and Consumer Buying Behavior (CBB) are changing the face of education. It has been argued that the, if a marketer can identify CBB, he or she will be in better position to target products and services at them. Just as computers are about to replace books (some would argue this has already happened) as our main source of information globally, computers will come to occupy the central position in education once occupied by books. The Internet was initially developed by the US Defense Department and was at one time only popular within the research community.

Its ability to share information across organizations and to interact with people at low cost has gradually enticed other sectors to explore its use. Today, the Internet has an impact on every facet of our life including business operation, education, communication, entertainment, social activity, shopping, and so on. Many universities around the world are expanding their investment in information technology (IT), and specifically the Internet, and are actively promoting Internet use. From a student’s perspective, learning using online tools is multidimensional.

It may entail a multitude of variables such as prior student knowledge of IT, experience in its usage, perceptions of IT usage, computer competencies, and background demographics. The Internet is one of the greatest recent advancement in the world of information technology and has become a useful instrument that has fostered the process of making the world a global village. The Internet provides several opportunities for the academia. It is a mechanism for information dissemination and a medium for collaborative interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic limitation of space.

The word Internet is derived from two words: “international” and “network”. The Internet therefore can be defined as an international computer network of information available to the public through modem links so internet is a worldwide system of linked computers networks. The Internet is the world’s largest and most widely used network. It is an international network of networks that is a collection of hundreds of thousands of private and public networks all over the world. There are rich and varied learning experiences available on the Internet that would have been inconceivable just a short while ago.

The Internet has a range of capabilities that organizations are using to exchange information internally or to communicate externally with other organizations. The primary infrastructure for e-commerce, e-banking, e-business, e-learning and virtual library is provided by the Internet technology. The Internet provides several opportunities for all academia, business organizations, the employed and the unemployed, the young and the old. The Internet is a ‘live’ constantly ‘moving’, theoretically borderless, potentially infinite space for the production and circulation of information.

The Internet might thus be described as a ‘sea of information’, containing texts which are not housed between library and bookshop walls and subject areas span across all fields of knowledge. The Internet can be used for other things besides email. One can listen to international radio station on research and education on the Internet, read national dailies of other countries, speak to friends around the global, read books and other materials on the Internet. The list of things that can be done on the Internet is a very long one. The Internet contains more 103 nformation than the world’s largest libraries with access to the Internet one can retrieve information from the world’s largest information database. Objectives of study A study of different disciplines was conducted to identify the intensity of internet usage by student who belongs to different disciples. The purpose of our studies is to evaluate weather is their any relationship between the usage of internet and students academics performance. To better understand the relationship how the Internet affects university students learning, the following questions should be answered.

What are the benefits of using the Internet as part of a university education? What are the main factors affecting such use? What is the impact of such use on student learning? What does it take to encourage positive attitudes in students toward Internet use? This study tries to answer these questions by exploring the antecedents to, and the impacts of, Internet use in university education. The specific objectives were to: • Identify attitude of students toward IT. • Determine the purpose of internet usage for students. • Find out the intensity of internet usage by students. •

Evaluate that whether the use of internet improve the academic performance of students or not. Significance of study This study could be beneficial for student as well as for institutions. The valuable feedback from 500 students should help student to realize the benefits of internet in their education. Institutes can invest more in internet facilities to enhance the performance of their students and produce better results. Based on Pakistan’s experience, international readers may take advantage from this study work. Literature review Advancement in technology brings major impacts on education (Underwood 2003).

Many universities around the world are expanding their investment in information technology (IT), and specifically the Internet, and are actively promoting Internet use in university education (Al-Nuaimy, Zhang & Noble, 2001; Bargeron, Grudin, Gupta , 2002; Chandler, 2002; Chen & Paul, 2003; Dringus, 1999; Huang et al, 2004;Kinshuk, 2002; Owston, 2000; Pahl, 2003; Richardson, 2003; Rovai, 2001). Instructors are being requested to make their teaching materials and other supporting resources accessible through the Internet (Alavi, 1994; Barker, 2002; Coppola, Hiltz & Rotter, 2002; Lee, 2001; Topper, 2002).

Students are encouraged to communicate with instructors, or with one another, via email. As universities promote Internet use, they need to understand their students’ attitudes towards using it (Frank, Reich & Hum- phreys, 2003; Milliken & Barnes, 2002). Instructors have long since considered the introduction of novel technologies into the classroom in hopes of stimulating student interest, focusing attention and fostering learning (Palloff & Pratt, 1999).

Indeed, the advent of the Internet in recent years has brought with it new possibilities for instructors to creatively deliver effective course instructions to students (Carswell , L. , Thomas, P. , Petre, M. , Price, B. & Richards, M. , 2000). For instance, Kekkonen-Moneta and Moneta (2002; see also Xie and Zhang, 1999) compared the students’ learning outcomes in a lecture with an online version of an introductory computing course. Both lecture- and online-learning students achieved comparable factual learning outcomes.

Moreover, the online students outperformed the lecture students in applied-conceptual learning. Among others, these findings suggest that the use of carefully designed interactive learning modules can effectively foster higher-order learning outcomes. Indeed, Martin and Taylor (1997) regarded a virtual classroom as the next step in the development of educational technology. There are various types of possible support that may be provided at organizational level by a university, such as support from instructors and technical experts and training opportunities.

These types of support may lead to greater Internet use and more effective learning. Future studies should take these research limitations into consideration at the design stage, so that research can be improved and accuracy further increased. While Internet use in university education is becoming more widespread and provides a supplement to traditional teaching methods, more extensive research in this area should be conducted to fully understand what factors lead to greater Internet use and better learning performance in students (Waiman Cheung and Wayne Huang, 2005).

Although there are many organizational factors (Igbaria & Tan,1997; Igbaria Parasuraman & Baroudi, 1996) that may influence an individual’s perceptions and attitudes, only two are considered dreadfully important: organizational support and IT support (Igbaria et al, 1996). Internet usage among university students, including the frequency and intensity of Internet use also significant for relationship between internet usage and student performance (Igbaria & Tan, 1997; Igbaria, Zinatelli, Gragg & Cavaye, 1997). Research methodology

Local and international articles and journals were referred as secondary source of information in the study. Primary data were collected from the distribution of self-administered questionnaires to 500 students from Lahore, Pakistan where there are so many recognized universities than other cities of Pakistan. Research instrument Closed and open ended questionnaire form was designed for this study. There were five sections in the questionnaire. Section A identified the attitude of students towards IT whether they feel comfort with usage of internet. Section B deal with social pressure on students from instructor.

The usage of Internet was acknowledged by Section C. Internet facilities were asked in Section D. Personal information about respondents were elicited in Section E. Sample design The convenience sampling method was used to select 500 students from top ranked institutes listed on website of Higher Education Commission (HEC). We have selected five disciplines including Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Computer Sciences (MCS), Masters in Arts (MA), Bachelors in Engineering (BE) and Bachelors in Medicine and Bachelors in Surgery (MBBS) from public and private institutes.

Public institute was The University of Punjab (PU) for all disciplines. On the other hand private institutes include Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) for MBA, Lahore School of Economics (LSE) for MCS, National College of Art for MA, The University of Engineering and Technology (UET) for Engineering, King Edward Medical College for MBBS. Selection of private institutes was based on high ranked by HEC in some particular discipline. See detail on table I. Data collection procedure The survey method was used to collect primary data in this research paper.

A pilot test was conducted by distributing questionnaire forms to 50 students in beginning of 2008. Minor editing was done before the final questionnaires were used to collect data from students by acting on their feedback. We personally went in above mentioned institutes and collected data by interacting with students. Before hand over questionnaire form to students, we approached to desire discipline students and make sure that they are not from 1st semester and had GPA result which is compulsory variable of our study. http://www. scribd. om/doc/9191411/Impacts-of-Internet-Usage-on-Students What is the positive and negative of internet on education There are several positive and negative impacts of the Internet on education. For rural areas especially, the access to information that the Internet offers is an incredible positive force, allowing almost anyone to find the answers to basic questions simply and easily. It helps education in that when someone is curious about something (and therefore open to learning), they can find out some information to feed that “learning hunger” immediately.

If you are curious about the ants in the backyard, or want to know more about dinosaurs or mythology… there is a wealth of information at your fingertips and you can enhance your knowledge. http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_the_positive_and_negative_of_internet_on_education Positive and negative aspects of internet over students’ education? Positive- access to a wide range of information, time saving, extensive. Negative- distracted by chatting, too much information, unreliable sources. http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index? qid=20070818051226AArheOe [pic]

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Impact of Internet Assignment. (2020, Dec 10). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from