Education Assignment

Education Assignment Words: 1557

Key concepts of the inventions measured developed by Conga C]Self Ana lists openness to change Cleanliness to accept assistance Chisel direction Conga insists that the proper domain of lineal supervision is the classroom behavior of the teacher, not the teacher as a person. The focus is to understand what happens in class, rather than to attempt to change the personality of the teacher. In order to bring the desired change in classroom behavior, it is necessary that the teacher observes: C] 1. The behavior to be change 2. The desired change 0 3. The professional satisfaction that will be derived from doing so.

Differences Between Clinical Supervision and Traditional Supervision Values Aim Basis Focus Frequency Philosophy Process Responsibility Clinical Us pervasion To improve instruction Classroom data Limited specific concerns Based on needs Promotes independence Cyclical Shared be;en teacher and supervisor Traditional Evaluation Of Observer’s rating Broad general Based on policy dependence Linear Supervisor’s responsibility FIVE FACES OF CLINICAL Planning Reflection Feedback Observation Analysis Planning Phase The purpose of planning conference is to enable the supervisor and the teacher to identify the focus of observation in a collaborative way.

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Collaborative planning reduces the anxiety, and makes the teacher feel comfortable about the process. Observation Phase C]After the planning conference, the supervisor finalizes the choice of observation tool depending on the agreed upon focus. During the observation, the supervisor gathers data and information using the observation tool. It is the task of the supervisor to record data and information as accurately as possible, especially of patterns and critical incidents during the class session.

Two Of the more popular instruments used for recording data are the Blamelessness’s of Interaction Analysis and the Cousin System of Analyzing Classroom Management. C]Flanders interaction model provides the teacher ND the supervisor the opportunity to draw conclusions about the verbal classroom climate, and to make inferences regarding the effectiveness of the communication strategies employed in the classroom.

Cite Cousin System of Analyzing Classroom Management identifies specific teach inning techniques that help or hinder classroom discipline, and demonstrates that the techniques and not the teacher’s personality are the most crucial elements in classroom control. Data Analysis C]Soon after the class observation, while the event is still fresh in the mind, the clinical supervisor collates, tries to make some ensue of the raw data, and develops a plan for the post-observation conference.

C]The supervisor does not make any conclusion but prepares the presentation of the data in such a way that the teacher is able to draw the conclusions by himself/herself. Some of the questions to be consider in analyzing the data That patterns and critical incidents did the data indicate? C]What strengths and weaknesses did the teacher exhibit? C]What technique were especially successful? C]What patterns, events, and concerns needed to be address? School will the conference begin and end? Feedback The result of the analysis of the data are resented to the teacher during the observations conference.

Based on the findings, the teacher is able to examine critically his/her own teaching with an open mind. The supervisors task is to build upon the teachers understanding of the behaviors and events that occurred in the classroom as borne out by the data. Some questions to consider: C]What pattern and critical incidents are revealed by the data? C]How do this events impacts to student learning? Clawer there outcomes that were unanticipated? That changes are necessary to improve the teaching-learning process in terms of motivation, presentation, questioning and

Effective feedback is given when principals: C]lunched explanatory comments that focus on specific behavior observed in class C]Avoid non-judgmental and non-evaluative behavior Provide detailed and descriptive information of the behavior observed Lunched positive elements indicating strong points in the teacher performance L]Establish collegial relationship based on trust and respect C]Promote two-way interaction and problem solving orientation Teacher Respond to suggestions Clementine’s new ideas C]Using a variety of teaching methods Responding to student diversity Cheeseparing and planning more carefully

Agitating more risks C]Achieving better focus Closing professional decision in making changes The supervisor critically examines his/her behavior and performance during the supervision cycle. Questions to consider School well did the clinical supervision cycle go? Cleat worked well and what did not? C]What are the areas of improvement? How can the next cycle can be improved? L]What other strategies can be explored for better results during the next clinical cycle? CASE STUDY The Problem A new teacher, Miss Jane Brown, is having serious problems with her classroom management at Pimento Valley Secondary.

She as just started the third month of her first teaching post. Her assignment IS to teach Integrated Science to Grade 8 and 9 students. Her classes range from 45 to 50 students. The school is situated in a rural industrial town. Students are usually well behaved, but given the opportunity will get out Of hand. The teacher, a trained biologist, has not had formal teacher training. As the days and weeks go by, classroom management worsens, and the teacher gradually loses control of her classes. The Effects Because the teacher has difficulty controlling her classes, she begins to arrive late.

The students pay little attention to her. Some students complain to parents that they are not getting any class work assignments, while other teachers complain that their classes are constantly being disturbed. Constraints of the Problem In addition to large class sizes, there is no established system of supervision which would aid Miss Brown in developing her teaching skills. Also, Miss Brown, realizing her incompetence, has isolated herself from colleagues to whom she could turn for support.

The Task Cleaving been asked to aid Miss Brown in developing and improving her teaching skills, design a clinical supervision program which will achieve these goals. The Pre-conference C]The goal of Miss Brown’s clinical supervision is to improve her classroom management techniques. Any other factors contributing to her ineffectiveness will need to be addressed as they are discovered during observation. Because Of the severity of the problem, more than one observation will be needed.

C]The pre-conference, the first step in the clinical supervision cycle, will be used to determine: (1 ) the purpose of Miss Brown’s observation, (2) the focus of her observation, (3) the method and form of observation to be used, (4) the time of observation, and (5) the time for the post-conference. The pre-conference with Miss Brown is critical and will set the stage for the remaining phases of the clinical supervision cycle. The supervisor will seek to win Miss Brown’s trust and confidence during the pre-conference.

D Before the pre-conference can be arranged, the supervisor needs to determine the supervisory approach best suited to Miss Brown’s developmental level, expertise, and commitment. A review of Miss Brown’s background reveals that, although she is a trained biologist, she has absolutely no formal teacher training. Furthermore, reports from other teachers indicate that Miss Brown does not associate with her leagues. However, some students attest to the fact that Miss Brown knows the subject matter very well.

The supervisor, therefore, concludes that a directive informational supervisory approach will produce the best results during the pre-conference. As Gilligan et al (1998) point out, this approach is most suitable because the expertise, confidence, and credibility of the supervisor clearly outweigh Miss Brown’s own information, experience, and capabilities. During the clinical supervision process, the supervisor will be the main source of information, will articulate the goals, and will suggest the corrective measures to be Behaving determined the supervisory approach, the supervisor is now ready to engage Miss Brown in the preference.

During the preference, the supervisor will display behaviors associated with the directive informational approach. After identifying and presenting problem to Brown-poor classroom management-?and having obtained her input into the situation, the supervisor determines that classroom observation is necessary to provide further assistance to her. She communicates to Miss Brown that the purpose of the observation will be to observe her classroom management techniques. The focus of the observation will be on re verbal and nonverbal behavior, her interactions with students, and the students’ on-task and off-task behavior.

To facilitate the recording of pertinent data, the supervisor recommends three methods of observation: (1 ) categorical frequencies, (2) visual diagramming, and (3) videotaping. Miss Brown is fully persuaded that these methods will yield the best results and agrees that the time of observation will be the following Monday at 8 a. M.. They also agree that the supervisor will arrive before the students so that she may be able to observe the entire range of students’ and teachers behavior and interaction.

They schedule the post-conference for the Wednesday (at 10 a. M following the observation. Observation C]Miss Brown’s observation create opportunities for the supervisor to help her test reality, the reality of her own perceptions and judgments about her teaching. Achaeans and Gall (1997) agree that the selection of an observation instrument will help sharpen the teacher’s thinking about instruction. CIA tailored observation instrument was used to observe Miss Brown’s verbal and non-verbal behavior and her interaction with students.

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