Drug Abuse Assignment

Drug Abuse Assignment Words: 1179

The habitual taking of addictive or illegal drugs. Some of the most commonly abused drugs are nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, hashish, heroin, opium cocaine, amphetamine, astatine, LSI, stimulants, steroids etc. That is the reason these drugs are dispensed under strict regulation.. Drug abuse may lead to several health related problems. Some illicit drugs, such as heroin, lysergic acid even do not have any recognized therapeutic effect in humans. Abusing drugs can also lead to physical dependence and addiction.

One in ten Canadian reported symptoms consistent with several mental health or substance use disorder in the previous twelve months (The Canadian Press, 2013). Before this assignment, we had a idea as drug abuse is a major social problem but after having a deep search about this we came to know how big is this problem and up to what extent it does the damages. We noticed that no matters but every individual are affected by this cause even if they are not taking the drugs and if there family members are taking they get abused hectically or sexually. Because after taking a dose of the drug the person is totally out gets out of the control.

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We chose to do the basic critical thinking/ questioning approach for our social analysis approach. Drug use prevalence is stable around the world, according to the 2014 World Drug Report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDO), with around 243 million individuals, or 5 per cent of the world’s population aged 15-64, having used an illicit drug in 2012. Problem drug users meanwhile numbered about 27 million, roughly 0. Per cent of the world’s adult population, or 1 in every 200 people (UNDO, 2014). Social Analysis What is the social problem?

Drug abuse is one of the major problem as it effect the not only the individual taking it but al so the people who are indirectly attached to it. Who defines it? Drug abuse is a social problem according to anyone in the society. Drug abuse can increase the cost of health care system as it generates much kind of diseases. Drug abuse can even affect the education system as teenagers taking the drugs not focusing on their studies. Drug abuse can affect a rarity of social institutions by contributing to work place absenteeism, work- related accidents, and poor work performance. Why is it considered a social problem?

There is no exception in age related drug abuse as it somehow affects everyone. Mother with drug abuse pass to the child leading to birth defects which further leads to increase in health care budget. Laws are also broken as a result of drug abuse as they want money which they get by doing some illegal crimes to fulfill their desire. Who benefits? It as simple as the only the people who gets benefit are the drug traffickers ND drug dealer. As the people become more addicted it just the get more and more profit. Who loses? Everyone in the society loses some or the other thing due to this devastating problem.

When a child abuses it always the parents are affected more , when a mother abuses it’s the child , when a father abuses it his whole family gets affected. Even smoking or chewing tobacco has became a major problem now a days. What is the cost? Even the group abusing leads to spread more and more diseases like HIVE as they all inject the drugs with the same needle. Many people will not hesitate o do any kind of violence to get the drugs for abusing purpose. Some people even had to lose their jobs, family and eventually to that extent that they have to end up their life in a prison or some kind of addiction center.

What are some solutions? Since drug abuse is a very critical topic it is very hard to make the people understand when they are in an active State Of abusing the drugs. Evidence- based family skills training programmers have been found to be the most effective way to prevent substance use among children and adolescents. These programmers target the whole family and offer skills-building for arenas on monitoring and supervision of children’s activities, communication and setting age appropriate limits. Schools have been an important setting for UNDO to reach many children and adolescents with prevention activities.

Evidence-based drug education based on life skills that offer personal, social, resistance and communication skills, as well as information about the short- term effects of drugs through a series of session offered by trained teachers. UNDO has many years of experience in working with employers and employees together to develop and implement policies against substance buses in the workplace. Keep medication in a secure place, such as a locked box or cabinet. Keep track Of your prescription drugs by counting the pills in each package.

Avoid sharing your medication with family or friends, even if they have been prescribed the same drug before. Return any unused or expired medications to your pharmacy or to a take-back program. Keep track of your refills at the pharmacy. Make sure there are none that you did not fill yourself. Recommendations for Social Action As students in a society, we can help by holding rallies, protests and ministrations against drug abuse, this can create a general awareness among the people against the disadvantages of drug abuse. We could also volunteer with the drug rehabilitation programs.

If we know anyone suffering from drug addiction, we can motivate and also educate them. Action Plan There are different forms of social action and ways people can work together to create change. A problem such as drug abuse requires a community effort to get involved and be vigilant. Organized meetings and protests will create a social awareness and demonstrations against the abuse of illicit drugs. More overstatement legislation that targets drug trafficking and stricter penalties to effectively crack down on the distribution of drugs on the streets can reduce drug abuse.

Educating people in a community on the consequences of drug abuse and the downward spiral that follows will be a huge step in resolving the issue. Parents of adolescence should have training to detect drug use in the home and ways to handle an “at risk” child. With all these steps, we would be on a pathway to saving our future generations and possibly end illegal drug abuse. Conclusion Drug abuse is a major social problem. Even with some of the strict laws and regulations it is very difficult to control.

Drug identification strategies, followed by effective interventions, help prevent further illicit drug use and delinquency. Drug testing can be a constructive means of helping youth overcome denial of their substance abuse. As a part of intervention, drug testing can be used to help youth achieve and maintain recovery and curtail other deviant behaviors. Education and social awareness is a key tool to as one of the prevention strategies.

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