Course Syllabi- History of Graphic Design Assignment

Course Syllabi- History of Graphic Design Assignment Words: 808

The course will be structured on readings, research, and visual presentations on subjects of designer activities throughout history with an emphasis on the broader historical context of the planning, production, form, distribution, reception and cultural integration of graphic design Student Handbook The Student Handbook is now available digitally rather than In hard copy.

It can be found on the PONCA website (under Student Life) and on Homeroom (Home page, under PONCA Essentials). Disability Support PONCA is in compliance with federal law requiring colleges to provide reasonable accommodations for students with documented physical and/or learning disabilities. If you have a disability that might affect your performance In this class, please make It known to the Instructor.

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Learning Outcomes At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to : Demonstrate and articulate in discussions, writings, and visual presentations an understanding of the intents) Synthesize readings and lectures and be able to formulate and post discussion points and prepare visual examples for peer review and feedback (as comments) using online tools Utilize, and bibliographically document, a range of resources used for the study of the history of graphic design (books, Journals, periodicals, online, interviews)

Creative Practice Identify the roles, activities, and trades of communication design professionals throughout history and distinguish specific fields related to and integrated with the profession of graphic design Learning Outcomes are linked to Ponca’s Core Values which are: Identify and articulate the influence of fine art (theories, trends, aesthetics, visual styles) on the work of graphic designers Integrated Knowledge, Critical Thinking, & Cultural Inquiry Social and Ethical Responsibility Content initiate, and participate in, discussion on the planning, process, production and striation of works of graphic design Effective Communication formulate a connection of the cultural influences on design from history with practices of contemporary graphic designers through examples, writings, and discussions Assignments for this Class: Required Readings and discussion with evidence of comprehension Weekly Subject Research and On-line Posting to Homeroom Weekly In-Class presentations Final Research Paper Topics for weekly research will include: Design during Cultural Upheavals / World Conflicts Design for Social Causes / Design for Social Good Design for Commerce, Consumption, Commercialism

Information Design / Dissemination and Distribution of Information Technological Changes and its Influence on Graphic Design Design as Author, Designer as Artist, Whole Designer The Concept of Brand and the Development of Brand Identity Low Design / Bad Design Major Benchmarks in Typography Reactionary Design / Culture Jamming Expectations/Policies for this course: Students are required to read and to be ready to articulate a response to all readings assigned in class. Each week there will be an assigned subject research topic that will require independent sourcing, image documentation, writing, and on-line posting on he ‘Homeroom’ site established for the course. Each student will make a 5-10 minute the use of prepared supported notes for verbal elaboration on the material presented.

In-class and on-line participation in the form of response and discussion and will be expected and recorded. A final research project on the relatedness of the topics of historical practice presented to the practices of a contemporary designer or design firm/group will be in the form of a research paper. (8-10 pages minimum) Attendance You will be allowed two absences without additional penalty – although you are responsible for any work that is missed. The third absence will result in the lowering of an entire letter grade from the computed final grade. A fourth absence will result in a final failing grade of F. Missing 30 minutes of a class period (during any part of the scheduled classmate) counts as an absence.

This is a document that defines plagiarism, discusses the conventions of ethical research and documentation, and explains the appropriate uses of source materials. These guidelines also describe the student’s responsibility for maintaining documentation and evidence of search in order to verify originality in all writing assignments at PONCA. The document: PONCA Guidelines for Academic Honesty is provided for you in the following locations on campus: the Student Handbook, the Library Homeroom site, the Academic Integrity HomeRoom site, the ACE HomeRoom site, the Foundation HomeRoom site, the Liberal Arts Homeroom site. You may also view written copies of the PONCA Guidelines for Academic Honesty in the office of Student Services, the Academic Dean’s office, and the PONCA Library.

Information + Responsibilities Students are expected to have in their possession a current edition of the Student Handbook. Students are responsible for all the information contained in the handbook, and should refer to the handbook frequently for deadlines, policies, procedures, and responsibilities. Student Handbooks are available in the office of Student Services. Students are expected to check their student mailboxes frequently for communications from their instructors or from the administrative offices of the college.

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Course Syllabi- History of Graphic Design Assignment. (2019, Apr 11). Retrieved February 23, 2025, from