Equality and Inclusion Assignment

Equality and Inclusion Assignment Words: 721

What do we mean by the following terms? A) Equality- b) Diversity c) Inclusion d) Discrimination A) Equality: is a legal framework to protect people against discrimination. The Equality Act [2010] sets out the new public sector Equality Duty replacing the three previous duties for race, disability and gender. The Duty now covers the following ‘protected characteristics’: Age Disability Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Race (including ethnic or national origins, color or nationality Religion or belief (including lack of belief) sex Sexual orientation

Marriage and civil partnership B) Diversity: treating people as a individual, allowing people to be different and respecting these differences It is also about challenging others if necessary and Speaking up for the individuals you support when they cannot speak up for themselves. C) Inclusion: is a human right for every individual. The aim of inclusion is to embrace all people Irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need, culture, age, religion and Sexual orientation. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance.

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D) Discrimination: a preconceived attitude towards a person or group, for example someone’s race, religion, color, sexuality, age. 2. Discrimination is generally a negative experience for individuals, while inclusion has positive benefits. Think about this difference and describe some of the possible effects of both. A) Effects of discrimination Depression Anger Loss of self-esteem Isolation Feeling stressed or unable to cope b) Benefits of inclusion Acceptance feeling happy sense of belonging sociable acceptance 3. Where can you get information about equality and inclusion to improve your reactive? Ђ Managers http://www. Soften. Gob. UK/PDF/SEEP_Equality_Legislation_seep_07. PDF http://www. Hanta. Gob. UK/equalityanddiversitynworkbook. PDF http://www. CICS-assessment. Co. UK/docs/PDF/web/SST_wok. PDF 4. How else can you get support and advise to help you work in an inclusive way? Training Team meetings Handovers One to ones 5. In your workplace you can work to promote rights and prevent discrimination in many ways. Give 3 examples of how your clients may experience discrimination or have difficulties exercising rights and choices and how they can be supported to overcome/ address this.

Difficult may be due to age, religion, gender or other protected characteristics. 6. The Equality Act 2010 was introduced to simplify and update laws on discrimination and rights. Name the 9 key groups (protected characteristics) whose rights are protected under the law. Age Disability Gender reassignment Pregnancy and maternity Race (including ethnic or national origins, color or nationality belief (including lack of belief) sex Sexual orientation Religion or Marriage and civil partnership 7. The Human rights Act promotes the rights of all individuals to many basic tankards in life.

List some of the articles (Human Rights) which are relevant to your clients and the service you provide. Article 2. Right to life Article 3: Prohibition of torture Article 4. Prohibition of slavery and forced labor Article 5. Right to liberty and security Article 6. Right too fair trial Article 7. No punishment without law Article 8. Right to respect for private and family life Article 9. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion Article 10: Freedom of expression Article 1 1: Freedom of assembly and association Article 12: Right to marry

Article 14: Prohibition of discrimination 8. What does the General Social Care Council’s Code of Practice say about care workers and employer responsibilities for equality and diversity? The codes provide a clear guide for all those who work in social work, setting out the standards of practice and conduct workers and their employers should meet. They are a critical part of regulating the workforce and helping to improve levels of professionalism and public protection. 9. Look up your workplace policy on Equality. What is it called? How does it guide your practice around equality and inclusion?

CSS is intent upon providing equality of opportunity for all in all the services it provides, irrespective of disability, race, color, ethnic or national origin, class, appearance, religion or belief, HIVE/aids status, age or perceived age, gender, gender re-assignment, trans-gender status, marital or civil partnership status, part-time or shift workers, responsibility for dependents, unrelated criminal activities, or sexual orientation. CSS contends that it is morally wrong to hinder equality of opportunity and wishes to promote awareness of the legal requirements of a number of Acts of Parliament and Employment Regulations.

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