Human Rights and Students Assignment

Human Rights and Students Assignment Words: 1531

Kind Regards, Vendetta Section 2 Important People Puppet show Grade level: 1-2 Learning objectives: Following this activity, students will be able to Define a support system Identify important adults in their support system Describe situations in which an adult should be told about a problem Tell an adult when they have a problem Time required: Two lessons, 30 minutes each Materials: Sticks, cardboard, pictures from magazines of adults who can help (parents, rareness’s, neighbors, doctors, nurses, teachers, fire fighters, police, crossing guards, child care workers) Description of activity: Introduction: Define a support system.

Have students identify adults in helping professions who can be a part of their support system. Activity: Have students make puppets of these important adults using magazine pictures mounted on cardboard attached to sticks to hold them up. Once each student has his/ her own puppet, ask each student to either (a) explain who the person is and how she/he can help children, or (b) participate in a play in which different members of support system help a child. Give students the opportunity to practice telling the puppet about a problem. Homework Students cut pictures from magazines in preparation for this activity.

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Evaluation Students can identify adults in helping professions who are a part of their support system. The teacher might develop a rubric with the following criteria to assess students’ performance: A: The student will define a support system, identify a minimum of four adults in a support system, create stick puppets and actively participate in the explanation and/ play. B: The student will define a support system, identify a minimum of Three adults in a support system, create stick puppets and actively participate in the explanation and/ play.

C: The student will not be able to define a support system, identify a minimum of One adult in a support system, create stick puppets, but will not participate in the explanation and/ play. D: The student did not complete the assignment Rewriting Fairy tales Grade level: 3 -4 Identify abusive and unsafe situations Formulate plans to make them safe Describe how to help a friend when he/ she is in an unsafe situation Say no! Get away! Tell someone! Time required: 30 minutes

Grime’s fairy tales (specifically Hansel and Greeter, Red Riding Hood and Raptures) Description of activity: Define the four forms of abuse: physical, sexual, emotional and neglect. Have each student read one fairy tale that depicts abuse. Afterward, have the class discuss the fairy tales and the types of abuse depicted. Ask students what they would do in similar situations, whom they would tell, and what measures could have been taken to protect the children from abuse. Have students rewrite each fairy tale, eliminating the abuse and making the children safe.

Homework Children read the fairy tale at home. They also could review old nursery rhymes to assess the different forms of abuse. A: The student will define four forms of abuse, read one fairy-tale, and rewrite one fairy tale with an appropriate ending. Fairy tale will be grammatically correct. B: The student will define four forms of abuse, read one fairy-tale, and rewrite one fairy tale with an new ending. The assignment will have some grammatically/ spelling errors. C: The student will define two forms of abuse, read one fairy-tale, but will not be able to rewrite the story.

D: The student did not complete the assignment Children’s Bill of rights Grade level: 5-6 Define basic needs of all individuals and the specific needs of children Describe the responsibilities of parents. Describe what happens when needs are not met. List Children’s Rights and responsibilities. Copies of Children’s Rights, Butcher paper and pencils. This activity can be a cooperative effort with “Children’s Rights” written on the chalkboard, compiled by the students, or an independent writing assignment. First, let the children read the bill of Rights and discuss it in class.

Ask them to brainstorm the specific needs of children. Discussion must include issues of ultra differences and special needs. I you have each child write his/her own “Children’s bill Of Rights”. Homework Before the activity, students can read the bill of rights at home. Evaluation A: The student will read the bill of rights, actively participate in classroom discussions, and prepare a well- written Children’s bill of rights with a minimum of eight items. B: The student will read the bill of rights, participate in classroom discussions, and prepare a Children’s bill of rights with a minimum of six items.

C: The student will read the bill of rights, participate in classroom discussions, ND prepare a Children’s bill of rights with a minimum Of four items. Section C What is stress? Stress is a normal, everyday occurrence. It’s our body’s response to feeling afraid, overworked, overestimated, threatened or excited. We tend to think of stress as a bad thing, but a certain amount of it actually helps us feel alert, energize and interested in life. However, too much stress, particularly when we don’t have any control over it, can make people unhappy and can interfere with their ability to respond to everyday tasks and challenges.

Stress can also lead to health problems. Even very young children experience stress, and it’s important for adults to recognize and help children deal with it. High levels of unrelieved stress can lead to behavior problems and can interfere with a child’s ability to function normally. When we help children deal with stress, they begin to build coping skills they will need throughout life. Children can experience stress at home, in child care settings, or even in play with others.

In the course of an average day, children experience stress when they have to wait, when they want something they can’t have, or when they lose or break one of their toys. Other common sources of a child’s stress include: early or rushed mornings, being hurried exposure to new situations too many expectations or demands separation from parents difficulties with peer friendships fights or disagreements with siblings transitioning from one activity or place to another new beginnings such as starting kindergarten or child care frequent change of caregivers.

These experiences can be stressful, but they are also normal, preschool versions of the sorts of stresses children will face as adults. Learning how to deal with them -? with our help – is the first step in developing coping skills. Helping children with “normal” stress Although we can begin to teach and model healthy coping strategies with children, the fact is, they can’t cope with stress on their own very well. Parents have the ability to help their children deal with day-to-day stress using simple tools every day.

It starts with three basics: helping children feel connected to parents and other caregivers, providing a stable and happy home environment, and comforting children when they are overloaded with stress. Connection: When children have secure relationships with their parents, they now that someone will be there to help them deal with their problems. Strong relationships also help children to trust and listen to the adult who is supporting them.

Home environment: Children can handle stress better when they have a healthy, balanced lifestyle with good food, lots of time for physical activity, play and relaxation, and daily routines that make their world feel predictable and safe. Comfort: In order for children to learn to comfort themselves, they first must know what it is like to be comforted. And honestly, one of the best stress- relieving tools you have is your body. Regardless of anything else you might ay or do to help a stressed child, the comfort of physical contact is one of the best stress relievers there is.

In fact, research has shown that the positive brain stimulation children get from being touched in early childhood helps build the brain’s pathways that help people cope with stress. Dealing with stress It’s not always easy to tell when children are feeling stressed out, so you need to make an effort to understand what bothers and upsets your child. Don’t wait until you think your child is stressed to start thinking about it. When things are calm, encourage your child to describe his worries or fears. Listen very carefully and try not to interrupt or finish his sentences.

Take his worries or fears seriously, even if they seem silly. Help children find ways to reduce the feelings of stress by getting them involved in activities they enjoy such as playing with favorite toys, reading a book, cuddling with a stuffed animal or stomping on a rug. Even very young children can start to learn relaxation and stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing. One way to encourage deep breathing in children is to get them to breathe in through their nose and slowly out through their mouth. Ask them to pretend they are lowing up a balloon inside their tummy and then blow the air out through their mouth.

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Human Rights and Students Assignment. (2021, Dec 16). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from