FINAL PAPER Assignment

FINAL PAPER Assignment Words: 1005

This paper outlines Day treatment, Intensive Case Management, Life Skills, Housing Stability, Financial Stability, and Family Therapy. The next section clarifies what each session will contain and how the Family Outreach designs the client’s treatment plain. The next two sections discuss the mental health and support services. This part looks at how a client will be cap able to attending day sessions for eight weeks to discuss grief, depression, triggers, low self-esteem, and family issues.

It will help clients to free themselves from warning signs that will harm the client. The next section will include by talking about treatment and how a therapist must look at the position of the therapist and client when using positive procedures. This paper will end with a dialogue of the assignment. In general, this paper can be useful with clients who can help others who suffer from abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. With the help of Family Outreach clients can move forward to Aftercare Programs for support.

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Family Outreach Organization was started in 2015 works to help clients with mental health issues that relate to abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. The initial sessions start with an week of sessions. The first session group members shares how they or their family units are affected by abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. They will talk about problems that builds irritates them and their behavior. The leader of the group will help clients to see what triggers their negative behavior and help them to change their react. Finally it will teach them to focus on themselves and why their behavior changes.

Avoiding differences and destructive actions can help clients to talk about problems that lead to difference and ways to steer clear of them. Clients will discuss what plans eave worked in the past. They will discover procedures to stay away from and harmful circumstances. Clients will learn how to stay away from people, place, and playgrounds that remind them of the abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. FAA mill O trench therapist will work with clients on their personal values and goals that help them to focus on relationships to morals, objectives, and viewpoints of people around them.

Group members will talk about what morals and objectives that is significant in their life and how to obtain these goals. The treatment will help clients to work on anger issues, owe self-esteem, and depression when they come in contact with their attackers, children that remind them of their abortion, and people who continue to drink and drive. Improving communication skills helps to become aware how to talk with others when sharing their feelings of grief, depression, and low self-esteem. Group members will recognize which communication skills they need to work on.

Members will become skilled at and practice helpful communication methods when someone speaks negative. Affirmations skills assist with helping members the principles and influence of affirmations. They share instance where they experienced negative self-talk and disapproval. The therapist will train clients own methods to help them faces negative self-talk. Finally they will learn how to practice saying and writing positive affirmations in their life. The final session is where members will reflect on the good and bad feelings, and leaving their group members.

Members obtain encouraging comments on their assistances to the group. They can get telephone numbers to communicate with each other if they need someone they can trust to talk with. Member can ask for 12 Step groups for abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. Some of the support groups that groups members can attend or contact are Alcoholics Anonymous, Rape Crisis, National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline, and Survivors of Incest Anonymous. These are groups that clients can share their experience, strength, and hope with.

This can help them to address issues of triggers, anger, low self-esteem, and depression with recovering individuals 7 days a week. Family Outreach therapist will work with clients to address issues from abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving. If a member speaks that they have a problem with one of the topics they can ask questions on what makes them feel this way. They can also inform members that everyone has the right to feel what they want to. The only concern is that they will learn how to respect everyone opinion on these issues.

Members can listen and have sympathy for clients but to have negative feedback is not part of the group sessions. As the leader of this group it is best that addressing issues of abuse, abortion, and drinking and drive will help clients to see the destruction of their behavior. If clients are not taught how to change their patterns they likely will suffer. It is important to work with each person individual when they are not willing to share in a open group. As the leader/ therapist it will help with understanding on a deeper level what treatment that person needs.

Problem drinking has numerous concerns, among genetic, psychosomatic, and community issues among individuals (American Psychological Association, 2015). According to Oilman, 2010, there are one third to two thirds of the people could experience harmful psychological and medical consequence on the victim. Counselors, therapist, and doctors are working together to see that abuse is just as important as drug or substance abuse. According to Corey, Corey, Corey, 201 0 groups’ are good options for any interpersonal and interpersonal relations for assisting individuals’ willingness to transform.

Therapy session’s helps clients to focus on personal process and treatment plans that emphasize on the clients’ ideas, emotions, and behavior problems. The counseling sessions highlights interaction for group procedures for individuals that might be face tremendous living difficulties, are at jeopardy of building personal or interpersonal dilemmas, or are mostly concerned in obtaining or improving individual traits (Ward, 2006). In conclusion sexual abuse, abortion, and drinking and driving are problems hat men, women, and children face.

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