on Developmental Psychology Assignment

on Developmental Psychology Assignment Words: 265

PSY 203 – DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Assignment (14th September) OBJECTIVES: through this assignment student will… • Gain knowledge and understanding about a topic of interest in developmental psychology • Become a critical consumer of information • Expand his/her experience using the university library • Summarize and synthesize information in written form • Develop psychology referencing style (APA) PROCESS 1. Select a topic from the list provided 2. Submit a one-page written proposal (typed and double spaced) that includes the following: • Topic • Brief statement of why the chosen topic is of interest to you Brief statement of what you (think you) already know about the topic • List threes sources – ONE ORIGINAL SOURCE (BOOK) + TWO JOURNALS you (think) will use for information (this can change, if need be) PROPOSAL SUBMISSION: Submit your proposal at the beginning of class on Wednesday 5/10 or Friday, 7/10. EXPOSITORY ESSAY: Write a 1500 words References Expository Essay that explains your topic. Your essay should provide a very clear, detailed analysis and the importance of your topic to Infant/Child/Adolescent Development. University-level writing is expected in structure, tone and delivery TOPICS

Below is a list of possible topics for the developmental psychology assignment. Within each topic there are many sub-areas (e. g. the challenges and benefits, causes and consequences). In your essay, focus your attention on the impact it has on development, particularly to the infant/child/adolescent’s learning, health, and relationships Adoption Alcohol (Pregnant women/Teenage brain) Breastfeeding Child Abuse/Neglect Day care Death (point out children’s view) Drug Abuse Divorce Grandparents as parents Media violence Peers Poverty Preschool Single-parent families Stepfamilies Grading will be discussed in a later class

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on Developmental Psychology Assignment. (2020, Mar 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025, from https://anyassignment.com/samples/assignment-on-developmental-psychology-5141/