Career Goals and Learning Plan Assignment

Career Goals and Learning Plan Assignment Words: 1233

Career Goals and Learning Plan Phoenix University Communication Skills for Graduates Presented by: Patricia Carpenter Submitted to: Dr. Greg Parks Introduction The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of the student’s various ways of identifying and explaining different ways of using and retaining information that will compliment the participating student’s learning style. The paper will also discuss the different ways the student has found and/or developed that will enhance her abilities to retain the course information needed to complete the assignments provided by the instructor.

There will be a number of time management strategies provided throughout the paper that will explain what worked best for the student. Finally, this paper will attempt to introduce a number of techniques that maybe implemented to manage the stress associated with the nontraditional student’s reentering the school setting. Career Plans By implementing the following strategies and changes I hope become a better social worker in my field. I intend to utilize the knowledge in which I will gain from the University of Phoenix as a graduate student in the field of Marriage and Family Counseling to become a more productive social service provider.

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Upon obtaining this additional degree I plan to further my career in social services by becoming a counselor in a department that specializes in family services from a holistic point of view. Developing Learning Time As a nontraditional student returning back to school I have discovered that I do not have as much time to study and complete assignments as I once did before many years ago when I first started on the educational journey of college. I have since learned that I have to plan everything I do in order to fit everything that needs to be completed by a certain time into my busy work schedule.

There are several forms of time management plans that I am in the process of trying that I feel has helped me and will continue to be of an asset to me as I strive to reach my goal of obtaining a Masters degree. Prioritizing- attempt to place those things that can wait on the “back burner” in order to allow room for those things that are much more important. Elimination-remove those things and/ or persons that are too timely and not very essential to your life or your family. Time value- value your free time to study. Organize-develop a study plan that works for you and your situation.

Technique-develop a technique that works with you that will help you retain needed information. Ex. Listening to music, reading out loud, writing notes, finding a new study place (your home library)(Carter, Bishop, & Kravitis, 2007). These are a few of the changes that I have begun to implement into my life that I hope will enhance my learning abilities and enable me use my learning time wisely. Information Ways to Retain Course Being an older person attempting to return to school, my attention span for reading and retaining school work is very limited.

I have discovered that it takes a bit more time for me to hold onto what I have previously read because I am not very interested in it to begin with. Also being a working nontraditional student does not help much either. Finding the time to read and/or complete assignments can become very overwhelming especially after a long and tedious day at work. Below is a list of the various ways that I have found that have helped and are helping me retain the course information provided. · Remove yourself from the noise of your home. Find a much quieter place to study (library, waterfront, backyard, park, etc…. ). · Find a study group.

A group of other nontraditional students to study with. · Contact fellow classmates. They may have a better answer to your dilemma. · Learn yoga. Relaxation is the key to an open mind. · Meditation. Become more in touch with who you are and what you are attempting to become(Carter, Bishop, & Kravits,2007). Learning Theory Influences I have discovered that I am an intrapersonal person. I know who I am and what I want out of life. The Learning Theory has shown me many different ways that will allow and/or instruct me as to how to become a better student with the use of the following influences: Evaluating my thinking · Becoming more aware of my feelings toward others · Being more aware of how I express my feelings to others · Understanding who I am in relation to others · Learning how to reason on a much higher level · Being able to become a better thinker on a higher level (Fitsimmons, 2008). Time Management Strategies Being a nontraditional student has given me a greater respect for time. I have discovered a number of ways that are and/or have been very beneficial to me in managing my time more wisely. Plan Ahead

Planning ahead allows you that much needed time to make changes or just plain relax and enjoy the moment. I have found this technique to be very helpful in my busy life. Planning ahead gives you the comfort of knowing what needs to be done next and when. I have learned that this technique keeps me on track of things (Fitsimmons, 2008). Keep Notes Writing down things has been a great way for me to remember what needs to be done and when. I have recently started using a daily planner and I have found myself asking myself why I did not think of using one of these a long time ago. Using a daily planner to me is almost like writing in a journal.

It has become a great reminder source for me (Fitsimmons, 2008). Timing Using your time wisely is very important. Try not to waste a lot of time on things that can wait until later. I have found that if I attempt to complete certain easier assignments in a more timely fashion that will in turn allow me more time to devise a plan as to how I am going to complete other more complicated assignments. Stress Relief Techniques These are several stress techniques that maybe helpful to the nontraditional student returning back to school. · Listen to your favorite music whenever possible · Make time for yourself Make a spiritual connection · Be open-minded · Be honest with yourself and others · Learn yoga · Find a hobby · Become comfortable with who you are and what you trying to accomplish Conclusion There is a definite reward in knowing ones learning styles, majors, and careers. Knowing how one learns and what to do with the knowledge that he/she has learned is a large part of knowing who that person is themselves. Being able to identify with various learning techniques that work for you as a nontraditional student will allow you to better understand how you learn.

These few instructions will assist the student in making better and more effective decisions about study techniques and/or strategies which will hopefully have a positive impact on the student’s strive toward much better learning goals. Reference: Carter, C. , Bishop, J. , & Kravits, L. S. (2007) Keys to College Studying: Becoming an Active Thinker 2nd Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing Fitsimmons, G. , (2008) Time management part 1: goal setting as a planning tool. The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finaances Vol(21) No. 2. , 61-63. “Roger That” PAT CARPENTER

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