High school Assignment

High school Assignment Words: 3680

BUMS had to move out to a more spacious grounds to ease out tensions in crowded classrooms. Enrolment, was already 438 freshmen and sophomore students altogether. The construction of a three-room building at the north side of the PROCOM started almost immediately only to be cut short by the February ADS revolution. But the effort did not end then and there. An increase in the enrolment in its third year, 1987-1988, brought the total students to 835. It was during this year when the school began making waves.

Year 1988-1989, in its fourth year operation, one thousand five hundred seventeen students enrolled for free secondary education launched by DECKS beginning that year. Four batches comprised new group of teachers who acquired natural items positions. It was on August 1, 1 988 when they formally taught 30 working hours in BUMS. It was in this year that BUMS was given full authority to operate a four year secondary course. March 17, 1988, a day to remember in the history of BUMS turned out first batch of graduates, school’s first fruits composed of 191 senior students.

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The beginning of 1989 was indeed a new year for BUMS, When BUMS is on its sixth year of operation. The influx of more students in school year 1990-1991 brought anxiety¶y’ to the parents, the fact that only limited number of students must be accepted because no items for teachers are to be given this year, sides there are just enough rooms to house the present population since we no longer use the rooms at the BEES. But this problem was remedied by the town mayor and the councilors. The school changing the Municipal to National in 1989.

Over 4000 students are enrolled annually. At BINS, there is a morning and afternoon class for the Basic Education Curriculum (BECK) students. The Special Science Curriculum (SC) students have full day instruction from Monday to Friday. Now, Balkan National High School is on its 29 years of operation. Vision The Balkan National High School envisions to be the best public high school centered on excellence in providing basic education that shall prepare students to become productive and efficient member Of the community workforce.

Mission BINS is deeply committed and dedicated to educate the youth and develop intelligent, competent, values-oriented and God-loving individuals who can meet the challenges of the world. Objectives To achieve what is embodied in the SIP, the BINS intends to do the following actions: 1. Enrich the curricular and co-curricular programs. 2. Encourage the teachers to gain well-defined professionals growth. 3. Provide the students with needs-based instructional materials that will earners their talents and skills, and venture their values to be God- loving, effective and productive nation builders.

Core Values The Balkan National High School aims to instill to its stakeholder to its stakeholders a strong, respectful belief in God that would develop them to become persevering and honest individuals who would become contributors in the moral, social, and economic fulfillment of the nations. B. Management/ Ownership 1 . Organizational Structure and Duties of the Key Personnel Balkan National High School is headed by the school principal who Oversees the general operation Of the school.

The school principal is assisted by the Guidance Councilor and Heads of the different departments. The organizational structure of Balkan National High School emphasizes team approach. Having this approach, the processes conditions, consideration, roles and issues involved in effective school management, duties and responsibilities was easily fitted. This structure identifies each job and function within the school, making all members believe that they are relevant, appropriate and necessary for the welfare of the students.

Management Information Systems have very significant functions in the institution. The school implemented technology in managing and processing information to help every faculty members perform specific information easily, such as collecting recording, and storing. Technology is a great help for assistance in decision-making of the school based on collected information, because this enables to identify problem areas and opportunities for improvement Balkan National High School Organizational Structure Figure 1 .

Structural Organization in Balkan National High School Duties of the Key Personnel The Principal is the head administrator of Balkan National High School is he instructional leader who has a strong link in the educational ladder and maximizes the services and coordinates with other teachers in school, division and region through in service and workshops. The principal play vanes roles, aside from being model of an active risk-taker, he also influence others to take risk in implementing an innovation like the K-1 2 curriculum.

Conjunction with the school board, makes the executive decisions that govern the school, as well as having the authority over the employment and often the chief disciplinarian of the students. As support or the improvement of the school curriculum and facilities, the principal prepares the school budget proposals and works for additional financing of the school. Senior Book Keeper is responsible for the accurate posting of all transactions a ND reconciliations as needed, an accurate and timely monthly Trial Balance, and any regular or special analysis of the accounting records.

Perform a thorough review of all cash accounts and procedures and develop an effective program for managing cash with specific attention to internal controls and timing of reporting. Accounting Officer performs a range of general clerical, accounting and keeping support functions in Balkan National High School. Performs any combination of following: calculating, posting, and verifying duties to obtain financial data for use in maintaining accounting records: Compiles and sorts documents, such as invoices and checks, substantiating business transactions.

Also, verifies and posts details of business transactions, such as funds received and disbursed, and totals accounts, using calculator or computer. Guidance Counselor provides a comprehensive competency-based counseling program focused on the learning, personal/social and needs of all students. Adhere to and support board policy, school guidelines, administrative rules and directives. Also, make him/herself available to all students seeking guidance and counseling services. Head of the Department concerns as curriculum implementers revolve around the principal, the teachers and the students.

It is the link between the teachers and the principal. Essential in establishing good rapport with the teachers and facilitative and supportive relations with the principal provides direction and assistance to teachers’ programmed areas through the development of a yearly plan by establishing aerogramme objectives which are consistent with the school’s objectives goals, and guidelines. 2. Number of Employees At press time, Balkan National High School has 148 teaching personnel, 1 Senior Bookkeeper and 1 Senior Disbursing officer which are funded by the National Government.

While the other 4 teaching personnel, school’s 3 security guards and three 3 utility Workers are locally funded by the local school Board. II. Human Resource Management A. Human Resource Planning Human resources planning are tied closely to recruitment, selection, assignment, compensation, and other processes. As part of planning recasts of human needs provide the focus for the implementation of the recruitment process, the selection of specific personnel, directions for personnel assignments, and the monetary considerations of budget and compensation.

In Education, human resources is very important in providing quality education because effective human resources and the successful achievement of school goals are founded on the concept of the personnel competency of the system’s personnel. Human Resource Planning expresses the comprehensiveness of the human resources function in education, as well as the basic concept that schools are people. People, therefore, are a primary concern of human resources administration.

This includes a major concern for developing a healthy organizational climate that promotes the accomplishment of school goals and the meeting of the personnel needs of school employees to avoid guesswork, to offset uncertainty, and to ensure efficient accomplishment of goals for planning constitutes a purposeful set of activities that focuses available resources on the achievement of school goals. The Human Resource Planning in Balkan National High School is comprehensive, continuous process, flexible and responsive to changing notations in the Department of Education.

Human Resource Managers in Balkan National High School are the Head Teachers from the different departments and of course the Principal IV as top manager. They carefully study and implement the plan into its most effective way minored to provide quality teaching and learning for the attainment of the schools vision and objectives for they believe that quality of teaching depends upon the quality of the teachers. The priorities in the human resource planning in Balkan National High School includes finding, hiring, training, motivating, coaching, splicing.

Also, the policies governing teacher recruitment, selection, and remuneration related to teacher supervision and development that would help teachers become and remain competent and committed in their profession. B. Hiring Hiring employees can add significantly for the success of any organization. Having the right numbers of employees with the right mix of skills, abilities, and drive, is essential to the success of any organization.

In hiring employees, managers must evaluate first the Human Resource needs whether they need permanent employees or temporary employees. If they determine that a permanent employee is the right decision for the organization, then they must better understand the position for which they will be able to evaluate applications and choose the best candidates. Managers then should create job descriptions and expectations. This will help them evaluate potential candidates, and provides them with the information they need to make informed employment decisions.

Its important that both the employer and candidates clearly understand the position and expectations. Otherwise, managers might be faced with having hired an employee who isn’t suitable to the position. There are several recruiting options available in every organization, each offering unique advantages and disadvantages. Recruitment Services uses personnel agencies, executive recruiters, and other agencies that perform the function of finding, screening, and recommending candidates for a position.

The selection of a specific agency is like the procurement of any service provider; must look at reputation, experience, success, and cost which managers can take advantage of the agency knowledge and contact en;org to find qualified candidates, save time and the expense of advertising screening, and conducting relaying interviews. The disadvantage is that fees can be more expensive. Managers can use internet/online recruiting sites, or can use their own website to create careers page to advertise and accept applications for employment opportunities.

Applying in public school nowadays is like a racing competition in which applicants needs to be at their best in order to be on the top of the thousand applicants who wish to be hired in Department of Education. The basic requirement to become a secondary’ school teacher in Balkan National High School is the applicants’ license, which typically requires a bachelor’s degree ND the completion of an approved teacher education program. In hiring employees, the school principal follows the Depend order no. 5. 2004 known as the revise guidelines on the recruitment, appointment and assignment of the public school teachers. The guidelines which are anchored on the school- based management policy under Republic Act 91 55 issued to harmonize Depend recruitment, selection and appointment with the provisions of R. A. 81 90 otherwise known as Localization Law, R. A. 4670. The guidelines were applied to the recruitment of Teacher I in Elementary and Secondary teacher including Balkan National High School.

Systematic assessments of the qualifications of teacher applicants are school-based and done based on the established criteria and the result of such assessment, evaluation and its corresponding ranking were submitted to the Division Office to fill existing vacancies in the school. The following are the procedural guidelines in hiring teachers: a. The Principal create a committee of 5 to interview the teacher-applicants and screen the documents relative to their applications . Category a. Education b. Interview c.

Teaching Experience 20% d. Specialized Skills 00% Category II b. BET/LET Rating 20 c. Interview 20% d. Teaching Experience 10% e. Specialized Skills 10% C. Training and Development The first step in creating effective training programs is to determine what training employees need. Training Needs Assessment is the process of gathering data to determine what training employees needs have so that training can be developed to improve the effectiveness of employees and thereby help the organization meet its objectives.

The assessments have different categories which includes planning and coordinating staffing training and developing. Decision making and problem solving, monitoring and controlling, motivating and reinforcing and disciplining punishing are very important for development process. To promote the K-12 curriculum at its best, the school principal of Balkan National High School has sent teachers to seminars and training of grade 7 and and 8 teachers and letting those teachers share their knowledge, skills and expertise with other teachers in the school through in-service training and workshop.

He also developed staff development activity with the faculty members and staff during semesters break and before the start of the school ear which focus on values formation, leadership and team building. He holds conferences with staff and faculty regarding current trends and encourage teachers to attend postgraduate/graduate studies, also upgrade instructional supervision skills of Department Heads. This sought to address the teaching and learning challenges in the provision of quality education in Balkan National High School.

D. Performance Evaluation Periodical assessment and rating or ranking of individuals by their immediate supervisors measures job performance. Employee performance evaluations are very helpful to the productivity of the organization. They provide with the tools to gather information and communicate company and individual goals to all employees. They also provide a structure for a pay-for- performance system that rewards employees for successfully achieving those goals.

These evaluations are tools that have the ability to make everyone more productive and engaged in their jobs and therefore make the company more successful. There are different methods used to measure the quantity and quality of performance appraisals. Each Of the methods is effective for some purposes for some organizations only. None should be dismissed or accepted as appropriate except as they relate to the particular needs of the organization or an employee.

Broadly all methods of appraisals can be divided into two different categories; Past Oriented Methods and Future Oriented Methods The Balkan National High School uses past Oriented Methods for teachers performance was evaluated through their Portfolio and a Competency-Based Performance Appraisal System for Teacher (CB-PAST) in which under the CB-PAST there are Rating scales which consists of several numerical scales representing job related performance criterion’s such as dependability, initiative, output, attendance, attitudes etc. ND each scales ranges from 2-10.

The total numerical scores are computed and final conclusions are derived. Also, Confidential Records in which the report is given in the form of Annual Confidentiality Report (CAR) and may record ratings with respect to following items; attendance, self- expression, team work, leadership, initiative, technical ability, reasoning ability, and resourcefulness of the teachers The system is highly secretive and confidential. E. Compensation and Benefits Compensation refers to all forms of financial returns and tangible benefits that employee receives as part Of employment relationship.

Compensation as it were is divided into two parts and these are cash compensation which is the direct pay provided by employer for work performed by the employee and fringe compensation which refers to employee benefit programs. Cash compensation has two elements which include base pay and pay contingent. Base pay has to do with hourly or weekly wages plus overtime pay, shift differential and uniform allowance while pay contingent is concerned with performance allowances such as merit increases, incentive pay bon uses and gain sharing.

Employee benefits are optional, non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. These types of benefits may include group insurance (health, dental, vision, life etc. ), disability income protection, retirement benefits, sick leave, vacation funding of education, as well as flexible and alternative work arrangements. There are many forms of compensations that managers of the organization introduce to their organization; like overtime/shifting allowance, Hazard allowance and clothing allowance.

When it comes to benefits, many organization offers, housing benefits, car loan , salary loan, recreation centre, fife insurance, foreign training, enabling working environment (computers for all staff), end of year bonus, lateral conversion for employees who acquired new skills / certificate, and retirement plan. In Balkan National High School, the salary of teachers was provided by the National Government and the Local School Board. The entry level for teachers right now is at Salary Grade 1 1, which is equivalent to only P 18,549 a month and 2000 Cost Of Living Allowance.

The salary scale provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to a maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically after three years: Provided, that he efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is at least satisfactory. The progression from the minimum to the maximum of the salary scale was not extending over a period of ten years. Teachers are entitled for Health Measures with their Phil Health card. They also entitled for Leave and Retirement Benefits in which teachers enjoyed leave privileges so they are entitled for a study leave.

Also, teachers also granted for indefinite leave and salary increase upon retirement. F. Employee Relations In order to retain good employees, manager should communicate the employees, coach rather than manage, establish clear performance metrics ND make employees accountable for delivering, leverage performance reviews to gain insights into employee’ goals and aspirations, and underscore positive feedback with something tangible. Manager systematically follows those steps, to retain good employees.

Or, at least when good employees decide to leave, they will leave knowing the career growth options available to them at your company. Career development opportunities and a chance to grow in their chosen field, regular feedback on how both they and the Company are doing chance to contribute directly to the organization and be recognized for doing so, and legible work schedules are some ways to retain good employees. A good salary in public school attracts and retains good employees in BINS.

Good retention starts from the time the employees hired to the time they leave the institution.. Employees know what they’re doing well and where they need to improve, for the organization benefit. The Principal IV manages the school by making teachers feel that they are committed and productive in the institution where they belong. Ill. Problems and Issues Concerning Management With regard to the management practices in Balkan National High School, he following are some of the problems and issues in the institution. 1 .

Decision-making and management structures are not clear to every employee since the school principal performed many duties and obligation in the Division of Battings, like being the staff in Boys Scout Council, Regional Trainer for the new curriculum, etc. That when he wasn’t around, the Department Heads in every subjects assume the responsibilities of the principal, but often times they have different views when it comes to decision- making where in employees got confused of who among from the eight Department Heads decision/instruction will be followed. It is not clear to everyone on how the principal deal with unsatisfactory work performance or behavior of the employees. BINS have a total number of 148 teaching staff, there are some teachers who use verbal abusive language, unethical, unreasonable and many complaints when it comes to work. 3. Financial management or control procedures are inadequate, lack of attention to individual needs, favoritism and preferential treatment of the employees. More often, decisions are based on inaccurate information. 4. There are needs to be better assessment of employee’s ability and performance so that remissions can be more objectively based. . More training is needed at all levels, especially those that handling k-12 curriculum and new employees. 6. Certain departments are put on a pedestal. This involves the manner of the Principal which whatever decisions he made’ is bias or there is an apprehension of bias. IV. Recommended Strategies to Improve Human Resource Management The day to day management of the school and its smooth running, is responsible for creating a disciplined learning environment. The following are the recommended strategies minored to improve human resource management. 1.

The School Principal must assign person in authority from among the eight Department Heads before leaving the school premises and make sure that everyone in the school are well inform. 2. The School Principal must ensure that the employees knows what to do and that he or she has the skills, resources and tools to do the job for him/her stop complaining. Also, ensure that employees understand the principal expectations with respect to performance and behavior and try to seek agreement from the Department Heads around those expectations and must see to it that these expectations are reasonable.

Where the staff member feels that the expectations are unreasonable, provide the opportunity for discussion. 3. The School Principal must document the discussions he have with the staff member detailing areas of concern, mitigating factors, a defined and agreed period of time for improvement, and an improvement plan. A copy signed by the staff member should be kept by the principal and a copy given to the every department. 4. The School Principal should explore the possibility of there being a personal problem, health problems or some other factor which is impinging on the employees work.

Consider suggestions from the Department Heads or other resources if appropriate. 5. The School Principal and Department Heads should provide workable solutions and identify training that would appropriate and make their authority visible. They should also assist newly appointed educators to integrate the school culture, improve their class management and to develop skills to cope with effective class management. 6. The School Principal should have a reasonable opportunity and chance to every faculty members by providing fair and transparent decisions in every department.

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