Attitudes toward Students Taking a Gap Year Assignment

Attitudes toward Students Taking a Gap Year Assignment Words: 871

Gap year is become more and more popular in UK and other foreign countries, but nearly no Chinese students taking a gap year. Firstly, students who have a gap year abroad may have a culture shock when they back to China. Secondly, most of Chinese parents oppose their children to have a gap year and they think it is a kind of waste of time and money. Thirdly, Chinese students are suffer a great stress that they do not have time. All in all, gap year is well-developed in UK compared to China. Gap year is not well-developed in China for the three following main reasons.

First, many dents prefer to go abroad during the gap year, they think it can not only broaden their horizons but also learn a new language. Nonetheless, they have a big culture shock after they back to China. The food, manner, weather, lifestyle and the time are all different, so they have to spend a long time adapting it. Second, most of Chinese parents do not allow and support their children to do what they want, and think it’s a kind of waste Of time and money. As a result, children cannot pursue the career that they really loved and have a break after so many years of schooling before they launch into their tertiary studies. Lames P. S report,201 1) Last, Chinese students are suffer a far great stress that they do not have time to taking a gap year . (Nancy to a survey conducted by the China Youth and Research Center in cooperation with corresponding international organizations shows that more than 86 percent of Chinese high school students feel under “high stress,” compared with 69 percent in Japan, 74. 8 percent in the Republic of Korea, and 61. 7 percent in the United States. Students claimed pressure is come from competition and this competition is taken seriously.

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Between class work and after school activities, Beijing students study an average f 12. 7 hours per day, according to a report from the Institute of Social Sciences at Peking University. The numbers were 12. 4 hours per day in Shanghai and 11. 4 hours in Gudgeon. To address the problem, the Chinese government is considering various reforms of the country’s educational system both to raise standards and provide more opportunities. (China Daily,2010) In contrast, gap year has a great comment and positive influence in I-J.

The first reason is UK parents supporting their children to have a gap year and even give financial help. Moreover, they think taking a ‘Gap Year’ is an extremely good way of getting ore experience in new environments before going on to further study at University or living away from home. For example: Lea Arnold has been a volunteer teacher in Nepal in her gap year. She said this experience certainly shaped her as an individual who is now confident and independent and making successful moves through University and into the world of work.

She also said this was without a doubt the best decision she ever made. (Lea A. 2008) The third reason is they can gain a clearer sense of college studies. This can save time and money because students are less likely to take the national average of 5-6 ears to graduate college. Like sitting in a classroom is not an ideal place to figure out if one wants to be a doctor, journalist, teacher, etc. Besides, the University of Tasmania, for example, allows students who complete their first year of full-time studies with a credit average to apply for a $3500 travel scholarship. Hypersensitiveness) Finally, a gap year can really influence people’s live and work. First of all, original volunteers made a look back of 2012. They noticed in 2012 that potential volunteers researched their trips in great detail, and had a clear idea of what they wanted. It might be lawful to find a job easier in the future. For example: Peter Hall gave traveling a chance during the gap year. He kept a daily travel diary, not only has helped him store memories, but increased his overall willingness to write. (Peter, H. 009)Len addition, he gave himself two years to try and get into journalism upon his return, but through his improver confidence, his vastly broadened horizons and faith in his own abilities he have managed to break his way in much sooner than he thought. This kind of real world life experience also gives gap year students a greater sense of personal direction and specific academic goals. Third, Mary Lou Bates, Director of Admissions at Kidders College noted that gap-year freshman at Kidders generally produce Spa’s several percentage points higher than their peers.

Most colleges realize that gap-year students are more mature and focused and an obvious asset to any campus. For some students who may not be happy with their college choices a gap year provides an opportunity to reapply with a stronger portfolio in place. In conclusion, gap year is more common in I-J compared to China. Getting stuck in and learning on the job! Training can also on the agenda. It could be your first time away from school or college with no teachers or assignments to worry about.

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Attitudes toward Students Taking a Gap Year Assignment. (2021, Dec 25). Retrieved February 10, 2025, from