Human Anatomy and Physiology Assignment

Human Anatomy and Physiology Assignment Words: 1706

If you received a grade of “D” in these course(s) you probably have not mastered the material to the desired extent. If you have not successfully completed the first semester of this course, at MUMS or at another institution, your registration in this course will be cancelled. In addition, one year of college level chemistry would be most helpful in providing the expected entry-level competency in areas dealing with a) cell and organ function, b) atomic structure, acids, bases, electrolytes and organic molecules and c) proper use and handling of simple laboratory apparatus.

Due to limited space, students must only attend registered BIOYIOP section Course Materials: Each student is expected to provide him/herself with the following materials contained in the package available in the MUMS bookstore: 1) The text: Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology ninth edition by Martini, Nathan and Bartholomew. The resource package for the course may be available which includes the text, the study guide and flash cards that we help you to master the subject matter and prepare for exams.

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The Interactive Physiology CD ROOM can be Tuna Insane ten Deck cover AT your textbook. I nee larboard manual Is: Laboratory manual for Anatomy & Physiology – by Michael G. Wood 3) A student dissecting kit. General Course Objectives: To understand the terminology involved in the description of the human body and its Function. 2) To know the names and locations of the various organs of the body and their function. 3) To comprehend the interrelationships between structure and function in the body. ) To develop an appreciation for the interdependence of body structures and the mechanisms by which the body maintains a constant internal environment despite changes in the external milieu. ) To think critically in accepting or rejecting scientific evidence. More detailed behavioral objectives are provided at the beginning of each chapter in the text. The student is advised to pay close attention to these, as they will act as a guide to what is expected of the student in this course. Students should complete the assigned textbook reading before that topic is discussed in class.

This allows the student to become familiar with the vocabulary and general concepts of the topic and will increase comprehension of the lectures as well as initiate any questions the student may have. Text readings listed in this wallaby are the minimum required for adequate comprehension. NOTE: At the end of each chapter your text there are a series of review questions to help you assess your mastery of the subject matter. These may be used as class assignments during this course. In addition, be sure to read the information for the student on page v – ix of your textbook.

Examinations and Grading Your grade in this course is computed on the basis of scores achieved in four areas: At least a) Lecture Exams min exams 25-50 questions – 1-opts each b) Lecture quizzes (2-4) 20-25 min quizzes questions – 1-opts each c) Assignments TAB TAB ) Final Examination TAB 55-80 questions – opts each At any time, the student will be able to calculate their academic standing in this course with the use of the above percentages. Simple add total points achieved and Lovely Day ten total poll TTS Tanat were available. Lecture Examination. Ђ 25-quotations (all types of question:, fill in the blank, short answer, matching, TIFF -Mostly short answers, few or no multiple choice) Lecture Quizzes: 1-20 questions (all types of question:, fill in the blank, short answer, matching, T/F) Final Examination: The exam will be comprehensive in nature (I. E. It will cover he entire term’s work). The following grading scheme will be used as a guide: 88% and above Less than 58% Attendance Students should familiarize themselves with the MUMS attendance policy, which can be found on the class web page as well as in the MUMS catalogue.

All students are expected to attend all classes. Excessive unexcused absences for any reason will result in either a low grade or course failure. All students will be considered excessively absent from class if they miss more than four hours during the semester. This course policy for unexcused absences: Assignments due for the next meeting erred can not be submitted. Assignments due that day of absence can not be submitted. Exam or quizzes missed on day of unexcused absence cannot be made-up. Excused documentation is the responsibility of the student. It must be presented prior to or during the next attended class period.

Documentation must cover entire absent period and given directly to the instructor. (Do Not Send It as an Email, Put It in My Mailbox or Under Office Door) Examples of Excused Absences: Documentation – Illness excusing class period Religious observations Physician note; Health center Emergency Facility Official documentation – Written Prior Notice – Death funerals – Obituary/ other official documentation – Others Need to be approved by instructor Documentation not given during the next class appearance will render the absence unexcused and the unexcused policy will be applied.

Examples AT Not excused: -Criminal court appearance (as plaintiff -Vehicular violation -Personal Vehicular malfunction (unless accident & proper documentation provided) – Transportation; I. E. Ride did not come; ride can’t come until… Public transportation schedule conflict, missed bus, train, ride, plane, mother (or other person) made my serrations and I had no control, etc. -Oversleeping -Professor from other class held me -Campus violation -other Academic Honesty Students are held responsible for doing their own work.

You should familiarize yourself with the MUMS policy on Academic Honesty posted on the class web page and in the MUMS Catalogue. Any violation of this policy in this course will be subject to severe penalties (failure and possible school dismal). In this class, suspected cheating will be given a verbal warning (e. G. Instructor indicates suspension through general announcement). Continued suspected activities will render a failure in that activity. Second violation in Academic honesty policy results in failure in the course and school-wide disciplinary action.

Class Web Page Web – class lectures and syllabus posted In addition Blackboard will be used extensively in the course, please take note. Announcements will be sent to your MUMS email accounts and posted on Blackboard Contacting the instructor: I can be contacted by email at azokpozo@umes. Due, leaving a note with Administrative Assistants located in the DNS main office on the 1st floor of Carver Hall; or appointment in my office at 1104 Carver Hall or during my student office hours. My office hours will be announced as the semester progresses. There is no excuse for miscommunication.

In-class Policies: 1 . Bring Textbook to class 2. Quizzes and Exams: If cantors are used for examinations, please bring pencils and pens ; during tests and exam time, all books, pads, bags, coats, etc must be removed from the bench top. There is no communication other to the instructor. Questions can be addressed from the students’ seat or student may approach the instructor. Once the testing tool has been disseminated, students are asked not to leave the classroom except for emergencies. 3. Class Attendance: Students will not be allowed into the classroom 10 minutes into the lecture period. . Tutoring: Please do not wait until the 1st exam to seek assistance in understanding the course content. If before the 1st test, you do not fully grasp the information, please make an appointment with me to assess your studying methods and habits. One of the best ways to understand the information is to breakdown the figures in the chapter. 5. Assignments are Owe as sensual Ana simulate at ten Doglegging AT class. Assignments are not accepted at the end of the class period. If you are late to class, assignments must be submitted immediately upon arrival. Class conflict: in case of conflict, after identifying the conflict, please refrain from continual discussion until the end of class when conflict can be addressed and resolved. 7. Dress code – please review the MUMS dress code on the web and dress respectfully prior to entering the classroom – The dress code will be up-held in this course. Students in violation will be asked to leave until corrected and 5 opts will be deducted per incident. Unacceptable attires: Undergarments showing or indecent body exposure via transparent clothing or lack of coverage vulgar or obscene wording or gestures on clothing

House shoes (slippers) Pajamas Inappropriate head coverings (sleeping caps or scarves (do-rags), bonnets, rollers, hair pins to keep up set curls, etc) I. Hoods cannot be worn over the head during class period. Please remove from head prior to taking your seat. 8. Communication devices: Cell phones ringing in class will result in a deduction of opts per incident. Class maybe stopped until violator is identified. To reduce possible disturbance and to show consideration for classmates and instructor, all communication devices should be turned OFF or vibrate if vibrate is not too loud.

Please do not disrupt the class by paving the classroom to answer the phone unless it is truly an emergency. If that is the case, please discuss with the instructor so that opts are not deducted. No headphones or musical instrumentation visibly allowed (I. E. Cannot be worn in class. Please remove prior to taking your seat). Daily Permission is needed to use any recording devices. 9. Eating and drinking in the classroom is a MUMS code violation; therefore, there is absolutely no visibly food or drink allowed in the classroom. If seen or asked to put away (walking in class with it openly out), violators will have opts deducted.

Please be mindful and put such items away prior to entering the room. It may seem trivial, but, in addition to being a violation, spills and mishaps cannot always be avoided which can cause serious problems with self-contamination, with other students as well as with possible electrical outlets and equipment present. Not to mention, quite often trash is left behind in the classrooms Biology 1 elemental c Class session Topic Chapter Jug 26 Introduction to course and expectations based on contents in Instructor’s syllabus Jug 28, 30 Introduction to AP (Definition of Anatomy, Physiology, Levels of organizations,

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Human Anatomy and Physiology Assignment. (2018, Sep 18). Retrieved March 12, 2025, from