Human Resource Management Assignment

Human Resource Management Assignment Words: 2803

Resource Management” under the course HEN Business (Management) Aims and Objectives The Aim of the Module is to achieve competence and in depth understanding of theories, concepts and models relating to the management of people and their behavioral aspect within an organizational context The delivery of each week’s activity is based on the achievement of the specified learning outcomes, with the Time Constrained Assessment and Assignment covering the range of learning outcomes specified. Research Methods Web sites, books and personal knowledge about Business Environment. Which they operate. The differences between personnel management and HARM can be seen as a matter of emphasis and approach rather than one substance or as Henry and Pettier put it, HARM can be perceived as a perspective on personnel management and not personnel management Itself. From her literature review, Allege has identified three features which seem to distinguish HARM and personnel management: 1. Personnel management is an activity aimed at non managers whereas HARM is less clearly focused but is certainly more concerned with managerial staff. 2.

HARM is more of an integrated line management activity whereas personnel management seeks to influence line management. 3. HARM emphasizes the importance of senior management being involved in the management culture whereas personnel management has always been rather suspicious of organization development and related unitary, social psychology orientated ideas. In the SKI, Harrison argued that the historical development of HARD is more fragmented compared to the US. The history of HARD in I-J was suggested to have started during World War Two in which ‘training’ was the symbiotic term.

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Similarly to the USA, during his period, training was the term because workers were trained in the production and manufacturing sector as well as becoming soldiers. Companies began to realism that human resource is an important asset and started developing their employees particularly to improve their performance and develop or enhance their skills to increase productivity. Since then, HARD is considered as an important business Strategy and processes but viewpoints of HARD as a strategy for business success were argued by writers such as Caravan, Costing and Hearty. Assess the role, task and activities of the human resource practitioner Human source practitioners are individuals who are extensive specialized and equipped with technical knowledge of issues dealing with human resource. The specialists of human resource units, the leaders, and generalist’s staff within the function are typically referred to as human resource professionals or human resource practitioners. Though, this is not always the case as most business organizations fill the top positions with individuals possessing experience and not necessarily from the area of human resource.

The decentralization, deregulation, and neo-liberalism have been as a result of equines globalization. This has come along with major challenges to the human resource practitioners. As major business companies in developed nations, Australia included are relocating their jobs to third world countries for cheaper labor, this in itself in a great challenge to the human resource professionals, because they have to deal with a number of issues such as culture diversity, employee relations, labor relations, safety, and security.

Traditionally, before the globalization of business, human resource practitioners frequently had little involvement in the total organization’s operations as well as goals, they focused on creating staffing plans, offering distinctive job training programs, and running yearly performance assessment programs. They concentrated on the daily requirements of the human resources. They are the skilled lot of the business, thus they recognize the requirements of the business and they must assist in addressing those requirements.

Their challenge is therefore an augmented participation in the long lasting, premeditated directions of the business organization. The challenge has been as a result of globalization. Today, most business organizations are demanding their human source practitioners to become more innovative in their problem solving approaches in an effort to improve on the productivity as well as the quality of work life, whereas obeying with the regulations and legislations in different countries where these businesses are operating. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource practices As the line manager of a new member of staffs it is your responsibility to make sure that this person is welcomed to the organization and their new workplace. In order to effectively and efficiently welcome a new worker a number of tasks are required of you. The line manager’s responsibilities towards the new worker begin as soon as they know who is joining their team.

Prior to the arrival of the new worker is the line manager’s responsibility to: ensure there is an appropriate workspace ensure that the workspace is fully operational ensure that the workspace is fully equipped ensure that any known special requirements are considered advise team members who the new member of staff is and when he/she is joining the team ensure that their diary commitments are adjusted, where necessary, to allow them to meet the new worker on arrival identify an appropriate and available member of the Team to act as ‘mentor’ to the new staff member inform the ‘mentor’ of their responsibilities develop, with the ‘mentor’ a local induction programmer agree, with the ‘mentor’ respective responsibilities in inducting the new worker to the Team arrange a tour of the workplace for the new worker to take place on the first morning in post arrange an appointment for the new worker to meet a relevant Personnel Officer during the first week Of employment arrange meetings for the new worker with key colleagues and others to discuss mutual and overlapping roles, responsibilities, expectations ND requirements book a place for the new worker onto Induction Training to take place within the first weeks of his/her employment book other essential training requirements 4 management Much of the foundation of any human resources management approach is already established.

The Education Act, 1995 provides a structure for the employment of teachers, as well as for the senior admit agitators of the division, and provides for local collective bargaining with teachers. The provincial collective bargaining agreement with teacher largely sets the terms and conditions for teachers’ employment. Collective bargaining for support Taft is regulated by The Trade Union Act and the Labor Relations Board. Important aspects of the terms and conditions of support staff employment will be set out in collective bargaining agreements. As employers, boards of education are also required to comply with standards set by other provincial and federal legislation.

Some of the laws that are important to know about include: ; The Labor Standards Act; ; The Occupational Health and Safety Act; ; Common law concerning employment; ; Rules and regulation concerning Workers’ Compensation; ; Federal rules and regulations on Income Tax Analyses the reasons for human resource planning in organizations Planning is not as easy as one might think because it requires a concerted effort to come out with a program that would easy your work. Commencing is complicated, but once you start and finish it you have a smile because everything moves smoothly. Planning is a process that has to be commenced form somewhere and completed for a purpose. It involves gathering information that would enable managers and supervisors make sound decisions.

The information obtained is also utilized to make better actions for achieving the objectives of the Organization. There are many factors that you have to look into when deciding for an HER planning program. HER Planning involves gathering of information, making objectives, and making decisions to enable the organization achieve its objectives. Surprisingly, this aspect of HER is one of the most neglected in the HER field. HER planning makes the organization move and succeeds in the 21st Century that we are in. Human Resources Practitioners who prepare the HER Planning program would assist the Organization to manage its staff strategically. The program assists to direct the actions of HER department.

HER have an enormous task keeping pace with the all the changes and ensuring that the right people are available to the Organization at the right time. It is changes to the composition of the workforce that force managers to pay attention to HER planning. The changes in composition of workforce not only influence the appointment of staff, but also the methods of selection, training, compensation and motivation. It becomes very critical when Organizations merge, plants are relocated, and activities are scaled down due to financial problems. 6 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements According to experts, there is no single approach to developing a Human Resources Strategy. This will vary from organization to organization.

However, here are the steps most commonly used in developing an HER strategy: Setting the strategic direction Designing the Human Resource Management System Planning the total workforce Generating the required human resources Investing in human resource development and performance Assessing and sustaining organizational competence and performance 7 Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organizations Recruitment and selection process within McDonald’s’ The recruitment process of McDonald’s’ for example crew members consist of two steps application. 1. Online application which consist of filling in the information that the candidate is asked to do online which include personal details, previous work experiences, qualifications, and plus a questionnaire that put the candidate in real life situation for example if the customer complain about something what will be the reaction. 2. Is the candidate have successfully passed the first online step, he or she will be invited to the restaurant for an JOE (On Job Evaluation) and a face to face interview.

With he JOE which only last 15 minutes the manager will give the applicants tasks to do so he or she can see how the candidate perform in real life situation and the manager evaluate the candidate customer service and skills and then he or she reflected against what they are looking for in a candidate. And then after that the candidate will have an interview with the business manager. Recruitment and selection process within SAD The recruitment processes within SAD consist of 2 steps: 1 . Online application by which the applicant needs to fill in the information required in the application which may include some verbal, numerical and resonantly tests, which will enable the company gathering all the information that it need. And this will let SAD decide whether the candidate is suitable or not. 2.

If the candidate succeed, the next step will depend on the role that the candidate applied for, the applicant will may be asked to attend interviews, or to a group assessment centre which the applicants will be asked to perform tasks designed to highlights the skills. 8 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations. Amongst potential sources that we can consider are the job entrees, agencies, personal introductions, employment agencies, internet recruitment and application forms which can include standard application forms or informal interviews. Both McDonald’s’ and SAD share approximately the same media used to recruit from online application from the official website or the personal introduction or word of mouth.

This recruitment methods can be beneficial or non beneficial. Concerning the selection, McDonald’s’ use online questions as mentioned above to see how the applicant will perform in different situations at work also they use the JOE r as it is famous by INTRA OR IN BASKET EXERCISES to see how the applicant perform in the real life situation and then the interview that will help the manager some up and take the right decision concerning if this person will be selected for the job he or she applied for it, and this is a good selection media as it give the applicant the chance to be in a work in a team and with other which put him or her in the real life situation even if it is for 15 minutes.

SAD use assessment centers by which the candidates are asked to perform tasks under supervision so the manager will see how this person reform and using this assessment centers it high lights the skills or particular skills that the manager is looking for and that the future worker will be facing in the future if he or she is accepted by SAD, and there is some applicants that will be encouraged by this. 9 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward Motivational theory Adequacy of individual level of analysis Groups as a critical link pin and source of psychological leverage Understand group processes – formal and informal – e. G. How do people maintain motivation in boring jobs? Informal compensatory mechanisms where there s some creative license afforded by MGM (informal job redesign) Reward Payment systems rarely truly contingent on performance (PR) Complex relationship between payment and intrinsic motivation – e. G. An change the meaning of work Individual PR in a team context can undermine teamwork by creating interpersonal competition 10 Evaluate the process Of job evaluation and other factors determining pay Evaluation types Job Ranking is the simplest form. Basically one just orders the jobs according to perceived seniority. This is easy to do in a small organization, but gets more and more difficult as different jobs exist within the company. Pair Comparison introduces more rigors by comparing jobs in pairs, but really it’s a more structured way of building a basic rank order. Benchmarking or slotting sets up certain jobs that are analyzed in detail.

These are then used for comparison to slot jobs against these benchmarks. Job Matching allocates benchmarks too, but when a position is matched the elements of the job that differ are re-evaluated. Usually this evaluation will be done with a Point Factor Analysis (APP) or classification system. Point Factor Analysis Point Factor Analysis (PEA) is the old-school (but fair) bureaucratic method for determining a score for each job. Jobs are broken down into factors such as “knowledge required”. A set of closed questions in each factor break down to detail such as “level of education”. The responses to these questions are given a score, and totaled for each factor.

Each factor is given a weight, and this effects the contribution made to the overall total Score by that factor. Job classification Job classification can be at the whole job or factor level. Each factor (or the whole job) is a single question that has very clearly defined levels. Compared to an equivalent APP scheme classification, it has fewer but more complex questions requiring more job analysis from whoever is answering the questionnaire. The modern trend appears to be away from complex APP schemes towards factor classification methods. This puts more responsibility in the hands of whoever is doing the analysis. 11 Assess the effectiveness of reward system in different contexts Reward systems should focus on positive reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement is the most effective tool for encouraging desired behavior because it stimulates people to take actions because they want to because they get something of value (internally or externally) for doing it. An effectively designed and managed reward program can drive an organization’s change process by positively reinforcing desired behaviors. The SMART criteria These criteria should be used when designing and evaluating programs. Programs should be: Specific. A line of sight should be maintained between rewards and actions. Meaningful. The achievements rewarded should provide an important return on investment to both the performer and the organization. Achievable. The employee’s or group’s goals should be within the reach of the performers.

Reliable. The program should operate according to its principles and purpose. Timely The recognition/rewards should be provided frequently enough to make performers feel valued for their efforts 12 Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance For an organization to be an effective organization and to achieve its goals, it is very important to monitor or measure its’ and its employee performance on a regular basis. Effective monitoring and measuring also includes providing timely feedback and reviews to employees for their work and performance according to the pre-determined goals and standards and solving the problems faced.

Timely recognition of the accomplishments also titivates the employees and help to improve the performance. Measuring the performance of the employees based only on one or some factors can provide with inaccurate results and leave a bad impression on the employees as well as the organization. For example: By measuring only the activities in employee?s performance, an organization might rate most of its employees as outstanding, even when the organization as a whole might have failed to meet its goals and objectives. Therefore, a balanced set of measures (commonly known as balanced scorecard) should be used for measuring the performance of the employee.

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Human Resource Management Assignment. (2019, Jun 01). Retrieved February 22, 2025, from