Homeschooling: Alternative Education and Independent Study Assignment

Homeschooling: Alternative Education and Independent Study Assignment Words: 1121

Homecomings Homecomings; when people hear this word, they imagine socially awkward kids who sit at home and live a carefree life. However, this stereotype fails to capture the true essence of homecomings. Hello class, today I will Inform you about homecomings. Today you will all learn what homecomings is, the different types of homecomings, and how it compares to public education. Many of you don’t know what homecomings is, so let me tell you! Homecomings Is the education of children at home, typically by parents or by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school.

Homecomings is a legal option for parents in many countries, allowing them to provide their children with a learning environment as an alternative to public or private schools outside the Individual’s home. Parents cite numerous reasons as motivations to homeless their children. The three reasons that are selected by the majority of homecomings parents in the united States are concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with academic Instruction at public and private schools.

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Homecomings can be an option or families living In Isolated rural locations, living temporarily abroad, to allow for more traveling or a hectic lifestyle. Many young athletes and actors are taught at home. Homecomings can be used as a form of supplementary education, a way of helping children learn in specific circumstances, as it allows for extensive one on one time between the teacher and the student. While homecomings Is a relatively simple concept, there are a wide variety of applications of this central idea. There are actually three main branches of homecomings, each with its own unique tributes.

The most unique common types of homecomings are Independent studies, charter homecomings, and unclogging. The first type of homecomings is Independent Study. Independent study is a different way of learning. According to the California Department of Education, in independent studies, a student is guided by a teacher but usually does not take classes with other students every day. Independent study regulations require that the student meet with a credentialed teacher on a regular basis. The student works independently. Independent study is available to anyone. Many school districts offer this type of education.

Students who participate In independent study take the same courses as students In regular classes. Independent study programs are designed to help students who have health problems, are gifted, are working, or who find that regular classroom settings do not meet their needs. The second type of homecomings is homecomings through a charter school. According to Clara East from the Homeless Association of California, charter schools provide resources that can include cash, computers, textbooks, and other instructional materials, depending on what is specified in that school’s charter. OFF students meet Walt a teacher to turn In ten work teen 00. Students are given instructional plan that specifies what the student is expected to accomplish in the time period between meetings. Charter schools use a study program in which the credentialed teacher dictates what assignments the child must complete. Some charter schools also offer either enrichment classes and/or supplemental money to pay for classes taken elsewhere or to pay for supply purchases. The third type of homecomings is called unclogging.

Unclogging is a method of homecomings that puts the desire, drive, motive and responsibility for life in the hands of the learner. Children pursue knowledge based on their interests and parents take an active part in facilitating activities and experiences conducive to learning but do not rely heavily on textbooks or spend much time “teaching”, looking instead for “learning moments” throughout their daily activities. “Unclogging” does not indicate that the child is not being educated, but that the child is not being schooled”, or educated in a rigid school-type manner.

Personally, I grew up being homesteaded until ninth grade. I’m sure you all wonder, hey why was she homesteaded? I was homesteaded because I was in the acting industry and my schedule was too busy for public school. All of my siblings were homesteaded as well for the same reasons. I first was homesteaded through a charter school and then switched to unclogging. Unclogging was awesome because I was able to learn things that interested me and learn through life. Once a week I would go to a park with other unschooled. At parkway we would explore, do different crafts, and learn new things.

Those days were probably some of the best of my life. Now time to compare homecomings to public schooling. People have many stereotypes towards homelessness. They do not know the facts. According to the article Clearing House by Michael Rainbows, “there are four common myths that still influence individuals regarding their perspective and understanding of the role homecomings plays in the education of U. S. Children. The first myth is that homecomings produces social misfits. This myth stems from the Hough that homesteaded students lack the social skills needed to function in the society.

The second myth is that homecomings fails to prepare good citizens. The third myth is that students who are homesteaded have difficulty entering college. The last myth is that most people homeless only for religious reasons. ” According to College At Home, when it comes to taking tests, homesteaded kids consistently out-perform public schools. As the graph shows, homesteaded kids average a higher score in every subject than kids in public schools. (Show graph) People think that monochrome’s can be a little odd.

In a study measuring communication, daily living skills, and colonization homelessness actually outscored public school kids on every level. (show graph) Once in college, students that were homesteaded graduated with a higher gap as well. (show graph). When I tell people that I was homesteaded, they always give me a weird look or won’t believe that I was homesteaded Just based on all the stereotypes associated with homecomings. While it’s true that homelessness can be unsocial, fail in college, or academically underachieve, this is the exception ND not the norm.

There will always be that one person who doesn’t do well, whether they are homesteaded or not. I’m sure all of your brains are full, time to conclude. Today you learned about homecomings. You learned a little about what it is, the types Tanat are available Ana now It compares to puddle cocoons. Now when you near someone speaking about homecomings you can Join the conversation armed with the interesting facts I Just told you. And remember, homelessness are not a bunch of strange kids, they’re actually pretty awesome!

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Homeschooling: Alternative Education and Independent Study Assignment. (2021, Nov 18). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from