Critical thinking Assignment

Critical thinking Assignment Words: 1282

The Beginning Reader, Prep-3 January 12, 2014 Educating and guiding students to read and become fluent readers is a life changing experience for the students. Increasing literacy skills in students prepares them for academic and professional careers. Educators must reflect on their own teaching practices and implementation of intervention strategies to meet the needs of all children while taking into account of their individual reading readiness: emergent, beginner, and transitional.

As educators are implementing strategies and teaching practices, they are retreating a literate environment that is conducive to all readers. The Framework for Literacy Instruction is rubric that allows an educator to self-evaluate current literacy instruction. The Response Perspective for learners is an area of strength. At the beginning of school, getting to know you activities are used to gain information and understanding of students’ likes and dislikes. This includes revealing their favorite subject, color, hobby, or book.

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In addition to the information gained from the beginning of school, student consults are completed to learn information about students’ literary experiences. Students are asked about what kind of books they like to read, do they have anyone at home to help them with reading, and a very important question asked is if students have books at home. Many students that come from low income families share that they do have books at home, and these students are struggling readers.

It is important to supply these students with a variety of text that interest them and motivates them to read. Students also need a “volume of reading,” to enlarge their world, increase their vocabulary and foster fluency (including texts and books beyond school ND classroom assignments) (Expeditionary Learning, 2013). An area to improve in creating a literate environment for students is Critical Perspective for instructional practices. In this area, teachers are modeling and guiding students to think critically about text through making judgments and evaluations about texts.

Often students expect the answer to a question to jump out from a page rather than rereading the text, processing the text that was read, and analyzing the information to provide a response. As the world changes with technological and informational advances, students need to evolve and define skills in obtaining, understanding, analyzing, and sharing information (Schneider, 2002). To improve in this area, there are some strategies to implement into instruction that will guide students and help them in gaining knowledge in these needed skills.

One method to promote critical thinking is to have students compare and contrast a variety of objects. Most anything can be compared and contrasted with another object. This activity provides students with the opportunity to view objects or even people with a different perspective than they normally would. Reading instruction is currently planned according to the district pacing guide and framework performance tasks. Harcourt Trophies is the selected basal for the school district Students are assigned a weekly story along with vocabulary and spelling words aligned to the story.

Resources are limited, this results in a variety of texts being limited to addressing student interest. Strickland (Laureate Education, n. D. ) addresses the issue of students bringing background knowledge while reading text and making connections. If resources are limited, students’ background knowledge and experiences may e just as limited. Creating a literate environment for students is a very important responsibility for educators. In addition to teaching basic fundamental reading skills, educators must instill a desire to read within students.

Completing research, implementing and applying new methods into instruction will provide students with opportunities to improve and enhance their literary skills. The Framework for Literacy Instruction is a valuable tool to self-evaluate current teaching practices as well as creating an effective literate environment for all students. References Laureate Education, Inc. Producer). (n. D. ). Perspectives on early literacy. [Video webmaster]. In The beginning reader, K-3. Retrieved from HTTPS:// class. Walden. Due/weapon/portal/ frameset. JSP? ABA_tab_group_id=_2_1 ours u/weapon/ portal/far Faxes Schneider, V. (2002, October). Critical thinking in the elementary classroom: Problems and solutions. Retrieved from http://peps. Scholastically. Com/ downloads/articles/Critical_Thinking-Schneider. PDF Expeditionary, L. (2013). The importance of increasing students’ volume of reading. Retrieved from http://www. Engage. Org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/ oleomargarine. PDF Formative Evaluative Criteria for Applications and Reflective Essays Quality of Work Submitted Work reflects graduate-level critical, analytical thinking.

A: Exemplary Work A = = 3. 75 All of the previous, in addition to the following: B: Graduate Level Work B+ = 3. 50; B = 3. 00; B- = 2. 75 C: Minimal work C+ = 2. 50; c = 2. 00; c- = 1. 75 F: Work Submitted but unacceptable F = I . 00 Adherence to Assignment Expectations The extent to which work meets the assigned criteria. Assignment exceeds expectations, integrating additional material and/or information. Assignment demonstrates exceptional breadth and depth. All parts of the assignment are completed, with fully developed topics.

The work is presented in a thorough and detailed manner. Assignment demonstrates appropriate breadth and depth. Most parts of assignment are completed. Topics are not fully developed. Assignment demonstrates minimal depth and breadth. Does not fulfill the expectations Of the assignment. Key components are not included. Assignment lacks breadth and depth. Assimilation and Synthesis of Ideas The extent to which the work reflects the students ability to- 1. Understand the assignment’s purpose; 2. Understand and analyze material in videos, readings, and discussions; 3.

Apply presented strategies **May include, but are not limited to, scholarly articles, collegial discussions; information from conferences, in service, faculty development, and/or meetings.. Demonstrates the ability intellectually to explore and/or implement key instructional concepts. Demonstrates exceptional inclusion of major points, using creditable sources**, in addition to course videos or required readings. Demonstrates insightful reflection and/or critical thinking. Demonstrates a clear understanding of the assignments purpose.

Includes specific information from course videos or required readings to support major points. Provides careful consideration of key instructional concepts. Shows some degree of understanding of the assignment’s purpose. Generally applies theories, concepts, and/or strategies correctly, with ideas unclear and/or underdeveloped Minimally includes specific information from course videos or required readings. Shows a lack of understanding of the assignments purpose. Does not apply theories, concepts, and/or strategies Does not include specific information from course videos or required readings.

Written Expression and Formatting The extent to which scholarly, critical, analytical writing is presented in PAP format; Standard Edited English ( I. E. Correct grammar, mechanics). Represents scholarly writing in a correct PAP format. Work is unified around a central purpose with well-developed ideas, logically organized in paragraph structure with clear transitions. Effective sentence variety; clear, concise, and powerful expression are evident. Work is written in Standard Edited English. No prominent errors interfere with eating.

Work is well organized with correct PAP formatting throughout. Ideas are clearly and concisely expressed. Elements of effective communication such as an introduction and conclusion are included. Work is written in Standard Edited English with few, if any, grammatical or mechanical errors Somewhat represents mature, scholarly, graduate-level writing, with PAP generally followed. Ideas are not clearly and concisely expressed. Are not included. Work contains more than a few grammatical, or mechanical errors. The quality Of writing and/or PAP formatting are not acceptable for graduate bevel work.

Major points do not reflect appropriate elements of communication. No effort to express ideas clearly and concisely. Work is not written in Standard Edited English. Contains many grammatical or mechanical errors Final Assignment Grade A = 3. 75 B _ 2. 75 C: Minimal Work F: Work Submitted but Unacceptable It is expected that all applications and reflective essays will be submitted according to the assignment due dates indicated.

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