Aventura Assignment

Aventura Assignment Words: 375

Executive Summary Port Ventura was launched in 1995 and since that time has transformed from a theme park to an all-encompassing resort. Due to this change, management now requires the ability to identify and target individual customers, as opposed to statistical averages of broad groups. One-to-one communication will allow for customized marketing packages and the ability to maximize revenues. However, information management systems currently in place are not capable of tracking customers to the degree needed to support a one-to-one marketing approach.

Therefore, it is the recommendation of Nielsen consulting that Port Ventura implements a data warehouse to facilitate the required analytics to determine who their customer is. Problem Identification Port Ventura is poised with the problem of having insufficient information and data on their individual customers. Seeing as the customer base is comprised of vastly different groups, it is imperative that Port Ventura take the time to identify who their customers are and what their individual profiles look like in an attempt to not only teeter serve customer requests, but also maximize park profits.

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Accurate and detailed information such as favorite restaurants, spending patterns, hotel stays and park activity preferences will allow Port Ventura to market to individual customers wants and needs on a one-to-one basis. The lack of customer information is due to inadequate information management processes and systems. Port Ventura does not currently have the infrastructure needed to properly collect and manage large amounts of customer data or the ability to strategically analyze that… MAMBAS Case Study Requirements About this assignment You will analyze customer information management at Port Ventura theme park in Catalonia Spain.

The case is ” From theme park to resort: customer information management at Port Ventura” by Marino A HereГ¤s, Joan Radon, Marc Plane, and Xavier Salad from the Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (2011) 1, 71- 78. You can use the PDF version of the case on Canvas. You will do this in a group. Due: October 12th at 8 am. You will present your case to the entire class at that time. You will also turn in a written version of the case. That can be emailed to me before 8 am or handed to me at 8 that morning.

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Aventura Assignment. (2022, Mar 31). Retrieved March 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/aventura-11316/