Hard Labor Assignment

Hard Labor Assignment Words: 771

Hard labor is essential to a well-rounded and fulfilling life and with that comes the benefits of hard labor. Hard work gives one a sense of satisfaction after a Job well done. It teaches one to work well alone as well as with others. There are many different types of hard labor, one can physically work hard, or be mentally challenged. However, all hard labor embraces the idea of quality over quantity, and as the old saying goes, hard work pays off. Hard labor gives us a sense of satisfaction. We give ourselves a goal, work hard to reach that goal, and once the goal s reached we can reap the benefits of it.

In the fall of my Junior year, I was put on the Junior varsity baseball team. This is not uncommon for players but I was unsatisfied with my spot and made it a goal to play on the varsity team when the spring season began. During the postseason I put in many hours of hard labor to try to reach my goal. I went to work outs with the team and also individual catching lessons. In the spring after tryouts were finished, not only had I made the varsity team, but was also on the starting roster. Setting a goal and achieving that goal was extremely satisfying ND rewarding.

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The grueling hours I put in during the off-season did not show immediate results but my patience and diligence paid off come spring time. Hard work is not easy but it doesn’t mean it has to be unpleasant. To reap the benefits of hard labor I needed to learn how to enjoy hard work. Even though the obstacles I needed to overcome were great, the reward was even greater. Hard labor not only teaches us how to work well alone but also with others. Working in a group Is not always easy. Some people will slack, others will take on leadership roles.

If you are In group assignment for science class and your group must deliver a presentation at the end of the week, you need everyone to work hard to receive a good grade on the assignment. If somebody slacks off then the other people need to work even harder. These differences will make tasks difficult but If you puts In hard work, you will always earn the respect of the entire group and your work will not go unnoticed. To receive the benefits of hard labor one must not only put In time, but also put In effort. Hard work Is quality over quantity.

In business, companies may make hundreds of rodents dally with shoddy materials to produce as many products as possible. Sales may Increase Initially with the rapid production but over time, If these products are known for shoddy materials and wear out and break, resulting sales will see a rapid decrease. Doing things the right way the first time will earn one the respect needed to excel In their profession. Respect helps one receive the benefits of hard labor. If one puts In their full time and effort Into everything they do, It will go noticed, maybe not right away but eventually the hard work will pay off.

Even If the reward Is not a Medal of Honor or some highly esteemed reward, an achievement of hard labor Is and achievement nonetheless. Hard labor Is exactly what It states, hard. However, Instead of dreading the work about to be done, one can embrace It. See a challenge, set a goal and put In 100% effort Into everything one does to reach that goal. Setting goals for oneself gives that person drive and ambition and only working assiduously for these goals will get them the many rewards for their labor. Hard Labor By kevinbock4541 teaches us how to work well alone but also with others.

Working in a group is not always easy. Some people will slack, others will take on leadership roles. If you are in These differences will make tasks difficult but if you puts in hard work, you will receive the benefits of hard labor one must not only put in time, but also put in effort. Hard work is quality over quantity. In business, companies may make hundreds of products daily with shoddy materials to produce as many products as possible. Sales may increase initially with the rapid production but over time, if these products are to excel in their profession. Respect helps one receive the benefits of hard labor.

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