Business Ethics and the Global Dimensions of Business Assignment

Business Ethics and the Global Dimensions of Business Assignment Words: 1754

All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor. The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. KIOSK’S-8 Dry. Mary Beth Clinger Doctoral Comprehensive Strategic Knowledge Studies Faculty Use Only Faculty use Only

You did a nice job overall with your third activity with business ethics and the global dimension of business within Asia. Your paper was set up well and nicely flowed from one section to another. You included good information throughout and incorporated a number of good academic reference sources from peer-reviewed texts. Your content was well laid out and nicely written. Please continue to try and incorporate in text reference sources. Your PAP formatting is improving but it still needs some work. Please see my comments in red font below. Dry. Mary Beth Clinger Grade: 9. 44/10 Date: November 7, 2012

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Business Ethics and the Global Dimensions Of Business Date: November 4, 2012 Assignment: 3 Introduction EX. Construction Inc. Is headquartered in Denver, Colorado; the company has 16 field offices spread throughout 1 1 States. There are 2,300 year round employees with a surge of 4,500 employees during the peak construction periods. EX. Construction Inc. Began in the late 1 ass’s as a privately owned family business. Recently, the family would like to move the company into the public sector within a 12 month period. EX. Construction, Inc. Performs horizontal construction with specialties in: Roads

Bridges Airfields (Clinger, 2012). Currently, EX. Construction Inc. Receives a majority Of their contracts from the state government. The purpose of this essay is to analyze and discuss ethical and social issues, along with cultural diversity when expanding into the Asian market. Also, we will determine if this venture into the Asian market will be short-term or a long-term business venture. Good introduction. Cultural Diversity EX. Construction Inc. Must learn the Asian culture so that nothing will be offensive; such things are the importance of different colors, lettering, and even certain pictures.

Culture diversity could be defined as a combination or mixture of different cultures; whether locally or worldwide. Some organizations may not accept other countries values or ethics because it may be a conflict with their own. By looking at the economic growth within the Asian region could help EX. analyze where they should begin and how far they can grow economically. Opening within a region where you are not familiar with the culture could be a downfall for organization. This is why it’s important to ask the question: What type of framework should we apply to social diversity in order to do business within the Asian market?

Good. Just as EX. Construction Inc. Has environmental protection laws to follow in the United States they must also follow the Asian environmental protection laws. It would be a good idea to get an understanding before opening a construction office in either country in Asia. A good start of learning the Asian laws would be seeking help from our EPA office. Gather the information and pass it along to the Officer in charge of the Asian Organization so the guidelines can be written in a manual.

Other helpful information would be earning the Workers Compensation laws which must be placed in the office in English and the native tongue of the country the office is located. Very creative ideas. What reference sources could you incorporate into this section? What outside source would work well here? Ethical Issues When an American company is trying to get established in other countries we must consider that country’s culture, customs, language, beliefs, religion, and social aspects when doing business internationally, so that we don’t offend them in an unethical or immoral way.

For example when Coca-Cola resented their famous brand logo of a White background with Red lettering to the Chinese government it wasn’t accepted. Coca-Cola had to reverse the brand logo colors to a Red background with White lettering. As stated on Line (201 1) this coincides with the traditional Chinese festival color: red. In china, red has special meanings to Chinese people. It is a traditional popular festival color which reflects happiness, prosperity, luck, celebration and the spiritual and material pursuits of Chinese people.

Here’s an exact picture of the Coca- Cola logo in China and the logo in the united States: Figure 1: Coca-Cola Logo – Chinese versus American Another issue is some cultures don’t believe in conducting business with women or educating women; however, it is an act Of discrimination within the United States. Various managerial styles are used in planning and decision making, including an authoritarian style, a consultative style, a participative style, or a democratic form or leadership (Executive Concepts in Business Strategy, 2011 EX. Construction Inc. Would also consider in hiring an expert that is local to run the Asian business so that they have all the major monuments or the inside as to how to do business within a foreign region. One asks is it wrong using an expert within your company that is local that may hurt the country in the long run? What ethics code of conduct will the company abide by? As stated in the textbook, Executive Concepts in Business Strategy (2011 ), “Ethical challenges are present in the general international business environment as well as in individual organizations conducting global trade” (p. 66). Here are some components of the code of ethics: 1. The purpose of the code, including (a) regulation of behavior and (b) inspiration to employees 2. A statement of aspirations that is often included in a preamble that outlines the ideals a company aspires to for its employees. The statement should include the values and principles of the organization. 3. A list of principles 4. A list of rules, if needed 5. A statement regarding how the code was created 6. How the code will be implemented 7. How the code will be publicized internally to employees 8.

How the code will be publicized externally to constituents and publics 9. How the code will be enforced 10. A statement regarding how and when the code will be revised 1 1 . Most of he time, values, principles and rules are listed in order of importance Why did your font type change here? Companies should not hide nor divulge any information that will be life threatening or wrong for business, failing to disclose accurate information can legally put the company at risk and may very well prohibit other up- coming other business’s from getting the opportunity to go global.

As a manger within the construction company, if corruption exists, how would they handle the issue? Trucker (2009), mentions that “buss news ethics” very origin is political rather than in ethics (p. 3). “It expresses a belief that the responsibility which business and the business executive have, precisely because they have social impact, must determine ethics-and this is a political rather than an ethical imperative” (Trucker, p. 23). Lastly, we can mention the unethical practices like bribery, hiring minors or taking advantage of the less fortunate.

Corruption is prominent in the Asian market due to a lot of family- owned business groups. Corruption is generally defined as ‘behavior which deviates from the formal duties of a public role because private-regarding private clique, or personal close family) pecuniary or status gains; or violates rules against the exercise of certain types of private- regarding influence? (Nee 1967, p. 419). (Ram, 2011 p. 505) (Nee, 1967, p. 419; Raman 201 1, p. 505). These family group organizations could Influence the government decisions and the economy by not allowing or delaying approval of a contract or business license.

Good points. Social Issues EX. Construction Inc. Must understand the social issues that may have a negative impact on their company. They have a social responsibility regardless of the country that they are in. According to our textbook, Executive Concepts in Business Strategy (201 1), “Social responsibility is the obligation an organization (profit-seeking or nonprofit) has to be ethical, responsible, and responsive to the needs of the members in the organization as well as the larger society. ” (p. 545) Remember that your period goes after the in-text citation.

To support this, Friedman’s doctrine (1970) bout “social responsibilities of business” is that “A corporation is an artificial person and in this sense may have artificial responsibilities, but “business” as a whole cannot be said to have responsibilities, even in this vague sense…. The social accessibility of business is to ask precisely what it implies for whom. ” (p. 2). All direct quotes >40 words need to be placed in a block quotation. EX. should have a positive impact On the Country by using environmentally safe materials along with not violating any laws by applying for permits and licenses in a timely manner.

Organizations face several issues when doing business internationally, modes of entry, management processes and human resource management, production processes, marketing programs, accounting and financial systems and information technology (Executive Concepts in Business Strategy, 201 1 The mission of EX. Construction Inc. Is “Addressing the needs of today’s construction projects to meet individual investor needs and planting a seed for growth in the future globally. ” (Brady, et al. 011) The company must find the mode of entry and seek understanding of the services and needs in a particular area where they would like to build the infrastructures the company specializes. Good. Obtaining knowledge of the country or region will be a crucial choice in location, because without it, investors may underestimate entrepreneurial opportunities or overestimate risks, pushing such locations to the periphery f the decision-making process (Brady, et al. 2011). Also, another issue that EX. Construction Inc. May face would be risk when operating in the Asian market.

Han and James (2001) provide some international construction risk in five categories they may face: political, economic, cultural-legal, technical, and possibly other risks (Lee, et al. 2011). Conclusion Ethically we must uphold our own standards but not to morally affect other countries based on our products, marketing strategies, and policies. Knowing who Ex.’s customers are within the international regions, would provide a retreat starting point that will help in deciding the new and next location of the company. EX. Construction Inc. An make the company profitable by simply following the guidelines and doing extensive research before committing to an international agreement.

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