Environment Science Assignment

Environment Science Assignment Words: 339

Graded Assignment Unit Test, Part 2 Answer each question, using complete sentences. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit. (8 points) Based on the case study, do you think that gray wolves should have been delimited from the federal endangered species list, and thus be partially protected rather than completely protected? Should they remain off the list? Write a paragraph giving your position with valid reasons.

Cite specific data in your answer. Answer: I think the gray wolves should have been delimited from the federal endangered species list, and thus be partially protected rather than completely protected. (9 points) Explain what the Superfine is and describe the successes and failures of the Superfine initiative. Provide facts relevant to your answer. The common name for the Comprehensive Environment Response Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 is the Superfine.

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This is a federal law designed to clean up ties contaminated with hazardous substances. This law was passed by Congress because it was a response to Love Canal and other toxic waste disasters of the era. This law authorizes the EPA to find toxic waste sites. It determines who is responsible for the waste, and forces those parties to clean up the sites. In a paragraph, compare one U. S. Environmental law that you studied in this unit to one non-U. S. Environmental law that you studied in this unit.

Choose from the allowing list: New Sealant’s Resource Management Act, the European Union’s Clean Air Directive, the European Union’s Water Framework Directive, the U. K. Clean Air Act of 1956, the U. S. Clean Air Act, the U. S. Clean Water Act, the U. S. Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act, the U. S. Endangered Species Act, and the U. S. Superfine law (CERCAL). Make sure to compare all of the following traits: the scope of the acts, the acts’ provisions, and the acts’ successes and failures. I Name: Aria Sullivan I Score I Date:

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