Dttls Unit 2 – Planning and Enabling Learning Assignment

Dttls Unit 2 – Planning and Enabling Learning Assignment Words: 938

DTTLS UNIT 2 – Planning and Enabling Learning Theory Assignment Selected Research – Rationale & Methodology I am constantly undertaking research that will improve my teaching skills and this research has been ongoing for ten years. When undertaking the research for this particular assignment, I identified key words and phrases associated with the topic ‘Planning and Enabling Learning’. I used ‘Safari’ & ‘Firefox’ web browsers and utilised ‘Google Scholar’ and ‘Yahoo’ search engines.

I searched worldwide sources but also narrowed the search down by requesting UK sources only. I concentrated on research which identifies effective practice for ‘planning and enabling learning’ for young people who were ‘reluctant learners’ or who have been unable to access mainstream education for a variety of reasons. I also specified that I wanted only to look at research produced in the last 5 years I am aware that research findings regarding ‘what constitutes good practice’ can alter dramatically over time and wanted to look at recent research findings.

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I targeted and researched websites run by key government departments, or reputable agencies and trusts that promote effective education and lifelong learning; for example ‘DCFS’ / ‘DFE’ , ‘Excellence Gateway’ and the ‘CFBT Education Trust’. I also looked at research documents, publications and publicity material from organisations promoting innovative e learning initiatives. I also discussed with ‘Inclusion’ colleagues at the ‘Sheffield Personalised Learning Service’ and other ‘South Yorkshire LA’s’ what constitutes good practice for this topic.

In addition, I looked at some educational publications; for example the ‘Times Educational Supplement’ and extracts from academic journals. My findings confirmed what I already suspected; that there is a vast amount of research covering the following areas. I therefore have attempted to identify and collate a selection of research for each area. I selected the research findings based on what I considered to be particularly relevant, topical or interesting.

Negotiating With Learners Wilson (2008) highlights negotiation as ” one of the keys to effective communication through the act of… finding out why learners want to do something (or not) and establishing compromise….. (to reach) a more favourable environment” ‘SYELP’ 2008 also recognised that negotiation is a critical part of any ‘initial assessment’, particularly when providing educational support for students who are disaffected with mainstream education.

The ‘QIA’ noted that effective negotiation will enable tutors to undertake effective ‘initial assessments, agree goals with students, identify individual learning needs and devise a ‘personalised learning plan’. Inclusive Learning In order to be effective in promoting and providing ‘inclusive learning’ for all students; Wigby (2004), ‘SYELP’ (2008) and the ‘CfBT Education Trust (2011) highlighted that students need access to a range of educational provision that utilise a variety of innovative delivery methods.

Research and publicity from e-Learning Projects such as ‘Notschool. net’ (2003), ‘Accipio’ (2007), ‘Nisia’ (2007, and ‘Edlounge’ (2011) promote innovative e learning options and argue that to engage students who had become disengaged from mainstream school, it is ‘good practice to employ a diverse range of learning resources and be creative with session plans and curriculum delivery. The ‘Move On’ and ‘My Maths’ sites provide good examples of now ‘Numeracy’ lessons can be delivered creatively.

The ‘T. E. S. ‘ (28/11/10) observed that ‘schools are now using video technology to enhance all aspects of the curriculum’ Integrating Functional Skills The ‘Lifelong Learning Paper’ (November 2007) paper highlights the importance behind the integration of ‘functional skills’ into the learning curriculum. The paper acknowledges that basic skills give individuals the confidence and independence to achieve success in life.

The ‘NCFE’ national awarding body outlines ways in which virtually all subjects can be taught in a format that incorporates functional skills; ‘Literacy, Numeracy and ICT”. (NCFE website – www. ncfe. org. uk) Communication An evaluation of the ‘Notschool. net’ project undertaken by Duckworth (2003) highlighted how e learning can offer innovative communication systems that are highly successful in ‘promoting and enabling learning’ for students previously disengaged from mainstream provision. Notschool provided, email support from mentors and subject experts via a learning community.

Chatrooms and instant messaging options were also available to Notschool students, it was accessible 24/7 and students could log on to the community from the comfort of their homes. ‘Edlounge (2011) also offer home access to education whilst ‘Accipio’ and ‘Nisia’ offer students access to ‘interactive lessons’ via a computer. References Accipio Learning (2007) – ‘Real Teaching in a virtual world’ (Accipio Publicity Material) CfBT Education Trust (2011) – ‘Achieving successful outcomes through Alternative Education Provision: an international literature review’

Duckworth, J. (2003)’Evaluation of the Notschool. net Research Prolect’ J Edlounge Homepage (2011) [Online] Available at: [Accessed: April 2011] Inclusive Learning and Teaching (2010) [Online] Available at: < http://www. excellencegateway. org. uk/inclusive> [Accessed: August 2010] Learning for Life (2010) Functional Skills. [Online] Available at: [Accessed November 2010] Learning Matters (2008) (Gravells & Simpson)– ‘Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector’

Lifelong Learning UK (November 2007) – Inclusive Learning Approaches For Literacy, Language, Numeracy and ICT’. My Maths. co. uk Learning Resources [Online] Available at: < http://www. mymaths. co. uk [Accessed: March 2011] NCFE Website (2010) – Education Courses & Curriculum [Online] Available at: < http://www. ncfe. co. uk [Accessed: November 2010] Nisai Group (2006) – ‘Education’ (Nisai Publicity Material) Numeracy Resources (2010) [Online] Available at: < http://www. move-on. org/numeracyresource> [Accessed: June 2010]

Quality Improvement Agency for Lifelong Learning (2008) – ‘Guidance for Assessment and Learning – Initial and Diagnostic Assessment: a Learner – centred Process’. SYELP (2008) – ‘The South Yorkshire e – Inclusion Projects. Times Educational Supplement 26/11/10 page 43 Collins, J. ‘Big Ideas Hit The Small Screen’. Wigby, M. (2004) Blended Learning – ‘A Report on the Options Open to Sheffield LEA to Incorporate e – learning Opportunities into its Range of Re-engagement activities. Wilson, L. (2008) Practical Teaching: A Guide to PTTLS & CTTLS

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