Critically Discuss the Role of the Core Curriculum Subjects Assignment

Critically Discuss the Role of the Core Curriculum Subjects Assignment Words: 2607

Main Content -? 4 7 10 Elizabeth Ms Grata Contents Page Introduction Conclusion Reference List Bibliography 3 English Math Science …. 17 Within Key Stage 1, the core subjects of English, Math and Science are dynamic and vital skills which are constantly being developed throughout our schooling. According to Guinness (1999, pa), “Children bring their own conceptions (and misconceptions) into the classroom. ” Building upon the knowledge and understanding of our core subjects from a young age within key Stage 1 especially, can provide us with lifelong skills without even realizing it.

All teachers within schools today, have the continuous daily challenges of insuring that the core subjects are being taught to children using different learning styles to suit children’s understanding. Within Key Stage 1; there starts the strong emphasis of assessment and preparation for Sat, as Miss ; Reynolds (2011 , IPPP) state, “To be effective, assessment for learning needs to become a central part of classroom practice. ” Copping et al. 1999, pop) state that young children, “Are born knowing a great deal, they learn more, and we are designed to teach them. ” Within my assignment, I will critically consider the relationship between learning approaches and individual learning needs of children within Key stage 1 . Taking into account, the educational theories and my own individual observations and teaching experiences to expand upon my research within this area of study. It is essential to get the structure, balance and content of the primary curriculum right. It is no less essential to ensure that schools have the time and expertise to ensure that it is coherently planned and well taught. ” (Alexander, 201 0) “A literacy lesson that is planned with consideration of range of learning styles, and taught in a way that allows all children’s learning styles to be rigged, will help all children to become more proficient in English, whether it is their main language or not. ” (Knowles, 2011 , p. 52) For example, through some of my own experiences in school, children may not have adapted their writing skills but through their oral language teachers have been able to effectively engage all children to reach their learning objectives by differentiating their activity to the group size needed whether it was small groups, pairs or individual. “It is essential that teachers believe, that all children can make a progress in English and literacy, have a right to enjoy their learning and to have their deeds met. ” (Brine, 201 2, p. ) As a teacher building on your own background knowledge of your English lesson or any lesson is a vital part of helping your children understand and learn through their own learning style. The National Curriculum is the soul of this background knowledge and can become your essential tool to cover as a way to make progress with children. A Teacher’s knowledge of the curriculum has to be sufficiently secure to do other things. (Posted, 2008) Sir Jim Rose (2006, pa) identifies the key elements, that children need to learn to fulfill a prolonged period in education.

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Speaking and listening together with reading and writing, are prime communication skills that are central to children’s intellectual, social and emotional development. ” Being able to speak and listen are essential if children are to flourish both inside and outside school, research has found that, “In school a developing facility with oral language is crucial for learning. ” (Browne, 2009) It is also important to consider the strong emphasis on systematic phonic work through the recommendation that, “High quality phonic work should be taught as the prime approach in learning to decode and encode print. (Rose, 2006) He intended to write that, “Phonic work is an essential part, but not the whole picture of what it takes to become a fluent reader. ” (Rose, 2006) With this in mind Brine (2012) suggests that, “Phonics must also be set in the context of a ‘broad and rich’ language curriculum. ” From my experience, the learning of phonics can be embedded more effectively if it can be understood and developed in a variety of ways, though adapting different teaching approaches within the curriculum and especially Early Years and Key Stage 1 .

Having observed the teaching Of different phonic programmer, it was evident that simple rhymes, repetition, games, rural, oral and visual patterns helped developed children’s familiarity with sounds of language. In order to ensure all children understand, adapting your teaching style to suit their learning is the key to an effective lesson. Learning styles have an impact upon the rate of learning. One of the most clearly interpreted theories of learning styles are that of Kola (1995) suggested that, “Different learning styles as a cycle through which all learners should move over time. The cognitive learning theorist Visigoths, generated the theory of the Zone of Proximal Development or Z. P. D. He believed that it was children’s interaction tit others through language that most strongly influenced the levels of conceptual understanding they could reach. (Reynolds, 201 1, p. 25) Research has shown that Bigots)ads ideas point to the importance of appropriate interaction, collaboration and cooperation and that teachers must make the decisions about the kind of interventions that they make. Wise D & Jones, 2009) In addition,” The teachers role is not as an instructor rather as a ‘scaffold’s’, supporting, encouraging and extending the child’s own active search for understanding. ” (Whiteboard, 2002) Certainly one of the most important but also most contentious activities searchers engage in is assessment. There are two types of assessment. Formative is an approach carried out on a daily basis or assessment for learning. Assumptive assessments are carried out over a longer period of time, for example; a term. The key feature of the statutory assessment system is the National Curriculum levels of attainment.

The Rose Report (2006, pop) identified, “The most effective assessment was simple, rigorous and purposeful. ” Although is it motivating to note that speaking and listening is firstly recorded in the National Curriculum, followed by reading and writing skills are developed. Corroborating this, have found through my previous experience that children learn to expand and understand language through speaking and listening to each other within the classroom through play from a very early age and therefore build a good vocabulary and knowledge for reading and writing towards Key Stage 1 .

Assessing throughout daily teaching as an effective teacher will help to establish whether or not the teaching approach and the individual needs of the children are of a good balance. Measuring progress through assessment would help you provide the appropriate differentiation within the class. Children succeed where they are motivated by having their interests considered and those designing the learning activities are providing a ‘balance between support and challenge’. ” (Knowles, 201 1) The Primary Framework identified assessment as an fundamental part of teaching the cycle of assess, plan, teach, practice, apply and review.

In addition to this, (Williams, 2008) acknowledged that, assessment is an evidence based tool to children’s learning and came to the conclusion that, a good understanding between teacher and child will enhance learning within the classroom. (Mooney, teal. , 2009, p. ) specified that, “At Key Stage 1 children should be taught about numbers and the number system through counting and number patterns and sequences. They start to calculate both mentally and on paper, by developing and understanding of number operations and relationships. They use this understanding to solve numerical problems. Researchers have shown that the National Innumeracy Strategy appears to advantage some children more than others. (Aubrey, 2007) predicted that there are few key features that would contribute to this, for example, the fast pace of classroom teaching and learning. Ever more, the Primary Strategy Defers, 2003) is set upon creating a common approach to teaching and learning styles promoted by the strategies. If the teaching approaches are focused on individual learning, all needs of children must be met, within all areas of differentiation, for example, Gifted and Talented and children with English as an Additional Language.

The deep irony, as mentioned in a study carried out by Alexander (2004), is that ‘whole class interaction teaching of the strategies is intended to exploit commonalities of the group in order to benefit the individuals. ‘ The Mathematical National Curriculum and the Primary Framework for at Mathematics are closely linked through the identified learning objectives and the knowledge, skills and understanding which are to be taught throughout the stages. (Mooney, et al. 2009) From my own experiences of teaching math, effective teaching is ensuring that children have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of how to work calculations out as well as writing it down. Identifying that the children understand their learning objective within a math lesson and the areas that they struggle in, in order to reach the answer to the calculations, can help you s a teacher, to adapt your approach to enable better individual understanding for them.

A wide mathematical curriculum will enhance skills in a variety of practical ways, of which CIT should be an integral part, through Interactive Teaching Programmer (Tips) and interactive games to suit all visual, auditory and kinesthesia learning styles. This type of learning enhancement can help to meet all the learning needs within the classroom. Pigged believed, ‘that it was not enough to teach ideas by simple reinforcement-the child had to be at a particular stage of development to be able to learn new concepts. Pound, 2008) He continued to believe, that the construction of new ‘schema’ is relevant when experiencing numbers. ‘Children need to be able to ask questions in order to make sense of the world, and they deserve answers which do just that-make sense. ‘ (Made, 2008) Teachers must give children the opportunity to feel they are controlling their own learning by making their own discoveries. This from my own experiences enhances Piglet’s theories, although recent research would argue that the stages of development are too firm, suggests that blend one into another can provide a good learning environment.

Young children in the home meet mathematical concepts every day and operate in rich mathematical contexts even before they set eyes on a math worksheet. ‘ (Thompson, 2008) Therefore, in order to engage in children’s mathematical learning, teachers may need to use creatively observations to identify the learning approach which they need to take to stimulate individual learning needs. ‘Primary school science enables children to develop ideas about the world around, laying a foundation for scientific literacy, the general group of key ideas of and about science that are necessary for effective operation in the modern world. Alexander, 2010) In my experience working with children, they find science a very interesting subject because they as young learning adults, they can relate it to the developing ways of the world around them. According to Alexander (201 0, p 224) ‘Children view it as one of the keys to their understanding of the world around them. ‘ A strong emphasis upon scientific enquiry being taught through different approaches of context is a key feature stated in the National Curriculum.

It is at the start of Key Stage 1, were the aim is to teach by developing the understanding that science is a process, offering freedom of interpretation ND teachers making connections through everyday experiences. (Oliver, 2006) In addition research of Gillespie ; Gillespie (2007, pa) expressed that, “Children should still need the opportunity to ‘play’ and engage in practical learning. ” Within my current school placement, I had the opportunity to observe and participate within this teaching approach to enhance children’s learning.

Within a Science Day, the teacher’s incorporated the topic; Moving and Growing into teacher lead small grouped tasks throughout the day involving activities such as, Investigation through measuring heights a stances of each other; Inventing through PEE games; Predicting through heart rate after exercises and bike riding activities. The children not only achieved their learning objectives but really enjoyed the experiences of learning science through different ways and have related to those lessons still within classroom discussions.

Posted has concluded that, “… The most stimulating and engaging teaching occurs when science is brought to life and pupils are given the chance to conduct, evaluate and record their own investigations rather than rely solely on textbooks. ” (Posted, 2008) Further to his, a research study carried out by Daddy (2008) identified, ‘That learning science is more than capitalistic on children’s interest and natural curiosity . It is more important for children to learn to think and question for themselves. He continued stating that, ‘Learning by using whole class discussion and mind mapping strategies, is an essential way for teachers to structure the learning within their science lesson. ‘ All children will have their own ideas developing about science; the teacher has the important role of listening, understanding and unpicking them to help to enhance the child’s learning. The main principle of matching teaching approaches to individual learning needs in science is very important when working with children learning difficulties; children who have special needs or/and children with English as an additional language. Gillespie & Gillespie, 2007) In agreement with this is the views of Oven camp; Wham (201 0, pa), “Creating, an effective match between ‘where a child is’ and the learning activities that offer the best opportunities for progress is at the heart of good teaching. ” One of the main sources of general guidance is The National Curriculum, were specifics levels of learning in science, “During Key Stage 1 pupils observe, explore and ask questions about living things, materials and phenomena. (CA, 1999) “Burner’s major ideas were that children can be taught at any age, provided it is presented in a way which is accessible to them. ” (Whiteboard, 2002, p. 5) His emphasis was on the role of language in translating experiences into a symbolic form in the mind. ‘The development of language in the child opens up the possibility of direct input into child’s thinking through language and the reordering by the child of experience by using language ‘as a cognitive instrument’. ” (Burner, 1964, p. 12) Also that, ‘Children gain more when they covers themselves. From an overall view of teaching within Key Stage 1 and from an assessment focus, Burner s views of the behavior approach, is in my personal view quite a limited one as there would be no need to identify what the children’s ideas are as their learning experiences do not depend on them. Adapting the approach of enabling children to develop their own learning in a science lesson, is the key aspect to adjust their understanding through being inquisitive and working practically. Effective classroom grouping, for example mixed ability groups and talking partners enable children to develop their scientific understanding through enquiry.

It also facilitates you as an effective teacher to engage on the individual learning needs in a small group basis, therefore plan and teach an effective lesson. Conversely are the research view of Harlan (2006,p 1 10), “For group work, difference among children are not a disadvantage, since there is convincing evidence that in heterogeneous groups all pupils, benefit when they are encouraged to share ideas and skills. ” Within all of the core subjects it is quite evident, that Assessment for learning is vital part of the teaching and learning process at any level.

Teaching the core subjects may prove a challenge, although within my limited time within schools I have observed, active learning within Key Stage 1 as an important approach to support the learning within a lesson. To reassure understand of the learning within the classroom and to meet all the different learning needs, the effective use of VS. (Visual, Auditory and Kinesthesia) in every lesson is essential. With this element in place, the strategies embedded from the educational theorist and teaching through the appropriate teaching approach can help provide successful learning for all individual objectives within a lassoer.

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