Education and Students Assignment

Education and Students Assignment Words: 1626

Theme Lesson Plan: Remembrance Day Grade Level: 2 Time Limit: 30 minutes Subject: Social Studies Outcomes: 2-KC-003 Describe Remembrance Day as a time to think about peace and war. Assessment: Performance Assessment: will anecdotally assess the students based on the following: participation about peace, asking questions relating to Remembrance Day, and make the right observation throughout the lesson. Summation Assessment: Instructional Strategies: Activate: Ask my student what Is Remembrance Day Is to then Then will read a remembrance poem to the class.

Acquire: will ask the students what are the active things that they would remove from this world In order for It become peaceful. Then I will write down each student’s response and place it into an envelope. After each student contributed, I will throw the envelope out. By me doing that It symbolizes throwing away all the negative problems In the world Apply: I will brainstorm with the student what peace is. I will explain that peace is the opposite of negative problems In the world, will ask each student what does peace look and feel like.

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It there enough time I will allows student to work on their poppy carat that elated to the lesson. Instructions: Each student will have the option to choose between red or white construction paper they want. The students will get the choice to choose which two colors they want. The students create four small hearts for each poppy they will be making. Once the students cut out the heart, they can be arranged to create a poppy shape. Each student will get a green construction paper and cut out a small circle. After cutting the circle then fasten the hearts and circle together with glue and create a poppy.

Grouping: The class will brainstorm as a whole Configuration,’ seating: Students will sit on the floor while teaching and then will be Instructed to sit In their desks to create their own poppy. Different ways of Learning: 1. Multiple Intelligences: Visual Spatial: Students will draw a picture on what is peace to them. Once the students are done with their picture they will come up to the white board and hang it up. Musical: The whole classroom will listen to “Heal the world” song by Michael Jackson so they can hear the sound and rhythm. The message of the song relates to the objective of the lesson which Is peace.

Linguistic: Some of the students will be able to go on the computers to play social studies games. The games will teach them about wars and historical events. 2. Authentic Literature: The students will have to read a war book Then they will have to draw their own positive ending_ Then they will get the chance and present it to the whole class. 3. Bloom’s Taxonomy: I will read the students a book about peace and war, The students will be asked “whiff and “how’ questions to promote analysis Information. The students will have to come up Walt tenet own war. I nee wall nave to create Ana Tort new concepts, ageless, or items.

I will challenge students to new strategies and approaches. The students have to tell me what is the war is about, why, and the outcome of it? Then, they will have to come up with two positive outcomes about the war. This activity will help students understand about a war and peace. Teaching social studies can be difficult things to do. However, in order to teach social studies the teacher has to have knowledge. Therefore, teaching my second grade class was a successful and it went very well. My social studies lesson lasted for about thirty to forty minutes depending on the students.

When I started the lesson, the lesson was introduced with the topic. The topic of the lesson called “Remembrance Day’. The students will be given the objective which is to think and describe Remembrance Day as a time to think about peace and war. The students will be given the performance assessment which is participating on the discussion about peace. As a teacher each student will be given an opportunity to express what they know or what peace to them is. Then the students will be given questions related to the lesson topic. Awhile, the lesson is being taught each student will be observing and listening.

These are some of the performance assessment that will be taken place during my class. The instructional strategies will be taken place in my classroom. The students will be able to sit on the floor and get comfortable while I’m teaching the lesson. Each student will be asked what Remembrance Day is. Then, I will read the student a poem about Remembrance Day by a famous author. This will give the students insight of Remembrance Day and go into depth so they can understand it a little more. I will give the students an example on what I think is negative about the world and what I would do to make the world peaceful.

After given them my example, I will individually ask the students what are the negative things that they would remove from this world in order for it to become peaceful. Afterwards, I am going to take a sheet of paper and write down each of the student’s response down and place it into an envelope. After each student contributed, I will throw the envelope out. This symbolizes throwing away all the negative problems in the world. This will give the students the sense of peace and freedom. The student will be asked to sit back into their seats so they can complete an assignment.

I will brainstorm with the students what is peace is. Awhile, brainstorming I will write down the ideas on the white board and this will help visual learners. I will explain to the students that peace is the opposite of negative problems in the world. I will ask each student what does peace look and feel like. Each student will have the chance to Locus It among ten class. I nee students wall De addle to create a poppy. I wall demonstrate how a poppy should look like. Poppy symbolizes peace and which students can create their own. The students will have the option to choose between De or white construction paper.

Then the students will create four small hearts for each poppy they will be making. Once the students cut out the heart, they can arrange to create a poppy shape. I will walk around instructing those students that need help. Each student will get a green construction paper and cut out a small circle. After cutting the circle then fasten the hearts and circle together with glue and create a poppy. They will get the choice to choose if they want to hang it up on the white walls or take it home. Before that I will walk around and check each student name off letting me know they finish it.

For the classroom setting we will brainstorm as a class and the students will be together and individually. The different ways of learning I would use for my classroom is multiple intelligences, authentic literature, and bloom’s taxonomy. The student will be able to draw a picture on what is peace to them and will be able to hang their finish picture above the white board. Also, the whole class will listen to the song “Heal the World” by Michael Jackson. The song fit well for the lesson because it teaches about making the world a better place.

Once the song is over I will like to hear responses on what and how they feel about the song. I will give the students the opportunity to go on the computer to play social studies games and while some are finishing up their poppy. The multiple intelligences deal with multiple visual spatial, musical, and linguistic. Another way the student will learn by reading a book about the war. Then once they done reading a short story book on their own they have to do an assignment to draw their own peaceful ending to the war. The next day they will be able to present it to the classroom.

The last different way of learning that was used is bloom’s taxonomy. The blooms taxonomy is one good way of learning to use because it can help the students to learn more information about the specific topic. This learning style will be implemented by me reading a book about peace and war. The students will be asked Why’ and “how’ questions to promote analysis information. Also, I will assign my students assignment to take home which is come up with their own Remembrance Day war. They will have to create and form a concept and challenge themselves to new strategies and approaches.

The students will have to write a few sentences to tell me what their Remembrance Day, what it’s about, and the outcome of it. The outcome has to be a peaceful ending. The lesson was based straight forward and teach students to think about peace and war. My goal is for students to be interested and used multiple ways of learning. Each of my lesson plans will be different so they can learn in other ways instead of being stuck in one particular way. The lesson plan is short but it very direct and is learning more than three things. As long students leave my classroom knowing something new I did my Job for today.

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Education and Students Assignment. (2021, Nov 16). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from