Human Resources at ASDA Assignment

Human Resources at ASDA Assignment Words: 3188

The Human Resource Management or personnel function of SAD covers a variety of activities. The term ‘Human Resource Management’ has largely replaced the old- fashioned word ‘personnel’, which was used in the past. The types of work covered in the Human resource function might include the following: ;A Policy-making role – This is important because the Human recommencement’s need to be making big policies takeover the place of work and the importance of topple In SAD. ;A Welfare role – The welfare role concerned with taking care people In the work place Including their needs. A Supporting role – This role is concerned with helping department managers appoint and train new workers. ;A Bargaining and negotiating role – They are concerned with acting as a “go- between” different groups and interests (e. G. Between Trade Union and management. ;An Administrative role – The administrative role are concerned with the payment of wages, the supervision and carrying out health and safety laws. ;An educational and development role – Concerned with helping In the education and development of the workforce (e. G. Training employees for higher positions) Task 2

In this task I will explain how SAD has used internal staffing information, including: ;Labor Turnover – (stability Index and wastage rates) ;Sickness and Accident rates ;Age, Skills and training And external labor market information, such as: ;Employment trends ;Skills shortages ;Competition from employers ;Availability of labor (internal and external to the business) Labor Turnover The effectiveness with which SAD runs its Human Resources policies can be measured by the level of employee satisfaction, and this is where stability indexes and wastage rates are so important.

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If employees are content with their work, they are most likely to turn up for work. Levels of stress and stress-related absenteeism increase when there is a poor Human relations atmosphere. Sickness and accident rates SAD keeps a record of the following: ;Notified absences. When employees are going to be absent from work (e. G. To attend a funeral, a hospital appointment, a wedding, etc… ) ;Absences due to sickness. Employees will need to produce a Doctors note so that they are entitled to sickness benefits, etc… ) ;Unauthorized absences. When employees simply do not turn up for work, without lulling anyone.

As a result of these records, SAD can record absences as a percentage of the hours/ days, etc… , that could possibly have been worked. Absence records can be kept for individual employees, and for the workforce as a whole. Such a detailed statistical enables SAD to keep an eye on where problems lie – with an individual, with a particular section of workers or with SAD as a whole. Comparisons can then be made with other workers and with past records (for the individual employee), with other teams/sections (for team/section) in SAD and with comparable organizations (e. G.

Tests, J Assassins or Safely). Breaking down the statistics further highlights whether the problem lies with sickness or with unauthorized absence. And by keeping these records for a number of years, it is Absences should be measured as a percentage of total time, for example, if an employee is due to work for 40 hours in the week but turns up for work for 32 hours only, then his or her absences level is: Accident rate are calculated by recording the number of accidents at work. SAD have a Health and Safety committee with the responsibility to: ;Investigate and report on accidents or incidents. Examine national Health and Safety reports and statistics. ;Review Health and Safety audit reports. ;Draw up works rule and instructions on safe working practices. ;Oversee Health and Safety training. ;Promote and advise on relevant publicity campaigns. ;Maintain links with external Health and Safety bodies. ;Recommend updates to the company safety policy. ;Consider and advise on impending legislation. Part of the Health and Safety committee’s responsibilities will be to ensure accurate records are kept of accidents at work.

The reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1985 RIDER). RIDER set out that injuries resulting from accidents at work where an employee is incapacitated for three or more days must be reported to the authorities within seven days. Injuries involving fatalities must be notified immediately by the most practical means (e. G. By phone). Listed diseases must also be notified. SAD will, keep statistics on both minor accidents at work (I. E. Ones however minor that involve some form of first aid) and accidents that have to be reported to the authorities under RIDER.

SAD will want to keep internal statistics to make sure that undesirable trends do not occur. In the course of time SAD will want to see accident levels falling. Accident rates can be calculated simply as the number of accidents per year within a chosen unit (team, firm, industry, etc… ). In calculating accident rates in SAD, the most accurate method is to calculate the statistics according to each employee because some industries employ far more people than others and because the numbers employed change over time.

Age, skills and training SAD will have a range of employees who have worked for different lengths of time and who have different levels of skills and training. The Human Resource planner will seek to have a balance of new people entering SAD in order to cover those who are leaving. The Human Resource Planner will also want to make sure that skill levels are raising within SAD, and that training programmed are devised to make sure people have the skills to meet Sad’s Job’s requirements.

If all Sad’s skilled employees are just about to retire, SAD will have to spend a lot of money on training to build up a new pool of expertise. Succession Succession is the way in which one person follows another person into a particular job or role within SAD. SAD need to make sure it is grooming people to take on the responsibility required. If SAD do not do this, it will suddenly find itself with a vacuum where it has not developed the people to move into the appropriate position of responsibility, and SAD will be missing the right people in key position to hold SAD together.

Local employment trends Local unemployment levels give an indication of the general availability of labor and suggest whether it will be easy or difficult to recruit. It is also important to find out more about which organizations in an area have been laying off workers. Often, when major employer closes down or discards labor, this provides an opportunity for other local company, which may be able to employ the workers who have been made redundant.

These employees might have the right sorts of occupational skills or transferable skills that could be applied to similar work. A study of local employment trends will give an idea of whether demand for certain types of work is rising or falling. Where demand increases this will lead to shortages (and also to rising wages). Local Skills Shortages Within any area at any one time, there will be Jobs that are going into decline cause the skills required for those Jobs are becoming redundant.

At the same time, new skills and capabilities will be emerging, and demand for these will be rising faster than supply. As a result, skills shortages will arise and these will cause considerable frustration for local employers (e. G. SAD). The wages of people in the retain these scarce employees. Where a local shortage occurs, SAD will often seek to advertise and recruit in other areas – in other regions and from other countries. This is why, for example, there are many doctors from overseas working in both private practice and for the National Health Service in the I-J.

SAD need to be aware of local skills shortages so they can develop their own training programmed to make sure there are enough people coming through with the skills required. They will also work together with other local employers in the same industry to support local school, college and university courses that train people in the skills required for these specific industries. Competition for employees SAD will be interested to know whether its competitors are expanding and, therefore, increasing the demand for labor, or whether local redundancies mean labor is more readily available.

Competition experimentations contract Demand for labor in the locality incandescence for labor in the locality falls Supply of labor contractually of labor expands Leading to rising wages retranslated to falling wage rates Increased difficulty in recruiting the right sort of multimillionaires to recruit the right sort of employees Availability of Labor (internal and external to SAD) The amount of labor in a particular are, depends on the number of people available for work.

The state of the local labor market is as significant as what is happening nationally or regionally. SAD need to know about the supply of labor in the locations where they are operating (SAD have many stores in the I-J, e. G. Kingston, Orientation, Walton, etc… ) the need to know about the current and future supply trends. A report published in December 1999 showed that there is a gross simplification to think of the I-J simply in terms of the north-south divided.

The report showed that a more accurate picture is of a relevantly south and a relevantly less prosperous north with pockets of prosperity. In the Jobs market the gaps between regional unemployment rates in 2000 were lower than they had been in the sat 20 years, but the southeast had far lower unemployment (3. 7) than the northeast (10. 1 %). The southeast also had the highest proportion of its working-age qualifications and the lowest proportion claiming benefits.

Labor Market trends relate to the ongoing human resources planning of SAD by lowering their employee wastage rate/stability index rate (although SAD already have a very low employee wastage rate, I am aware of this because I am an employee at SAD in Kingston, and in my 18 months of service, there has been roughly 10 permanent people who have left in 18 months. SAD do not have to worry about the competition for labor as mach as a “hands on” business (e. G. Lumbers) because the only skill useful to SAD is in the warehouse were a forklift license is the difference between 2 people with almost identical study and work experience, this is because the forklift test is external, which is initially universal. All other training is done through “on the Job” training (I. E. Till training, reports, using a telethon gun and printer, etc… ). The competition for plumbers though employers is very aggressive because of the fact many more potential employees are taming on for further and/or higher education, they are not doing the NV or apprenticeships.

The education and training opportunities available to SAD employees will affect both, the numbers of people coming into the labor market and their overall skill level. In Britain over recent years, their has been an increasing number of young people participating in both further and higher education. Young people also appreciate the need for higher skills to compete in the Job market. Task 3 Bibliography Book name/Personalities/Company, position Henchman PEACE Advanced Businessman Needled and Rob Transfixed

Vocational A level Businesses By;eaters, JEW Evans-Pritchard, ELF Gillian, AS Glasses, OZ Mayer Leslie Williamson, Personnel Managers Task 4 The policy-making role covers the labor turnover in which they both share the same goal employee satisfaction”, and by using the wastage rate formula in which we can 13. 3% of Sad’s permanent employees have left. This is bad because of the money SAD have to spend on new employees for recruiting, introduction and training. A welfare role is concerned people who need to take a length of time to do with exam leave, maternity and paternity, these are unpaid leave.

The supporting role will help managers appoint and train new staff they also play a part in Succession, Employment trends, competition from employers and the availability of labor (internal and external). The supporting role in which play a part in succession (this is to guide a new employee so they can take over a senior member of staff. So when SAD hire a new college they try to set them a mentor to train from, so if that senior member is leaving the store or retiring SAD are assured that there will be little or no differences with the new employee.

If the new employee does not do this SAD will find itself with a scum where SAD have not developed the The employee to move into the appropriate position, and SAD will be missing the right employee in key positions to hold them together. Sad’s supporting role helps local employment trends by looking at the local unemployment levels to give an indication of the general availability of labor and it suggests whether it will be easy or difficult to recruit.

SAD will also look for major companies making their employees redundant, which is where SAD can hire those employees with transferable skills or occupational skills. SAD have many competition from employers (or competition for employees) this is when employers find an outstanding individual and try to lure them into the their own company, in which they will try to bribe them to go there (e. G. Offer a very high salary or offer a house and company car), this is all to lure them so the employee will give the business the same success as the company that, that employee worked for before.

The company will then have a larger income whilst the employee who brought it to them will still get the same as before unless they offer the employee a onus on their hard work. Assignment 4. 2 I am going to identify the key features of recruitment documents, which include: ;An application form ;An application letter ;And a C.V. Application Form Many application forms follow a similar pattern and identify key points of interest about this applicant.

This enables the interview panel to ask the same questions of all candidates. It is then easier to match the answers for all short listed candidates against a defined person specification and allows the candidates to see that a fair interview has been conducted. Application Letter If there are 2 people who are almost identical in terms of qualifications, appearance and ability but one of them gets more interviews than the other, the difference is usually in the quality of each letter of application.

An application letter should have a clear structure, with a beginning, middle and an ending it should state: ;Your reason for applying for the Job ;The contribution you can make to the organization ;How you have developed your capabilities through training and education ;The skills and knowledge you have acquired that would help you to do the Job well The application letter needs to be interesting – you are trying to sell yourself. It should contain enough you will receive an interview. If the letter is affective enough you will receive an interview. A C.V. is a summery of your career to date.

There are 3 stages you should follow when setting out your C.V.. ;Draft the C.V. ;Editing the C.V. At the initial stage you are trying to get together as much relevant facts as possible about your career to date. It does not matter if you put to many to start with – make a list of all your educational, work-based and leisure achievements, as well as training activities and courses you have been on. Make brief notes about each of these as well as about projects and assignments you have been involved in. A C.V. should be divided into suitable, headings, and subheadings.

The key part of the C.V. is the career history, so the sections that go before should not be too long, for example when dealing with training, list only the most relevant training course and then, if necessary some of the others under ‘other information’. (Editing the C.V.) You may need to alter your C.V. slightly for each Job application so that it concentrates as closely as possible on the requirements of a particular Job. Look at the details of the Job and ask yourself weather your C.V. suggests you have the requirements for the post. Imagine yourself in the employer’s shoes: what qualities you think the organization is looking for?

The application form has to be filled in because the company has to know about personal details of the person who is applying for the Job, this is because if the company do not know the persons abilities they cannot hire them for the Job, e. G. A checkout operator cannot be hired as a markdown specialist. Employers also need to know about any disabilities and “next of kin” so that if someone has a regular dedication to take they will be allowed to take it or if it is something serious and they have not taken their medication and are rushed to hospital their next of kin has to be contacted.

The application letter is a form of a C.V. with a few differences, a application letter should tell the employer about the persons abilities, what they are doing at the moment, how well their doing and their interest, this allows the employer to see how well the applicants grammar is as well because if the applicant has to fill in a lot of forms and write a lot of letters then grammar is very important to the employers. Hat I mean by a quick guide to the applicants abilities fort instance if they wanted to know about what school qualifications they have (I. . GEESE, A-levels, etc… ). If the employer wants to see any of the applicant’s previous Job placements it would be easier to see in the C.V.. Here I will explain about the key aspects of training and development: ;Induction Training ;Mentoring ;Coaching ;Apprenticeships ;In-House training ;External Training Induction Training Induction is the process of introducing new employees to their place of work, Job, new surroundings and the people they will be working with.

Induction also provides information to help new employees start work and generally ‘fit in’. As well as following naturally from recruitment and selection, induction should also consider the initial training and development anyone needs either on Joining SAD or on taking a new function within it. As well as dealing with the initial knowledge and skills needed to do the Job, in the case of a new organization, it should also deal with the structure, culture and activities of the organization. In large companies (I. E.

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