Child and young person development Assignment

Child and young person development Assignment Words: 1775

Physical Development Age Range Description of the stage Impact on other development 0-3 months Head and eyes move together Kicks legs and waves arms As the babies begin to recognise people around them this has an impact on their emotional development as they can become distressed when people are not around. 3-6 months Sits with support Rolls over Uses arms for support when lying At this stage any activities will have an impact on their intellectual development as they become aware of the different activities they do. 9 months Sits alone without any support May crawl or shuffle Babies at this stage are able to crawl, sit without much support and therefore becoming more familiar with it surroundings and hence it has an impact the on child’s social development. 9-12 months Lifts blocks Enjoys self feeding Uses index and middle finger At this stage the child is now learning how to use their hands as a way of communicating by gesturing with their hands and fingers therefore this type of activity has impact on their on their communication development. 1-2 years Stands alone Can walk alone Can use a spoon

At this stage they are learning social conventions such as sharing and manners through interaction with other children, this impacts on their social development. 2-4 years Can a kick a ball confidentially Run and hops At this stage they are more mobile and confident through independent activities unaided and this has a direct impact on behavioural development. 4-7 years Accurately uses scissors Controls pencils in a small area Enjoys playground activities At this stage their communication development is expanding through the child confidence in communication with adults and its peers 7-12 years

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Improves physical Puberty starts at 10 for girls As they notice physical changes an the social impacts it will have an impact on their behavioural development as they grown in confidence and independence 12-16 years Changes to their body at the onset of puberty and growth At this growth-stage the intellectual and behavioural are impacted as they start to take keen interest in specific subject matters and become more increasingly affected by society activities 16-19 years Body shape is changing rapidly and boys in particular sometimes have poor spatial awareness because of this.

As the child is maturing and reaches early adulthood they live more independently and do more activities by themselves and has impacts on their social, emotional, behavioural, intellectual, and communication development Table 2 Intellectual development Can recognise their mother’s smell and her voice. Will stop crying when they hear a familiar voice. At this stage they are communicating with adults with different types of cries, it also has an impact on their physical development as they are able to lift their head, look around whilst lying on their tummies. 6 months Puts everything in mouth Watches toys fall from from hand within range of vision At this stage they are able to grasp objects and show their emotion by smiling. This has impact on their communication development. 6-9 months Looks in correct direction This impacts their physical and social development as they are now able to sit up Recognises familiar people Drops toys As they are able to sit up unaided and expand on their play this will have an impact on their physical development 1-2 years Points to parts of the body Points to interesting objects

The impact area for growth are social and emotional development as they are now able to do activities by themselves and easily become frustrated or angry if they are cannot do it. 2-4 years Copies circles and crosses Matches two or three primary colours Paints with large brush At this stage children are now forming small sentences and some by the age of four are able to hold decent conversations 4-7 years Colours pictures neatly Counts unto 20 by rote By this stage they show independence and confidence through learning and forming their ideas, they are also more emotionally developed. 12 years Becomes more creative More confident in reading and writing They are more sociable and tend to enjoy playing games with their own age-range. They also imitate adult behaviour. 12-16 years Developing to think abstractly Goes through physical changes at this age, as this happens they become more mature, and as they begin to show interest and skills in different subjects as their confidence grows through communicating effectively with adults. 16-19 years High level of skills now – for example can use computers. Can become very skilled with IT and be more knowledgeable than some adults.

They are peaking in their social, behaviour, emotional and physical as they are able to make more independent choices for themselves. Table 3 Communication development Impact on other development If communication does not develop as expected for 0-3 years, this 0-3 months Cries for basic needs Becomes quiet and turns head towards the sound of the rattle near the head By interacting with their parents through crying this will impact on their social development. 3-6 months Laughs and chuckles As they enjoy chuckling and giggling this will impact on their social and emotional development 6-9 months

Imitates adult vocal sounds Understands ‘no’ and ‘bye-bye’ At this stage if the baby is not understood and does not recognise familiar faces can become upset and distressed and can impact a child’s behavioural development. 9-12 months Knows own name Understands simple messages As their fine motor skills are developing they now use both hands and also can feed themselves and climb. This will impact on physical development 1-2 years Uses two word linked together Joins in with nursery rhymes They can be easily become frustrated by not getting what they want and throwing minor tantrums.

This may also affect their emotional, social and behavioural development. 2-4 years Can be understood with strangers Enjoy repeat of favourite stories As they expand on their play ad communicate more with other children this will impact on a child social development. 4-7 years Speech is fluent Enjoys Jokes and singing As they begin to read books rapidly and understand how a sentences are formed this will have an impact on their intellectual development 7-12 years Speak fluently and describe complicated happenings Vocabulary will grow As they learn work Jointly this will impact on their social development. -16 years Reading and writing skills are good. Negotiation skills As they become more confident in their speech and learn to be expressive this also aid them to learn adult traits that will impact on their behavioural and social development 16-19 years Converse like adults Use of modern technology This will have an impact on their social and intellectual development, as the transition from school to higher education or full-time employment. They will have to interact with unfamiliar people and conduct like adults. Table 4 Social, emotional and behavioural development

Imitates facial expression Social smiles At this stage they are able to show emotion to their parents and it impacts on their communication development. 3-6 months Seeks attention Uses comfort object As they start to notice their own bodies through usage of play with their hands, turning heads and rolling over this will have an impact on their physical Shows stranger anxiety Recognises familiar and unfamiliar faces There will signs of happiness and distress depending on whom the child has contact with which will impact on their communication development 9-12 months

More demanding and assertive Temper, tantrums may start Through activities and repetitive play the child will learn how thinks will work and will impact on intellectual development. 1-2 years Shows stranger shyness Starts toilet training This stage their gross and fine motor skills are developing as the child learns to things for themselves and will impact on their physical development 2-4 years Remains egocentric Plays alongside others As they start to learn the basic social protocols this will impact on their intellectual and communication development. 4-7 years

Becomes engrossed in activities Plays in separate sex groups As the grow in confidence to read and write and learn to behave in society this has affect on the child communication development. 7-12 years Concern of thoughts of others about them Friendship becomes very important At this stage they develop their own identity in learning to be confident in their own abilities that impacts on their physical development. 12-16 years Body changes can upset self-esteem Peer pressure As they go through puberty and physiological changes this may affect their physical nd social development. 6-19 years Responsible for their own behaviour Make decisions about their future. Aware of their own sexuality. As their body matures and experiences sexuality this will affect their physical, social, Task B Type of Influence Give ONE example of the effect on children and young people’s development Why recognising and responding to this is important Background Religious background Recognising the importance of religious differences is to help everyone to be respectful and tolerant and learn from each other. Health Meningitis

It’s important to recognise the symptoms of meningitis and not get them confused with the symptoms of another illness, as soon as the symptoms are shown immediate medical attention. Responding quickly to the symptoms and contacting the medical services makes the chance of the illness becoming more severe Environment Family history, dispute, abuse etc. It is very important to identify this as it can impact how a child adapts to learning environment. Issues at home can also affect the child emotionally and sociably. It may make the child intimidated interact with other people due to fear of arguments eing started.

Responding to this also important as you need to find away to make the child feel comfortable so they can regain interactions with other’s. Task C Transition experienced by MOST children and young people Example of possible effect on children and young people’s behaviour and development From crawling to walking Gradual development on child physiology, strong awareness of what they are doing Nursery/Pre-school to Primary School Going to nursery opens up there social & intellectual development as they are socialising with other children but are also learning new skills Developing New Skills

By developing new skills, they are able to develop skills that not only help them later in life but they may also learn that they are more gifted are certain things. Transition experienced by SOME children and young people development Death in the family The child or young person may suffer from a long period of depression with loss of socialising with other children but are also learning new skills Violence/Abuse A child or young person who is going through the divorce of there parents is likely to feel a sense of rejection which could affect them later in life.

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