Human Resources Management Final Exam Study Guide Assignment

Human Resources Management Final Exam Study Guide Assignment Words: 511

1. )Affinity Process- 1. ) Tell me something about you That I don’t know. 2. ) Tell me something you Like about me. 3. ) Tell me something WE Have in common. *;*;*Purpose- I think the purpose of the affinity process is to both bring people together that would normally not speak to each other, and help put your mind where it should be if it’s not already there. 2. )Intrinsic Rewards- Self initiated rewards for “A job well done” on the job; Job Enrichment for instance could offer employees intrinsic rewards by making work seem worthwhile and more meaningful. ***according to Maslow’s motivation theories;;intrinsic rewards go best with the “upper level needs. ” Extrinsic Rewards- Rewards that are awarded from outside the job, (Mainly management) like money, promotions, benefits, company-wide recognition, etc. ***according to Maslow’s motivation theories>>>extrinsic rewards go best with “lower level needs. ” ? (((Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs))) Physiological Motivation: Provide ample breaks for lunch and recuperation and pay salaries that allow workers to buy life’s essentials.

Safety Needs: Provide a working environment which is safe, relative job security, and freedom from threats. Social Needs: Generate a feeling of acceptance, belonging, and community by reinforcing team dynamics. Esteem Motivators: Recognize achievements, assign important projects, and provide status to make employees feel valued and appreciated. Self-Actualization: Offer challenging and meaningful work assignments which enable innovation, creativity, and progress according to long-term goals. 3. )2 types of Sexual Harassment Quid Pro Quo- When some type of sexual behavior is expected as a condition of employment. this usually is between management & an employee. Hostile Environment- When offensive & unreasonable situations @ work place interfere with the ability to work. (comments / conversations / photos) *this could affect anyone in the work place. 4. )OSHA**(Occupational Safety & Health Administration (Act))- (ACT)- legislation that established specific health & safety standards, it also requires businesses must keep records of illnesses & injuries ; & calculate accident ratios. ADMINISTRATION- Organization created to police businesses & ensure they are in compliance with the standards. **there are 5 priorities*** #1-imminent danger (a condition where an accident is about 2 happen), #2-serious accidents resulting in death or hospitalization of 3+ employees (it’s mandatory to report serious accidents w/in 8hrs (afterward OSHA goes reviews & tries to figure out why it happened) ), #3-an employee complaint (employees have the right to refuse to work-report/request an investigation), #4-inspections of target industries w/a high injury ratio (effects mainly construction, chemical, transpo, warehouse, & meat processing), #5-random inspections (OSHA can get search warrant & inspect a business w/out notifying the business). 5. Health & Safety Issues NIOSH-Nat. Institute 4 Occupational Safety & Health- a gov. agency that researches & sets OSHA standards. Basically businesses have to establish safe work guidelines/procedures & train employees (if necessary) so they can work w/in the guidelines/procedures. They also have to maintain equipment on a regular basis to prevent it 4rm breaking down or causing a hazardous situation. Stress- is caused by ” major stressors”- that are sources in an employees life that come from either their job or their personal life. No matter the source of stress it tends to effect performance in both sides. ;;;5 categories

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