Chapter II Related Literature Assignment

Chapter II Related Literature Assignment Words: 2666

The aim of this project is to develop performance evaluation System to achieve quality education and training and maintain high academic standards in all education programs offered in the college. This Teacher’s Evaluation Information System for Department Heads of Manuel S. Never University Foundation Candelabra Incorporated is an automated system designed to use as a tool for the department Heads of MISCHIEF to monitor or observe the teachers under their department.

This system can conduct unit evaluation as a web based system that can lower the costs, increase timeliness of feedback and make the record keeping and analysis easier. The Teacher’s Evaluation system was developed based on RADAR Methodology. The framework of the system is based on Apache Web Server, Adobe Dreamier and Myself Database. Summary The main goal of the researchers is to develop student evaluation for their teachers for the improvement of teaching and consequently also of education results and to provide the students freedom of expressing their opinions and ideas about their concerns to their teachers.

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And Isis also develop to stimulate teachers to further their own improvement through learning about their strengths and weaknesses. The users consists in three categories the Department Head, Faculty and the Student. This will enable to all users to going. The Department Head will register all the faculty and students under his department and he will also assign all the students and the faculty member that they will evaluate. The Faculty can view the results of his evaluation and also the student comments.

The Students will evaluate their teachers and give some comment’s regarding to the performance of his teachers. They can also view the profile of all the teachers. The research methodology that the researchers used is the RADAR, or Rapid Application Development where it is complete methodology covering systems development from business requirements to ongoing development. The researcher also used the Unified Modeling Language (JIMS) based free open source software tools in developing the application. PH programming language, Macromedia Dreamier, Apache and Myself are also used in developing the proposed system.

The proposed system had been evaluated by the end-users to measure the functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability of the proposed system. Conclusion The results of the research and development used in the creation of this application have successfully met the goals of this project study. The system s a manifestation of a software developed using PH programming language for creating web pages and the Macromedia Dreamier. Though it seems that social networking seems to very easy and simple web application, this project study had met the specific goals of the research. . The proposed system which has been developed of the researchers will serve as an automated evaluation for the teachers to ensure them to perform at their best to enhance student learning. And it supports the aspiration of the student to comment out the worst and even good things that they observe with their professors regarding their teaching behavior and ability. . This study made effective use of the TOAD Methodology, the Unified Modeling Language in the design of the system. PH and Macromedia Dreamier as the development tools, and My SQL as the database in creating the application. . Users and the respondent agree that the proposed evaluation system is a way to improve the process of the student evaluation for Teachers. The evaluation of the respondents on the questionnaires provided for the proposed system had made a great impact to the end-users and it revealed that the system will be useful and the evaluation has a good and fair result. Recommendations Upon gathering the results and examinations of the findings of the proposed system, the following are the researcher’s recommendations on future studies that will be conducted by future researchers: 1.

It is recommended to enhance the design of the proposed system. 2. In order for the system to be more effective, future researchers may enhance the functionality of the system in terms of adding some features like evaluation of grades so that the system complies all the needs of the students. 3. Also, it is suggested for the future researchers to undergo further study about the new rends in the field of dynamic web developing. Synopsis After reviewing this study, the researchers have read that this study has the same characteristics that the proposed system will have.

The only difference that the previous study and the proposed study will have is that the latter will have a supporting mobile application. The stud’s recommendations will be taken to account in developing the proposed system. A Web-Based Student Evaluation for Teachers of Manuel S. Never University Foundation Candelabra Incorporated This study was about a Web-Based Student Candelabra Incorporated. It has the purpose Of transforming the manual into a more systematic and computerized process.

Abstract The project aims to improve the existing student evaluation for teachers to a more practical manner in order to develop the competence of the institution when it comes to evaluation management. This system entitled A Web-Based Student Evaluation for Teachers of Manuel S. Never University Foundation Candelabra Incorporated is constructed for use as a tool to benefit the students, teachers and administrators of the institution. The Web-Based Student Evaluation for Teachers was developed based on RADAR methodology. The framework of the system is based on Apache Web Server, Adobe Dreamier and Myself Database.

Summary In general, the main goal of the proposed system is to alter the students manual evaluation into a more systematical and effective manner that is held within the university. Furthermore, the system is associated with the goals of developing the inconvenience of management of the evaluation and providing every concerned individual and effective tool for the accomplishment of their goals rest Ting for a better output. In this system, there are sort of users, namely the facilitator, the students and the faculty. The facilitator has the control of the entire evaluation.

He will register accounts for the faculty and students for them to access. He will also take over the assignment of the faculty with its respective subject to the random selected students for the evaluation. As the student accesses his account, he automatically sees the assigned faculty with its respective subject that he will evaluate. He will response with the interactive form of the evaluation and just submit it. The faculty can browse the results from the evaluation for the observation of their teaching performance and influence to the students.

Conclusion The study and the construction of the proposed system that is executed by the proponents for the development of the existing system have efficiently met its respective goals and objectives. It is successfully constructed by the use of the tools and techniques Of the modern technology such as the programming language of PH that is used for creating web application and the Integrated Development Environment (DID) of Macromedia Dreamier. The following statements are the considered objectives and goals that have been done productively: 1 .

The proposed system that has been built by the represents has provided the facilitator an instrument that will promote the convenience of the management of the evaluation. It also provided the students a tool to conduct the evaluation effectively. Lastly, the faculties have been given the privilege to monitor their performances impact without any hassle. 2. The Object Oriented Analysis and Design (TOAD) methodology and the Unified Modeling Language (ML) have been used effectively for the software development. 3.

The evaluation of the users and the respondents on the questionnaires portrays the effectiveness and usefulness of the system’s functionalities. The respondents provided a good and a fair evaluation on the proposed system. Recommendations Upon gathering the outcome from the researches and implementation of the proposed system, the following listed recommendations are cited for the studies that will be conducted by future researchers: 1 . It is recommended to develop and seek for more appropriate page design of the proposed system. 2.

It is also advisable to include feature such as an automatic random selection of the students to promote the unbiased selection of the facilitator. 3. If possible, for gaining the competency of the system, it is recommended to lid and connect the system with the enrolment system of the University for an Automated Registration of the students and schedule management in the evaluation system. 4. Also, it is highly recommended to conduct further researches to gain more detailed information about the evaluation procedures to develop ideas that will contribute to its full effectiveness.

Synopsis have a supporting mobile application. The stuffs recommendations will be taken to account in developing the proposed system. A Web-based System for Teaching Evaluation This research is an attempt to develop and implement a Web-based system to elect teaching evaluation data for summarize and formative purposes. The research entitled “Implementation of a system for on-line evaluation of teaching’ is a sub-project under the UGH-funded project “SEEP implementation”.

Abstract This paper talks about a joint university (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, university of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University) effort to develop and implement a Web-based system to collect students’ evaluation of teaching on a large scale in local Higher Education Institutes. It is a subproject of the University Grant Committee funded project “Evaluation of Student Experience Project – implementation”. Title of the project is “Implementation of a system for on-line evaluation of teaching’. A trial run of the system was conducted in March in one of the University.

Rest Its of the trial indicated that the majority of the students preferred the Web-based system to the traditional paper-based system for student evaluation of teaching. The response rate was also much higher than anticipated. The paper discussed key issues concerning the use of the Web for collecting teaching evaluation data and directions of future work. Synopsis A Teacher Evaluation System That Works Educators are among the most numerous of public servants, and K-12 education is one Of the most vital Of all public investments.

Research shows that individual teachers are the most important school-related factor in student achievement gains, that effectiveness varies greatly between teachers, and that differences in effectiveness are not well predicted by traditional qualifications. Yet teacher performance in the classroom is seldom evaluated in any rigorous way. Commonly, a teacher is observed at most once a year by a principal who rates the teacher in the highest category unless some egregious fault is noticed.

In efforts to improve educational outcomes for students and increase accountability for teachers, the public and policymakers are calling for a better approach to teacher evaluation, including more systematic observation of classrooms, use of multiple measures of teacher effectiveness, and more attention to using evidence of teacher effectiveness in improving student outcomes. Abstract Status quo approaches to teacher evaluation have recently come under increasing criticism.

They typically assign most teachers the highest available score, provide minimal feedback for improvement, and have little connection tit student achievement growth and the quality of instruction that leads to higher student growth. A more comprehensive approach has been demonstrated for ten years by TAP”‘: The System for Teacher and Student Advancement. This system includes both classroom observations and student achievement growth measures, provides feedback to teachers for improvement, is aligned to professional development and mentoring support, and provides metrics for performance-based compensation.

This paper describes the TAP system, and examines data from a large sample of teachers o assess the distribution of TAP evaluations and their alignment to student achievement growth. We find that TAP evaluations provide differentiated feedback, that classroom observational scores are positively and significantly correlated with student achievement growth, that TAP teachers increase in observed skill levels over time, and that TAP schools show differential retention of effective teachers based on these evaluation scores.

Related System/Software Products Online Course Evaluation System Since 2006, the College Curriculum Council has worked to develop a flexible ours evaluation system that will help departments evaluate their courses and teaching more effectively. Following the Sac’s recommendation, the College piloted an online course evaluation form in spring 2008. Every semester since then, some version of the online course evaluation form has been made available to departments. Each semester’s form was revised according to extensive feedback from faculty, students, and departments.

In fall 2010, the online course evaluation system was used by 22 departments. Emcee’s Teacher Evaluation System Emcee’s Teacher Evaluation System standardizes the evaluation process, revised opportunities for coaching and knowledge building, and helps talented teachers and education leaders realize their potential. By helping to identify areas of needed professional development and by improving the communication between teachers and evaluators, the evaluation process becomes a positive force for change.

McRae has also created a corresponding software application in response to district requests for a valid and reliable online version of the process. Professional development for IT, central office staff, and school administrators is required to use the online tool. With this evaluation software, you can: Access evaluation forms from desktop, laptop, or notebook devices Aggregate data and customize reports by grade, subject, building, or district Export data for use in most databases (e. G. Excel, Access) Provide timely and effective feedback Track teacher performance longitudinally See both principal and peer observations in one summary report Teacher Evaluator: Teacher Evaluations For pad@ & Any Web Browser Reedier Software’s Teacher Evaluator is a stand-alone, web-based application that can be accessed through a dedicated pad@ app and any web browser. No matter what SIS you use or if you are a private school, public school, district or diocese, Teacher Evaluator has the tools you need to schedule and complete evaluations quickly, effectively and unobtrusively.

Comply with state mandated requirements. Raise professional standards and expectations. Identify strengths and needs. Streamline classroom walkout’s and data entry. Allow teachers to reflect, comment and self-evaluate. Set goals and track progress on growth and improvement plans. View and group evaluations by department, grade level, school and more. Features & Benefits Evaluating staff can be a challenging task for any school. Each school has a unique approach with different requirements. Teacher Evaluator’s features make evaluations fast and accurate.

Built-Len Form Builder with Pre-Loaded State Rubrics Create your own evaluation forms or copy and edit a pre-existing form with the built-in form builder. Have multiple forms for different departments, grade levels and schools. Teacher Evaluator includes pre-loaded state mandated rubrics. Custom Rating Scales, Goals and Improvement Plans Enter custom rating scales or use state-mandated rating scales to easily spot your top performing and under performing teachers while identifying strengths and needs. Set goals and create improvement plans. Reference goals while reviewing evaluations.

Real-Time Dashboards & Reports Data is always at your fingertips with dashboards and reports that track and compare how your teachers are performing individually, by department and by school within a district or diocese. Use the Excel”/ wizard to export data for state reporting and qualification for Race to the Top funds. Evaluation Scheduler To Help Manage Your Day Schedule evaluations and receive reminders on upcoming evaluations. Send your scheduled evaluations to your Google Calendar W, Outlook or iCal@. Improve Communication Between Evaluator & Teacher Observe a teacher doing something noteworthy?

Quickly take a photo, video or create a memo on the spot and have it sent to them via e-mail. Once evaluations are completed, teachers are automatically notified via e-mail and are provided with a direct link to view their evaluation. Teachers can comment on evaluations based on reflection before or after completion and electronically sign evaluations. Furthermore, self evaluations can be conducted by teachers to encourage professional development. Tiered permission levels allow proper access for teachers, department heads and administrators.

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Chapter II Related Literature Assignment. (2019, Oct 23). Retrieved October 18, 2024, from