Business Ethics Assignment

Business Ethics Assignment Words: 1740

While have no direct evidence that this has happened to a particular company, industry (Accounting, Marketing, Logistics etc. ) or person, it surely has occurred and will occur again. Is it K to “make-up” such a fictional realistic scenario in my subject area and use that as my dilemma? ‘- Yes, though I would strongly suggest it has some basis in reality and that you, if at all possible, provide the evidence of basis of reality (I. E. A citation and reference to relevant news article, journal, etc. ). * “l have started looking into an ethical dilemma that could use for the assignment I have come across the EX. case. M aware we cannot use an example from lectures in our essay and I just wondered if this has been used? Know EX. case has been used a couple of times I used wondered whether this example specifically has been used? “- Perhaps a bit of linguistic clarification needed here. The assignment does not state that you cannot use things mentioned in the lectures, it States “You should not use an ethical dilemma we have discussed in class or from a textbook; this IS your ethical dilemma, which you have developed, and relates to your programmer of study. We may have mentioned an issue in the lectures, but we didn’t go into great depth or detail regarding it and discuss it. Anything mentioned in lectures or the classroom but no examined in great depth is “fair game” for your assignment. Anything we looked at in great depth (the classic General Motors recall example in lectures for example) or as a classroom activity is not. * “Regarding the ethical dilemma essay, should I pick and justify one of he solutions proposed?

Or just justify all proposed solutions? “- I would encourage your students to examine the marking criteria performance area (p. 10 of assignment). Particularly Performance Area C could include more than a single solution, however it is not the point that all possibilities are highlighted (indeed that would be a very poor answer! ), more that the justified solutions are put forward and carefully considered by the student with the trade-offs judiciously calibrated. * “Can we write in first person?

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I ask this as in the marking criteria it asks if we have ‘realized that our own individual factors influence how we examine the issue’ presume the only way to do this is to use the word – Yes, the only reasonable way to display the level of self-realization of your own influences to the marker would be to include in a minor way the use of the first-person singular nominative case personal pronoun. I. E. The word I’ve highlighted in your question in red. * “l have a professional practice ethical dilemma from my placement, would I need to keep the company anonymous? – An anonymous or factionalism approach is wise to prevent possibly libeling another person. Students are minded that under the UK Freedom of Information Act there remains the possibility that their submitted work could be requested by a member of the public. They don’t automatically get it as there are lots of exceptions in the Act but the right exists to ask and to be provided with it unless an exemption applies. The position is actually more complicated however if an individual is named in the work.

Reference to that person could amount to it being their personal data depending on the extent and nature of the information and this would give that individual a stronger right to access the material under so Data Protection Act. The actual implementation of that is uncertain (mainly as this has never actually occurred! ), and could possibly be subject to considerable legal interpretation, however it would be wise, to prevent possibly of libeling someone to be extremely careful with statements that you are making about a real world individuals or company you are, or have, worked for.

We would suggest that an approach where you made the company anonymous would be justifiable to prevent such (probably highly unlikely) possibilities, in summary; all in all keeping things anonymous or factionalism is probably wise. * “With regard to the submission of the essay ND portfolio, do you want the reflective statements to be put in the appendices of the essay, or actually in the main text (ii with page numbers continuing onwards from the essay)? ” and “What font can I use in the essay? Our only guidelines regarding presentation of the portfolio are that “Your portfolio should be divided into clear sections, with the appendices clearly marked (A, B, C, D, E and F) so that your examiner can easily find and mark your evidence. “. Beyond those guidelines it is expected that the work you present is presented well, and to the standards expected of a final year university student. I. E. It should be readable, accessible and it should be easy to find the appropriate material to mark for the marker.

Beyond that, your stylistic choices are your own. * “l know the reflective statements have their own font requirements due to space etc. , but what font can I use in the essay? ‘- For the essay your stylistic choices are your own. An essay submitted in Comic Sans font may qualify for an automatic fail (on general principals). Arial or Caliber are probably sensible choices. I personally find Times New Roman annoying to read (probably as I use sans-serif fonts so much). Some people really like OTTOMH (though I have no reason why).

There are no restrictions on your choice of font for the essay, however it is expected that the work you present is presented well, and to the standards expected of a final year university student. * “Am I allowed to talk about/incorporate other ethical theories that we have not covered but apply to my dilemma? For example I want to bring the concept of Machiavellian into my assignment as well as theories that we have covered this term. “- If you think they are appropriate, and help you address the specific marking criteria. 4. Seminar 1 Questions * “My poster, in retrospect, isn’t to a standard which I would like. Can I re- o the poster? And “Can I do my own poster after the seminar? “- The poster submission is what you did in seminar one. The seminar activity is clear “The seminar will replicate the sort of activity that you may be asked to do during an assessment centre exercise as part of a corporate selection process. This seminar will allow you to engage in a timed team activity where there is a clear requirement for a product within in the session. ” The entire point of the poster is that it is produced under time constrained conditions to replicate what students will experience at corporate assessment centers and in corporate selection processes.

If you did not attend seminar one, please see the “l missed the seminar, what do I do? ” advice above. 5. Seminar 2 Questions * “How long should my film review/critique be? ‘- The film critique is the formative learning tool you will use to frame your discussions in Seminar 2, as such, the only answer to the question, is however many words you feel are necessary to answer the suggested questions on Blackboard, and be able to partial pate in the activities in Seminar 2. * “Should the film critique be in essay format? “- The film critique can be in whatever format you wish, it simply a requirement that it is there.

The film critiques content is not marked nor graded; the Reflective Statement is. Remember the film critique is simply the formative notes which you made to help you contribute in the seminar 2. * “I’ve written my film review into the reflective journal boxes, but have no space for my reflections”- You seem to have MIS-understood the instructions on page 2 of the assignment (which are also on the student seminar brief). Appendix B has two separate submissions; a film review and a reflective journal. Of these, the reflective journal is what is marked. “How many movies should I have the one as a minimum. * “For the example question; “Are there common themes arising across the movies watched by the class? ” Do we have to provide compare and contrast between two films for reflective writing-film critic? “- No. You need to reflect on what was discussed in the class, and mention if common themes emerged in those in-classroom discussions. * “For the example question; ‘What are the key issues discussed by the movies? Do we have to provide compare and contrast between two films for reflective writing-film critic? “- No.

You need to reflect on what was discussed in the class, and mention if common themes emerged in those in-classroom discussions. “Do you realize the answers to the two questions you’ve given above are the same. ” Yes. They are. Confused by the marking criteria for this reflective statement that says ‘Reflection identifies relevant facts in the films studied and contrasts these with peers and other movies’. To me it means that whoever will mark the reflective statement will be looking for this contrast and comparison of the discussed movie with the ideas of other students and also other movies. Is that correct? – That part of the marking scheme is specifically to do with the outcome of your evaluations in the first box (the top box) of the reflective The first question asks “What are the key issues discussed by statement. The movies? Do your opinions differ from your peer group? “. In answering that question you have the opportunity in that reflection to comment on differing (I. E. Contrasting) opinions which may have occurred within the classroom environment (I. E. If someone thought in the classroom in “Thank You for Smoking” the key issue of the movie was to promote smoking, you may have a contrasting viewpoint).

Codes from official governmental regulators, professional codes of conduct, industry codes of ethics, company determined codes of conduct, etc. Crane and Matter Chapter 5 pages 191-192 discusses the main types of ethical codes. * “What are the structures of codes of corporate governance that support the ethical behavior of directors? What does this necessarily mean? Can you give me a possible example to illustrate what the question is asking more clearly?

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Business Ethics Assignment. (2022, Jan 30). Retrieved October 22, 2024, from